Stephens, David: Singing country: the importance of the song On every Anzac Day

Stephens, David ‘Singing country: the musical legacy of David Morrison, Australian of the Year – and a straw in the wind at the Australian War Memorial?’, Honest History, 2 February 2016 The article looks at the story behind the song

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Schultz, Julianne, Anne Tiernan, et al.: Fixing the system

Schultz, Julianne, Anne Tiernan, et al. ‘Fixing the system‘, Griffith Review, 51, January 2016, available online to subscribers Collection of nearly thirty essays on how to foster ‘a society that really works’. Authors include the editors, Carmen Lawrence, Chris Wallace,

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Headon, David & John Uhr, ed.: Eureka: Australia’s greatest story

David Headon & John Uhr, ed. Eureka: Australia’s Greatest Story, Federation Press, Sydney, 2015; electronic version available Papers from a conference held in Canberra, December 2014, plus some additional papers. The editors of this book boldly proclaim that Eureka is

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Five (now nine) links to finish off Australia Day – but no fireworks

Update: 27 January 2016 More came through today on Australia Day and related matters. There was: a video on Guardian Australia of Indigenous protest rallies to mark Invasion Day; a music critic, Andy Hazel, punting for 12 ‘classic’ Australian songs

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Kelly, Sean: Let’s celebrate Australia but not on 26 January

Kelly, Sean ‘It’s time to change our traditions: let’s celebrate Australia – but not on 26 January‘, The Monthly Today, 25 January 2016 One of a number of articles (this year and previous years) on the theme of finding a

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Pilger, John: Australia’s day for secrets, flags and cowards

Pilger, John ‘Australia’s day for secrets, flags and cowards‘, New Matilda, 23 January 2016 The original Australians are the oldest human presence. To the European invaders, they did not exist because their continent had been declared terra nullius: empty land. To

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Stan Grant speech on racism and the Australian Dream gets a well-deserved run for Australia Day

As reported in Guardian Australia (and in the Sydney Morning Herald and Junkee) going viral today is a You Tube video of a great speech made by Indigenous journalist Stan Grant in a debate in Sydney. Grant argues for the

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Organ, Michael K.: Governor Macquarie’s Aboriginal War of 1816

Organ, Michael K. ‘Secret service: Governor Macquarie’s Aboriginal War of 1816: Proceedings of the National Conference of the Royal Australian Historical Society, Mittagong, 25-26 October 2014‘, University of Wollongong Research Online Detailed analysis of Governor Lachlan Macquarie’s punitive actions against

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Browne, Peter: Postwar boomer (RG Menzies 50 years on)

Browne, Peter ‘Postwar boomer‘, Inside Story, 18 January 2016 Long essay looking back from Sir Robert Menzies’ retirement 50 years ago to the events of his 16-year reign (and even glances at his earlier time in office in 1939-41). Menzies

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Macken, Julie: Long journey to Nauru

Macken, Julie ‘The long journey to Nauru‘, New Matilda, 12 January 2016 Long article by former MSM (Financial Review) journalist on the history of Australian policy towards asylum seekers over the last 30 years or so. 30 years ago, it

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Wilkie, Douglas: Melbourne reacts to Bathurst gold discoveries, 1851

Wilkie, Douglas ‘Exodus and panic: Melbourne’s reaction to the Bathurst gold discoveries of May 1851‘, Victorian Historical Journal, 85, 2, December 2014, pp. 189-218 Sober consideration of the evidence confirms what was known at the time – that reactions to

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O’Regan, Tom: Kenneth Slessor, poet and movie critic

O’ Regan, Tom ‘Kenneth Slessor goes to the movies‘, Inside Story, 4 January 2016 Renowned Australian poet and war correspondent, Kenneth Slessor, also liked going to ‘the pictures’ and writing about it in a special way, according to O’Regan in

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Vaughan, Jill, Katie Jepson & Rosey Billington: Different words, same things

Vaughan, Jill, Katie Jepson & Rosey Billington ‘Togs or swimmers? Why Australians use different words to describe the same things‘, The Conversation, 5 January 2016 Uses maps to show the different words used by Australians to describe common items. It’s

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Latimore, Jack et al: New News 2015: From the ground up: New Media and Indigenous reporting

Latimore, Jack, Allan Clarke, Paul Daley, Amy McQuire, and Steve Hodder Watt ‘New News 2015: From the ground up: New Media and Indigenous reporting’, Wheeler Centre, 10 October 2015 One hour video of panel discussion, chaired by Latimore, who is

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Honest History Christmas miscellany 2015: lots to read and ponder

‘Honest History Christmas miscellany 2015: lots to read and ponder’, Honest History, 20 December 2015 Christmas often brings a reckoning and it is the same in our compact little enterprise. We would have loved to have afforded some of the

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Three essays on the Cronulla riots 10 years on

Update 14 December 2015: the World Socialist Web Site weighs in with some detailed analysis of the court decision on the proposed Cronulla commemorative barbecue by the Party for Freedom. WSWS has also sent us a link to its 2006

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Vatsikopoulos, Helen: Australian women war reporters (review of Baker)

Vatsikopoulos, Helen ‘Australian Women War Reporters review: how female journalists made it to battle‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 2 December 2015 Reviews Jeannine Baker’s Australian Women War Reporters: Boer War to Vietnam. Australian women journalists might have been granted equal pay

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Grishin, Sasha: Tom Roberts at the National Gallery of Australia

Grishin, Sasha ‘Art review: Tom Roberts at the National Gallery of Australia, Sydney Morning Herald, 4 December 2015 Reviews the recently opened exhibition, which is open until March 2016. The chief aim of this exhibition is to take a fresh

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Whiteford, Peter: is welfare sustainable?

Whiteford, Peter ‘Is welfare sustainable?‘ Inside Story, 22 November 2015 Looks at recent government statements about social services expenditure then moves on to detailed historical consideration of the issue. Most of the graphs go back to 1995 and cover, for

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Eureka 161 years on: Honest History miscellany

‘Eureka 161 years on: Honest History miscellany’, Honest History, 1 December 2015 Thursday this week, 3 December, is the 161st anniversary of Eureka. Honest History has collected resources on Eureka over the last couple of years and here are links

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Bongiorno, Frank: The Eighties: Decade that Transformed Australia

Bongiorno, Frank The Eighties: The Decade that Transformed Australia, Black Inc, Collingwood, Vic, 2015; hardback and electronic It was the era of Hawke and Keating, Kylie and INXS, the America’s Cup and the Bicentenary. It was perhaps the most controversial

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The eighties in nine chapters (review of Bongiorno)

‘The eighties in nine chapters’ (review of Bongiorno), Honest History, 1 December 2015 Janet Wilson* reviews The Eighties: The Decade that Transformed Australia by Frank Bongiorno __________________________ Among the words and phrases that entered the lexicon in the 1980s are

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Do we really have an ‘egalitarian, fair-go culture’?

Last night the prime minister told Leigh Sales on 7.30 that Australia had a ‘strong, egalitarian, fair-go culture’ and that whatever was done with tax reform had to fit with that culture. Is the prime minister too boffo about our

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Anzac, Lest We Forget feature in Reclaim Australia rallies

Small Reclaim Australia rallies in a number of centres at the weekend were notable for featuring Anzac-related slogans and flags. At Melton, near Melbourne, Reclaim Australia demonstrators carried a banner bearing poppies, silhouettes of marching troops and the words ‘Lest

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Stayner, Guy: 70 000 photos of 1970s Victoria going online

Stayner, Guy ‘State Library makes public up to 70,000 never-seen photos of Melbourne and country Victoria‘, ABC News, 18 November 2015 The SLV has begun digitising rolls of film taken of streets, houses and other buildings in Melbourne and rural

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Woolombi Waters, Marcus: Australia is a nation of white privilege

Woolombi Waters, Marcus ‘Whether you’re listening or not, Australia is a nation of white privilege‘, The Conversation, 17 November 2015 The author is a Kamilaroi man who has recently returned from travelling overseas for work. This article received more than

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Bottoms, Timothy: Cairns: city of the South Pacific

Bottoms, Timothy Cairns: City of the South Pacific: a History 1770-1995, Bunu Bunu Press, Cairns, 2015 The township of Cairns was established in the wake of the Palmer River Gold rush of 1873, and established as a port for the

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Smith, Evan: Australia and the fascist idea of Greater Britain

Smith, Evan ‘Australia and the fascist idea of Greater Britain‘, Imperial & Global Forum, 9 November 2015 Guest blog by an Australian scholar. Shows how important to Oswald Mosley’s 1930s British Union of Fascists (BUF) was to the maintenance of

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Cashen, Phil: anti-German sentiment in Gippsland 1915

Cashen, Phil ‘Anti-German sentiment in the Shire of Alberton to the end of 1915‘, Shire at War, 7 November 2015 Thorough local research from this Gippsland-based blogger on the degree that people used the anti-German hysteria to flaunt their patriotism.

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Wilkie, Benjamin: continent of smoke

Wilkie, Benjamin ‘This continent of smoke‘, Meanjin, 3 November 2015 The article looks back from an impending El Nino episode to the historic effects of fire on Victoria’s Western District. In some parts–and it’s a story replicated across the country–the

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Jakubowicz, Andrew: we need a Multiculturalism Act

Jakubowicz, Andrew ‘How national multicultural legislation would strengthen Australian society‘, The Conversation, 5 November 2015 The author looks at 40 years of history of how governments, state and federal, have dealt with multiculturalism. He finds they have lacked ‘the courage

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Inequality becoming a bigger issue for Australians

We noted the latest Scanlon Foundation Social Cohesion Survey report. There was an interesting result on this question at page 44 of the report: ‘In Australia today, the gap between those with high incomes and those with low incomes is too large’. Of respondents

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Markus, Andrew: Scanlon Foundation Social Cohesion Survey 2015

Markus, Andrew ‘Social cohesion survey puts Abbott’s final months as PM in a new light‘, The Conversation, 29 October 2015 The author runs this annual survey and here summarises its main findings this time around. Links to the full report

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Tony Abbott 2015 and Enoch Powell 1968: compare and contrast

Update 20 September 2019: Ferdinand Mount on Powell Readers of a certain age and erudition will be aware of the ‘rivers of blood’ speech by senior British Conservative, Enoch Powell, in 1968. Powell warned of the dangers of ‘coloured’ and

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Monteath, Peter & Valerie Munt: Red Professor

Monteath, Peter & Valerie Munt Red Professor: the Cold War Life of Fred Rose, Wakefield Press, Adelaide, 2015 Fred Rose’s life takes us through rip-roaring tales from Australia’s northern frontier to enthralling intellectual tussles over kinship systems and political dramas

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Lever, Susan: Lawrence’s Australian experiment

Lever, Susan ‘Lawrence’s Australian experiment‘, Inside Story, 22 October 2015 Almost a century on, there is still a nagging feeling that DH Lawrence, in some ways the archetypal ‘Pom passing through’ (he was here for just three months), still ‘got’

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Online gem No. 2: Royalty in the Australian Women’s Weekly

Online gem No. 2: Royalty in the Australian Women’s Weekly (13 October 2015) In September 2015 Queen Elizabeth II became the longest-reigning monarch in British history. During the Queen’s long reign many Australians have maintained a particular fascination with her

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Online gem No. 1: Myall Creek Massacre

The Myall Creek massacre of June 1838 led to the death of 28 Aboriginal men, women and children and to the trial of 11 of their white assailants. Seven were found guilty and were executed in December 1838. The first

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Hardie, Giles: Australians’ addiction to family dramas

Hardie, Giles ‘Why Australians are addicted to family dramas‘, New Daily, 7 October 2015 Summaries of 40 years of the ‘most iconic’ Australian TV soap operas. As a country, we’ve long loved drama series but our family dramas have a special

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Delaney, Brigid: Cold Chisel’s unofficial national anthems

Delaney, Brigid ‘Cold Chisel: writing Australia’s unofficial national anthems since 1973‘, Guardian Australia, 6 October 2015 Historical look at the songs of an Australian rock band. Cold Chisel’s lyrics always felt like stories – Carveresque with an Australian accent –

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The Dunera Boys 75 years on: Dunera News No. 95

Dunera News, No. 95, October 2015 This long-standing publication tracks the progress of a group of men and boys of even longer standing, those who came to Australia in 1940 on the vessel HMT Dunera. They had been rounded up

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Burnside, Julian: what sort of country are we?

Burnside, Julian ‘What sort of country are we?‘ The Conversation, 29 September 2015 Article based on the Hamer Oration, delivered 28 September. Examines incidents in Australia’s treatment of refugees over the last decade and a half, considering Tampa, the Pacific

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Inequality news keeps breaking over our ‘egalitarian’ homeland

The excellent online publication The Conversation provides an opportunity for academics of sprightly mind to engage in evidence-based public debate and get their views to a large, mostly non-academic audience. (Audience figures here are not too shabby, with a claim

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Arrow, Michelle: Damned Whores and God’s Police 40 years on

Arrow, Michelle ‘Damned Whores and God’s Police is still relevant to Australia 40 years on – more’s the pity‘, The Conversation, 21 September 2015 The article marks four decades since Anne Summers’ book. A conference is under way. Anne Summers’

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Manne, Anne, Robyn Davidson & Raimond Gaita: films from books

[Manne, Anne, Robyn Davidson & Raimond Gaita] ‘Words and images: Robyn Davidson and Raimond Gaita on film adaptation‘, The Monthly, 21 September 2015 In this La Trobe University Ideas and Society event at the Bendigo Writers Festival 2015, authors Robyn

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Jericho, Greg: poorest will go under as living standards ebb

Jericho, Greg ‘As the “rising tide” of living standards starts to ebb, the poorest will go under‘, Guardian Australia, 19 September 2015 Close summary analysis of the NATSEM report recently released. See also our collection of material on inequality, with

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Hynd, Doug: St Mark’s remembers Anzac Day (review)

Hynd, Doug ‘St Mark’s remembers Anzac Day’, Honest History, 19 September 2015 Doug Hynd reviews the April 2015 issue of St Mark’s Review, published by St Mark’s National Theological Centre, Canberra. The table of contents of the issue are here

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St Mark’s remembers Anzac Day

‘St Mark’s remembers Anzac Day’, Honest History, 19 September 2015 Doug Hynd reviews the April 2015 issue of St Mark’s Review __________________________ This thematic issue ‘St Mark’s remembers’ on ‘remembering Anzac Day’ is, in the best sense of the term,

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Phillips, Ben: living standard trends in Australia

Phillips, Ben Living Standard Trends in Australia: Report for Anglicare Australia, NATSEM, University of Canberra, September 1915 The report compares the living standards of different household types across the country: how they have changed since 2004 and how they are

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Gorman, Sean, et al.: Griffith Review: Indigenous writing

Gorman, Sean, et al ‘Indigenous writing’, Griffith Review We apologise for not discovering this portal earlier. It links (at the time of posting, September 2015) to 54 articles from Griffith Review on Indigenous affairs and another 33 articles from the

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Froggatt, Emma: Australian Life prize 2015 (photographs)

Froggatt, Emma ‘Australian Life prize 2015: the colour, the joy, the weird and wonderful – in pictures‘, Guardian Australia, 2 September 2015 Finalists in this photographic exhibition, which is on in Sydney from 18 September to 11 October. There is

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Last orders, Mr James (review of Clive James’ Latest Readings)

‘Last orders, Mr James’, Honest History, 1 September 2015 Paddy Gourley* reviews Clive James, Latest Readings If Clive James had written nothing other than his book Cultural Amnesia he would have secured a prominent place in Australian letters. It’s a

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Summers, Julie: Fashion on the ration: style in the Second World War

Summers, Julie Fashion on the Ration: Style in the Second World War, Profile Books, London, 2015 From the young woman who avoided the dreaded ‘forces bloomers’ by making knickers from military-issue silk maps, to Vogue’s indomitable editor Audrey Withers, who

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Finding a thing to wear during World War II (review of Julie Summers)

‘Finding a thing to wear during World War II’, Honest History, 1 September 2015 Janet Wilson* reviews Fashion on the Ration: Style in the Second World War by Julie Summers This book accompanied an exhibition at the Imperial War Museum

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James, Clive: Latest Readings

James, Clive Latest Readings, Yale University Press, New Haven CT & London, 2015 In 2010, Clive James was diagnosed with terminal leukemia. Deciding that “if you don’t know the exact moment when the lights will go out, you might as

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Inequality – six of the best from Andrew Leigh MP: highlights reel

‘Inequality – six of the best from Andrew Leigh, MP: highlights reel’, Honest History, 1 September 2015 updated Inequality has been a special interest of Honest History, as we have noted the procession of reporting organisations confirming Australia’s growing reputation

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Cowlishaw, Gillian: anthropology and Aborigines

Cowlishaw, Gillian ‘Friend or foe? anthropology’s encounter with Aborigines‘, Inside Story, 19 August 2015 A reassessment of classical anthropological research (1890s to mid twentieth century). Condemnation of objectionable aspects of colonial power structures should not preclude appreciation of this research.

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Reid, Elizabeth: Maintaining the rage (Whitlam and women)

Reid, Elizabeth ‘Maintaining the rage: address to Vintage Reds, Canberra, 16 June 2015‘, Vintage Reds Elizabeth Reid was the first women’s adviser to an Australian prime minister, appointed by Gough Whitlam in 1973. There is more about her here and

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Rollo, Stuart: anti-semitic slogans on WWI memorial

Rollo, Stuart ‘In the most unlikely of places, anti-semitic tropes find new life‘, New Matilda, 11 August 2015 The author notes slogans ‘Victims of the Rothschilds’ on signs at the Light Horse Interchange, a war memorial road exchange at Eastern

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Rollison, Kay: Hugh Stretton remembered

Rollison, Kay ‘Book review: Ideas for Australian Cities, by Hugh Stretton‘, Australian Independent Media Network, 11 August 2015 Marks the death last month at 91 of Australian public intellectual, Hugh Stretton, author of the pioneering The Political Sciences (1969), Ideas

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Sparrow, Jeff: owning up to our black history

Sparrow, Jeff ‘If black lives really matter in Australia, it’s time we owned up to our history’, Guardian Australia, 7 August 2015 Weaves together Adam Goodes, the ‘Black Lives Matter’ campaign in the United States, the treatment of Pacific Islander

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Glover, Dennis: unmaking of Australian working class

Glover, Dennis ‘The unmaking of the Australian working class – and their right to resist‘, The Conversation, 3 August 2015 An edited extract from the author’s book, An Economy is Not a Society: Winners and Losers in the New Australia.

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War Census 1915 (Part II)

‘The War Census of 1915: Honest History highlights reel (Part II)’, Honest History, 4 August 2015 War worries are added to by the census, which probes into the pockets and the soul of every citizen, asking him in plain print

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Two Australians of the Year: highlights reel

‘Two Australians of the Year: highlights reel’, Honest History, 1 August 2015 Adam Goodes, AFL footballer and Indigenous activist, was Australian of the Year 2013. Rosie Batty, mother and domestic violence activist, was Australian of the Year 2014. Both have

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If not the Bush then what?

These four quotes from our Whizzbangs collection suggest that, while the Bush may have made us, we’ve moved on to drier country. We ignite Whizzbangs in our monthly newsletters. Before. ‘It is easy enough to see why men went to the

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Griffiths, Tom: on Graeme Davison’s Lost Relations

Griffiths, Tom ‘The story behind the story’, Inside Story, 24 July 2015 A long essay on Graeme Davison’s new book, Lost Relations: Fortunes of My Family in Australia’s Golden Age, which also provokes musings by Griffiths about the nature of

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Ørsted-Jensen, Robert: Website of resources related to his book Frontier History Revisited

Robert Ørsted-Jensen Webpage of resources related to his book Frontier History Revisited Brings together a collection of resources related to the author’s 2011 book, Frontier History Revisited: Colonial Queensland and the History War. There are extracts from the book, as well

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Kalagian Blunt, Ashley: life after genocide

Ashley Kalagian Blunt ‘Life after genocide: legacies of a shattered culture‘, Griffith Review, July 2015 A Canadian-Armenian now living in Australia examines her heritage and touches on Australian connections as well. She notes how the Armenian genocide provided lessons for

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Edgar, Bill: Western Australian convicts

Edgar, Bill ‘The Western Australian convicts: a crucial phase in the British convict transportation phenomenon‘, Honest History, 19 July 2015 Much has been handed down about the severity and iniquities of the Australian convict system, but much has been falsely

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Kidd, Briony: Australian female film directors

Kidd, Briony ‘Reading between the credits for Australian women directors‘, SBS Movies, 14 July 2015 Asks why women film-makers are consistently overlooked in Australian cinema. Examines possible answers to this question, looks at some history, discusses the work of many

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Tavan, Gwenda: Immigration Department nation-building

Tavan, Gwenda ‘Remembering the “old” Department of Immigration’s nation-building traditions‘, The Conversation, 14 July 2015 As the old Immigration department merges with the Customs service to form a fully-fledged border protection operation, this article (and two associated ones linked to

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Daley, Paul: aboriginal activist AM Fernando in London

Daley, Paul ‘Anthony Martin Fernando: the Aboriginal activist who took his people’s fight to London‘, Guardian Australia, 3 July 2015 [Fernando] is probably the first Indigenous Australian to dedicate his life to activism in Europe … His attempt to petition

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War Census 1915 (Part I)

‘The War Census of 1915: Honest History highlights reel (Part I)’, Honest History, 7 July 2015 Some historians and observers say that Gallipoli saw the birth of the Australian nation as men flocked to the colours. Others argue that the

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Torre, Dan: century of Australian animation

Torre, Dan ‘From ads to Oscar winners: a century of Australian animation‘, The Conversation, 26 June 2015 2015 is one hundred years since Harry Julius began ‘Cartoons of the Moment’, animations accompanying feature films shown in Australia and New Zealand.

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Moore, Tony: Australian-style cultural subversion

Moore, Tony ‘Larrikin carnival: an Australian style of cultural subversion‘, The Conversation, 23 June 2015 The article is based on an essay in the collection On Happiness, which launched this month. I want to recast happiness as a form of

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ACOSS: inequality in Australia

ACOSS Inequality in Australia: a Nation Divided, Australian Council of Social Services, Strawberry Hills, NSW, 2015 Summary of key findings Income Inequality Inequality in Australia is higher than the OECD average – a person in the top 20% income group

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Kerkhove, Ray: Fortified frontiers and white and black tactics

Kerkhove, Ray ‘Barriers and bastions: fortified frontiers and white and black tactics: paper presented at “Our shared history: resistance and reconciliation”, CQU seminar, Noosa, 11 June 2015‘, Honest History, 22 June 2015 Nineteenth century Australia had fortifications erected to protect

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Oliver, Alex: Lowy Institute Poll 2015

Oliver, Alex ‘Lowy Institute Poll 2015‘, Lowy Institute, 16 June 2015 KEY FINDINGS:This year’s Poll has recorded the lowest feeling of safety among Australians, and the sharpest decline in optimism about the nation’s economic performance in the world, in our

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Curby, Pauline: Urban myth or surfing history?

Curby, Pauline ‘An urban myth or surfing history?‘, Honest History, 17 June 2015 The author explores the story surrounding a famous change to the rules regarding sea-bathing in pre-Great War Sydney. As this story is part of our surfing history,

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Urban myth or surfing history?

Pauline Curby ‘An urban myth or surfing history?’ Honest History, 17 June 2015 The Australian Dictionary of Biography is a marvellous resource, especially since it has been available online. Written by a wide range of authors, its entries sometimes require

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Magna Carta miscellany

‘Magna Carta miscellany’, Honest History, 9 June 2015 Update 8 July 2015: Malcolm Turnbull on Magna Carta and related issues. Update 15 June 2015: leader from the Guardian with the interesting title of ‘the magic of myth’. _________________________ Next Monday,

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War dances and real wars: Honest History First Peoples miscellany

‘War dances and real wars: Honest History First Peoples miscellany’, Honest History, 7 June 2015 Update 8 June 2015: Helen Davidson writes about Wayne Quilliam’s photographs of and interviews with the women of Indigenous Australia. Quilliam’s exhibition opens at UN

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Atkinson, Alan: Europeans in Australia Vol. 3: Nation

Atkinson, Alan The Europeans in Australia, Volume 3: Nation, NewSouth, Sydney, 2014 Follows Volume 1: The Beginning (1997)  and Volume 2: Democracy (2004). This is the third and final volume of the landmark, award-winning series The Europeans in Australia that gives an

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Dyrenfurth, Nick: Mateship

Dyrenfurth, Nick Mateship: A Very Australian History, Scribe, Brunswick, Vic., 2014 In the first book-length exploration of our secular creed, one of Australia’s leading young historians and public commentators turns mateship’s history upside down. Did you know that the first

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Offord, Baden et al.: Inside Australian culture

Offord, Baden, Erika Kerruish, Rob Garbutt, Adele Wessel & Kirsten Pavlovic Inside Australian Culture: Legacies of Enlightenment Values, Anthem Press, London, 2014 Given Australia’s status as an (unfinished) colonial project of the British Empire, the basic institutions that were installed

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Wilson, AN: The Book of the People

Wilson, AN The Book of the People: How to Read the Bible, Atlantic Books, London, 2015 A. N. Wilson has been thinking about the Bible, and reading it, since he read theology for a year at university. Martin Luther King

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Still the good book? (review of AN Wilson)

‘Still the good book?’ Honest History, 27 May 2015 David Stephens reviews AN Wilson’s The Book of the People: How to Read the Bible My grandmother was 96 when she died. Her eulogy mentioned that she had read her Bible

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Steffen, Will: Climate change and extreme heat

Steffen, Will Quantifying the Effect of Climate Change on Extreme Heat in Australia, Climate Council of Australia, Sydney, 2015 Key findings: climate change is making Australia hotter; climate change has significantly worsened recent extreme heat events in Australia; the case

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Meyrick, Julian: Australian plays and questioning the nation’s soul

Meyrick, Julian ‘Australian plays: how to persuade a nation to question its own soul?‘ The Conversation, 12 May 2015 The fourth in a series of long essays on Australian play-writing. The earlier ones are linked from this article. I could

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OECD: In it together: why less inequality benefits all … in Australia

OECD In It Together: Why Less Inequality Benefits All … in Australia, OECD, 21 May 2015 This is the Australia-oriented summary takeout from a broader OECD project. The material at the link includes graphs on income inequality trends and a

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Stephens, David: ‘The Next War’: two speeches on Australia 2015

Stephens, David ‘”The Next War”: two speeches on Australia 2015’, Honest History, 23 May 2015 The first speech, ‘Anzac and the militarisation of Australian society‘, was given at Politics in the Pub, Glebe, on 9 April 2015. It discussed Anzac

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Militarism, fascism, Anzacism: Australian progress report 2015

David Stephens ‘Militarism, fascism, Anzacism: an Australian progress report 2015: speech to Solidarity Forum, University of Technology, Sydney, 9 May 2015’, Honest History, 23 May 2015 (For an associated speech.) I acknowledge the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation, the

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Anzac and the militarisation of Australian society

David Stephens ‘Anzac and the militarisation of Australian society: Politics in the Pub, Glebe, 9 April 2015’, Honest History, 23 May 2015 (A video of the speech is on the Politics in the Pub website. Q&A. An associated speech.) I

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Their centenary country: Honest History First Peoples miscellany

‘Their centenary country: Honest History First Peoples miscellany’, Honest History, 20 May 2015 and updated (Note: this article contains references to Indigenous people who have died.) Updates: More from Frank Brennan. A further article from Nolan Hunter on recognition. Roslyn

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Daley, Paul: Australian War Memorial’s rise and rise

Daley, Paul ‘Australian War Memorial: the remarkable rise and rise of the nation’s secular shrine‘, Guardian Australia, 19 May 2015 Lengthy extracts of interview with Director Brendan Nelson. He touches on the AWM’s tourism pulling power (one ahead of the

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Batt, Peter J. et al: pillars of the economy

Batt, Peter J. et al ‘Five pillar economy,’ The Conversation, 27 April-11 May 2015 The articles take up a 2013 theme of prime minister Abbott (‘the five pillar economy’) and look at agriculture (Batt), education (Michael Coelli), mining (Anne Garnett),

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CEDA: entrenched economic disadvantage in Australia

Committee for Economic Development of Australia Addressing Economic Disadvantage in Australia, CEDA, Melbourne, 2015 This report was released on 21 April 2015. It was described as ‘a policy perspective examining issues associated with the economics of disadvantage’. In other words,

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Dunbar, Raden: Secrets of the Anzacs – Great War VD

Dunbar, Raden The Secrets of the Anzacs: the Untold Story of Venereal Disease in the Australian Army, 1914-1919, Scribe, Brunswick, Vic., 2014 During World War I, about 60 000 soldiers of the Australian Imperial Force were treated for venereal diseases,

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La nef des fous: review of Dunbar’s Secrets of the Anzacs

‘La nef des fous: review of Dunbar’s Secrets of the Anzacs‘, Honest History, 12 May 2015 Diane Bell* reviews Raden Dunbar, The Secrets of the ANZACS: the Untold Story of Venereal Disease in the Australian Army, 1914-1919. (La nef des

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National Museum of Australia: Home front exhibition

National Museum of Australia The Home Front: Australia during the First World War The exhibition opened on 3 April 2015 and will run till 11 October. The Home Front explores the pride, sorrow, passion, wonder and joy experienced by Australians far

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Gamut of emotions: the Home Front at the National Museum

‘Gamut of emotions: the Home Front at the National Museum’, Honest History, 12 May 2015 Michael Piggott reviews the National Museum of Australia’s exhibition, The Home Front. Here’s a challenge to think about over the next ten minutes. If you

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Keating, Michael & John Menadue, ed.: Fairness, opportunity and security

Keating, Michael & John Menadue, ed. ‘Fairness, opportunity and security: a policy series‘, Pearls and Irritations, 11 May 2015 (updated) Update 27 May 2015: There have been 20 or so papers already on democratic renewal, the role of government, foreign

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McQueen, Humphrey: Spanish flu pandemic Australia 1912-19

McQueen, Humphrey ‘The “Spanish” influenza pandemic in Australia, 1912-19’, Jill Roe, ed., Social Policy in Australia: some Perspectives 1901-1975, Cassell Australia, Stanmore NSW, 1976, pp. 131-147 (pdf of out-of-copyright material made available by the author) This article was originally delivered

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McAuley, Ian: Australia’s ‘big government’ myth

McAuley, Ian ‘Busting the myth that Australia has “big government”‘, The Conversation, 8 May 2015 The reality is that Australia’s public expenditure, as a percentage of GDP, has shown no discernible upward trend for the last 35 years, and that

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Reid, David: Reconciliation, please, but don’t mention the war

Reid, David ‘Reconciliation, please, but don’t mention the war‘, Honest History, 6 May 2015 Canberran David Reid recalls a family history incident and reflects on how we remember some of our wars but not others. The magical but as yet

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Reconciliation, please, but don’t mention the war

David Reid* ‘Reconciliation, please, but don’t mention the war’, Honest History, 6 May 2015 I pen this as a descendant of a Scottish surgeon who came by ship to Terra Australis 195 years ago. His son, who arrived with him

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ABC News 24 One-plus-One: with Clare Wright

ABC TV ‘Clare Wright‘, ABC News 24 One-plus-One, 24 April 2015 (video only) Historian Clare Wright talks with Jane Hutcheon about her early life, her early work on women in the liquor industry, her Stella Prize-winning book The Forgotten Rebels

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Freedom of speech in Burwood: Honest History Factsheet

Update 7 May 2015: further light shed Open letter by Socialist Equality Party to University of Sydney. Update 28 April 2015: meetings held The Socialist Equality Party meetings were held, with audiences of workers and youth. Update 2.30 pm 18

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Honest History list: Armenian genocide

UPDATE 29 July 2015: Ashley Kalagian Blunt writes about coming to terms with the genocide in Canada and Australia. UPDATE 18 June 2015: Nikki Marczak writes on how what is happening today in the Middle East repeats many historical events

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Mutton, Katy: Post War project

Mutton, Katy The Post War Project The Post War Project is a year-long art/research project being undertaken by Australian Visual Artist Katy Mutton over 2015.  It is a year of research and art making based largely around the Australian Soldier Settlement scheme

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Gallipoli: a necessary mythology?

Bill Edgar ‘Gallipoli: a necessary mythology?’ Honest History, 13 April 2015 Some years ago a group of history students were discussing the proposition of a group of psychologists that it is an emotional imperative for individuals to ally themselves with

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Edgar, Bill: Gallipoli: a necessary mythology?

Edgar, Bill ‘Gallipoli: a necessary mythology?‘ Honest History, 14 April 2015 The author compares the lives of two Lalors in order to ask whether we are neglecting our heritage from the 19th century. For the next four years we will

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Neuhaus, Susan & Sharon Mascall-Dare: Not for Glory

Neuhaus, Susan & Sharon Mascall-Dare Not for Glory: a Century of Service by Medical Women to the Australian Army and its Allies, Boolarong Press, Brisbane, 2014 From the trenches of the Western Front to the ricefields and jungles of South-east

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Medical women at war: Not for Glory reviewed

‘Medical women in war’, Honest History, 14 April 2015 Carolyn Holbrook reviews Susan J. Neuhaus and Sharon Mascall-Dare, Not for Glory: a Century of Service by Medical Women to the Australian Army and its Allies When Dr Agnes Bennett tried

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McQueen, Humphrey: the novels of Eleanor Dark (1973)

McQueen, Humphrey ‘The novels of Eleanor Dark’, Hemisphere, 17, 1, January 1973, pp. 38-41 (pdf of out-of-copyright material made available by the author) The piece is interesting as a relatively early discussion of this writer (1901-85) and as an indication

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What is the state for?

‘A good society is one characterised by a collective concern with social justice and a capacity to act in pursuit of that objective. That this case even has to be made is symptomatic of the pervasive influence of neoliberalism during the

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The benefits of banking oligopoly

‘The Australian banking industry is the most concentrated in the world and also the most profitable. In fact the “big four” Australian banks make up four of the eight most profitable banks in the world. The big banks have conceded that

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Honest History list: boozing cricketers/boozing Anzac

Australian cricketers’ booze-soaked celebrations (here, here) after winning the World Cup provoked some commentary. Michael Thorn, chief executive of the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, noted not only the focus on alcohol-fuelled celebration by team members and by commentator and

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Daley, Paul: Indigenous Diggers and Anzackery

Daley, Paul ‘Indigenous Diggers and the new age of Anzackery‘, Meanjin, 2 April 2015 Contrasts the commemorative festival with the treatment of an atypical Indigenous Digger, caught between cultures. The opening paragraphs are a good summary of the history of

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Honest History list: taking pictures

There have been a few interesting items recently on photography and things on screens so we cobbled together this list along with a few things that were on the site already. It’s the sort of thing we do at Honest

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Oppenheimer, Melanie: 100 years of Red Cross

Oppenheimer, Melanie The Power of Humanity: 100 Years of Australian Red Cross, Harper Collins, Sydney, 2014 This is the story of everyday Australians. It is a history of people helping people across “generations, united by a common passion and commitment

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Berzins, Hannah: Lest we forget the Frontier Wars

Berzins, Hannah ‘Lest we forget the Frontier Wars‘, Vimeo (video, 2014) The 2o minute video describes massacres at Murdering Island and Poison Waterholes Creek, near Narrandera, NSW, and considers how such events, and the Frontier Wars generally, should be commemorated.

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Donegan, John: Australian digital montages 1914-2014

Donegan, John ‘Australian transitions 1914-2014: Digital montages from pre-war cities to a 21st century nation‘, ABC News, 29 July 2014 Montages of 1914 scenes with shots of the same locations in 2014 in seven Australian cities and nationally. Dozens of

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Diamond, Marion: Hangman’s rope

Diamond, Marion ‘The hangman’s rope‘, Historians are Past Caring, 22 February 2015 Inspired by imminent executions in Indonesia, the article recalls the hanging of Ronald Ryan in Melbourne in 1967 and goes much further back to the history of hanging

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Harman, Kristyn & Elizabeth Grant: Restraining Aboriginal people

Harman, Kristyn & Elizabeth Grant ‘“Impossible to detain … without chains”? The use of restraints on Aboriginal people in policing and prisons‘, History Australia, 11, 3, 2014, pp. 157-176 The use of restraints on Australian Aboriginal people had its inception

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Thompson, Janna: Assault on the life of a people

Thompson, Janna ‘An assault on the life of a people‘, Inside Story, 23 February 2015 Almost one hundred years ago, in the midst of the first world war, Ottoman officials forced Armenian people living in Anatolia to leave their homes

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McQueen, Humphrey: Australian women in the early 1980s

McQueen, Humphrey ‘The hand that pours the gin’, Gone Tomorrow: Australia in the 80s, Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1982, chapter 8 (pdfs of out-of-copyright material made available by the author) The chapter uses the medium of women’s magazines to show

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National development

‘Our success as a nation has come from rewarding clever investment, innovation and ideas. We have sustained high real wages throughout our history by encouraging growth and avoiding a flood of unskilled immigrants which fuels rampant inequality.’ (Angus Taylor, Liberal

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Daley, Paul: Fight for Indigenous relics

Daley, Paul ‘”It taunts us spiritually”: the fight for Indigenous relics spirited off to the UK‘, Guardian Australia, 14 February 2015 Updates the battle by Indigenous Australians to return to Australia relics taken to England by collectors in the nineteenth

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Wright, Clare: birth of Australian nation

Wright, Clare ‘”A splendid object lesson”: a transnational perspective on the birth of the Australian nation‘, Journal of Women’s History, 26, 4, Winter 2014, pp. 12-36 Author-supplied pdf (use Adobe Tools button >> to rotate pages!) Historians have attributed the

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ABC The World Today: Veterans sleeping rough

ABC ‘One in 10 people sleeping rough in Melbourne are war veterans‘, The World Today, 6 January 2015 Interview (transcript, audio) with spokespersons for Homeground, a support organisation, and the RSL. Most of the veterans sleeping rough served in Iraq

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Tiffen, Rodney: Strategic omissions: Howard on Menzies

Tiffen, Rodney ‘Strategic omissions‘, Inside Story, 29 January 2015 A review of John Howard’s The Menzies Era: the Years that Shaped Modern Australia. The greatest appeal of the book is that it is written from the perspective of an experienced

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Howard, John: Menzies era

Howard, John The Menzies Era: the Years that Shaped Modern Australia, Harper Collins, Sydney, 2014, e-book available Our longest-serving prime minister considered by our second longest-serving. There is a sample at the link above and here and reviews may be

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Kerkhove, Ray: Aboriginal guerilla tactics Southern Queensland 1843-55

Kerkhove, Ray ‘A different mode of war? Aboriginal “guerilla tactics” in defining the “Black War” of Southern Queensland 1843-1855: a paper presented July 2014 AHA Conference, University of Queensland, Brisbane’, Honest History, 3 February 2015 Frontier violence and Indigenous resistance

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Hynd, Doug: Religion and the sacred after Martin Place

Hynd, Doug ‘“Religion” and “the sacred”: a note for historians following the Martin Place siege‘, Honest History, 18 January 2015 The author briefly traces the connections between religion and violence and between the secular and the sacred. He includes some

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Religion and the sacred after Martin Place

Doug Hynd ‘“Religion” and “the sacred”: a note for historians following the Martin Place siege’, Honest History, 18 January 2015 In a recent column in the Fairfax press, Crispin Hull made some comments on religion and violence in the light

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Ford, Caroline: Sydney beaches

Ford, Caroline Sydney Beaches: A History, NewSouth, Sydney, 2014 The book looks at the way Sydney’s beaches came to be as they are: how they came to be public land treasured by bathers and surfers, but not places to set

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Jakubowicz, Andrew: Nine race riots that made Australia

Jakubowicz, Andrew ‘The nine race riots that made Australia – for better and worse‘, The Conversation, 9 January 2015 Spin-off from Peter FitzSimons’s television program, The Great Australian Race Riot, on SBS-TV. The author, a consultant to the program, suggests

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Lord, John: Politics and Christian faith

Lord, John ‘Politics and the future of the Christian faith in Australia‘, Australian Independent Media Network, 8 December 2014 Tracks trends in religious faith and church attendance, using census and polling data. He quotes Tom Frame in his book, Losing

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Fox, Karen: Australian Dictionary of Biography

Fox, Karen ‘The art and graft of the Australian Dictionary of Biography‘, The Conversation, 5 December 2014 The ADB has been publishing short biographies since 1966 and has been online since 2008. The ADB has been hailed as one of

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Abjorensen, Norman: Tiger by the tail

Abjorensen, Norman ‘Tiger by the tail‘, Inside Story, 18 November 2014 Examines the changing social base of the modern Liberal Party, focusing particularly on the increasing influence of the Radical Right. It was the mid 1990s. Howard and his colleagues

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Daley, Paul: My Brother Jack 50 years on

Daley, Paul ‘My Brother Jack at 50 – the novel of a man whose whole life led up to it‘, Guardian Australia, 23 December 2014 Covers the novel (first published 1964), the author, George Johnston (died of alcohol and TB

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Keneally, Thomas: Australians: Flappers to Vietnam

Keneally, Thomas Australians: Flappers to Vietnam, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2014 This is the third volume in the novelist-historian’s take on Australia. Volume 1; volume 2. It looks at behavioural change, consumerism and nascent left and right wing

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Keneally’s Australians Volume 3 reviewed

‘Australians: Flappers to Vietnam reviewed’, Honest History, 18 December 2014 David Stephens reviews Thomas Keneally’s Australians: Flappers to Vietnam, the third volume in the author’s history of Australia. See Volume 1 and Volume 2. This is a fascinating but flawed

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Horn, Jonathan: Let’s not equate players with Anzacs

Horn, Jonathan ‘Sport is brutal – but let’s not equate players with Anzacs‘, Guardian Australia, 10 September 2014 Describes how sports team ‘channel’ the Australian Digger, quoting Mick Malthouse, Steve Waugh, Alan Bond and Michael Clarke – and Ben Roberts-Smith

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Davidson, Jim: Sport with guns

Davidson, Jim ‘Sport with guns‘, Meanjin, 67, 4, Summer 2008, pp.10-13 Suggests that Australia’s ‘celebration of the military’ has addled our consciousness, in the way that, according to Patrick White, sport had done. ‘The two things are connected. Under John

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NAIDOC Week 2014: Trojan Horse or diversion?

This post replaces an earlier collection of material related to NAIDOC. The original post was unable to be updated for technical reasons, so we have created a new section (with a new title) where we intend to place related material

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Cogan, James: Death of Phillip Hughes

Cogan, James ‘The death of Australian cricketer Phillip Hughes‘, World Socialist Web Site, 2 December 2014 and updated Thoughtful analysis of the national (and international) mourning said to be following the death of Hughes. Concedes his youth, likeability and talent

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Summers, Anne: Politics of gender

Summers, Anne ‘More in anger: the politics of gender in Australia in 2013 (Second Emily’s List Oration, Canberra, 19 June 2013)‘ Looks at the representation of women in federal politics, says more should be done and proposes reserving 50 per

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Hawkings, Rebecca: Keating’s Creative Nation

Hawkings, Rebecca ‘Keating’s Creative Nation: a policy document that changed us‘, The Conversation, 30 October 2014 Article marking the 20th anniversary of Creative Nation, which injected $252 million of new spending into the arts and culture and had a profound

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Blackwood, Gemma: Resurrection of Australiana

Blackwood, Gemma ‘Pass the iced vo-vos: the resurrection of Australiana‘, The Conversation, 26 November 2014 The author notes an emerging trend in Australian popular cultural forms, involving a reinvigorated interest in Australiana – material visual culture that is visually themed

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Morrison, David: White Ribbon Day address, 2014

Morrison, David Chief of Army address to the White Ribbon Breakfast, Adelaide, 25 November 2014 This is the most well-developed version of General Morrison’s views on the link between misogyny in the Australian Army and macho, Anzac-linked attitudes in male

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Watson, Don: The Bush

Watson, Don The Bush: Travels in the Heart of Australia, Penguin, Melbourne, 2014; e-book available Most Australians live in cities and cling to the coastal fringe, yet our sense of what an Australian is – or should be – is

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Tan, Monica: National architecture awards

Monica Tan ‘Australia’s national architecture awards 2014 – in pictures‘, Guardian Australia, 7 November 2014 The Australian Institute of Architects has named the winners of the country’s top architectural awards. The biggest winner is Brisbane’s UQ Advanced Engineering Building by

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Schultz, Julianne, et al: What is Australia For?

Schultz, Julianne, et al ‘What is Australia For?‘ Griffith Review 36, Autumn 2012 An extensive collection tries to answer the question posed in the title. Julianne Schultz’s introduction, ‘A question with many answers‘, suggests that ‘[t]he emerging Asian century’ provides

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Women missing from the story

The fact that none of these [Ballarat 1854] women’s names is as familiar to us as that of Peter Lalor points to the inherent gender bias of Australian nationalism. In fact, men and women from many lands stood together beneath

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Novel politics

Federation and everything it encompassed, like workers’ rights, the welfare safety net and suffrage, and not the criminal Gallipoli landings, constituted the birth of Australian nationhood. Yeah, I’ve always had a thing about 1 January 1901 and why the Founding

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Highlights reel: ACOSS Poverty Report 2014

‘Highlights reel: ACOSS Poverty Report 2014’, Honest History, 30 October 2014 We are told that one of the most notable aspects of recent Australian history has been unbroken economic prosperity. We are told about more than two decades of growth,

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Schultz, Julianne et al.: Travelling a small world

Schultz, Julianne, et al. ‘Small world‘, Griffith Review 37, Spring 2012 A selection of articles exploring Australians as travellers. In ‘Footloose, fancy-free’, Schultz notes that ‘Australians are travelling more than ever, but whether this has fostered a sense of well

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Melleuish, Gregory: Restoring federalism

Melleuish, Gregory ‘To restore federalism, strengthen the states and make Australia more republican‘, The Conversation, 18 September 2014 Only by providing states with the capacity to raise the taxes they need to finance their operations can we restore them to

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Team Australia?

Those who have attacked the old Australian character and the very notion of a national character argue that a diverse nation has no need to discover or define or celebrate a distinctive character; it should be committed solely to the

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Beaumont, Joan, et al.: ANU Archives annual lectures

Beaumont, Joan, et al. ANU Archives Annual Lectures The ANU Archives and the Friends of the Noel Butlin Archives Centre sponsor an annual lecture in Canberra and podcasts or vodcasts of recent ones are available. They include: 2014 Professor Joan Beaumont,

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Australian Quarterly: 85 years in 85 days

Australian Quarterly 85 Years in 85 Days – AQ Celebrates Australian Quarterly, which claims to be Australia’s oldest current affairs magazine, temporarily lowered its paywall early in 2014 to give free access to articles published from 1929 to 1989 (which

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Manley, Ken R. & Barbara J. Coe: Grace of goodness

Manley, Ken R. & Barbara J. Coe The Grace of Goodness: John Saunders – Baptist Pastor and Activist, Sydney 1834-1848,  Greenwood Press in association with Baptist Historical Society of NSW, Macquarie Park, NSW, 2014 Rev John Saunders (1806-59) was the

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The Grace of Goodness (Rev John Saunders) reviewed

‘The grace of goodness in early Sydney’, Honest History, 7 October 2014 Doug Hynd* reviews Ken R. Manley & Barbara J. Coe, The Grace of Goodness: John Saunders – Baptist Pastor and Activist, Sydney 1834-1848, Greenwood Press in association with

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ABC RN Saturday Extra: Arthur Phillip and the Eora

ABC Radio National ‘Arthur Phillip and the Eora‘, Saturday Extra, 13 September 2014 Geraldine Doogue interviews Grace Karskens (audio only, no transcript) on relations between Captain Arthur Phillip and Bennelong of the Eora Nation. Notes that the precise nature of

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Saunders, Cheryl: Making federalism work

Saunders, Cheryl ‘Federalism is a natural fit for Australia, but we need to make it work‘, The Conversation, 24 September 2014 The author concludes that ‘abandonment of federalism is not desirable … It is impossible to imagine democracy without federalism

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Advice to Western Australians

Perhaps you will be content with a moderate and humdrum success, but I hope not. I hope that the more adventurous and enterprising spirits among you will be inspired by a golden vision of a possible future, and will be

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Defining moment

The arrival of the first fleet was the defining moment in the history of this continent. Let me repeat that: it was the defining moment in the history of this continent. It was the moment this continent became part of

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Cultural heritage

Middle-class Australia’s shallow, derivative culture has in part been a consequence of the willful and continuing denial of its debt to the Aborigines, and its refusal to think about the nightmare on which the Australian dream has depended. (Judith Brett,

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ABC RN Bush Telegraph: Stitching the Eureka flag

ABC Radio National ‘The brave women who stitched Australia’s flag of unity and rebellion‘, Bush Telegraph, 10 September 2014 Podcast (23 minutes) discussion between Clare Wright, Val D’Angri, descendant, and Jane Smith, curator, about the history of the Eureka flag,

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ABC Radio National Media Report: News in colonial Sydney

ABC Radio National ‘News dissemination in colonial Sydney‘, Media Report, 28 August 2014 Podcast (eight minutes) in which Richard Aedy and Grace Karskens discuss dissemination by word of mouth, government notices stuck on trees, ships from Britain, communication between Indigenous

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Dowse, Sara: What are feminists to do?

Dowse, Sara ‘So what are feminists to do?‘ Inside Story, 14 August 2014 Text of 2014 Emily’s List Oration. The author was head of the federal government’s Office for the Status of Women in the 1970s. The 1970s could be

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SBS News: Where immigrants were born: map

SBS News Where Australia’s Immigrants were Born Interactive maps, based on the 2011 census, for all capital cities and for the nation via local government areas, showing top three countries of birth for immigrants to Australia. Browsing and clicking is

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Schultz, Julianne et al.: Looking to New Zealand

Schultz, Julianne ‘Looking east’, Griffith Review, 43, January 2014 The author, born in New Zealand but now based in Australia, introduces an edition of Griffith Review devoted to New Zealand and titled ‘Pacific highways‘. The dream of a united Australasia

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Pybus, Cassandra: China and Tasmania

Pybus, Cassandra ‘China in the Tasmanian imaginary‘, Griffith Review, 39, January 2013 Towards the end of the 19th century, a vibrant Chinese community existed in northeastern Tasmania based on tin mining. The now tiny hamlet of Weldborough was the centre

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Tilley, Cristen: Violence against women surveyed

Tilley, Cristen ‘10 charts that reveal Australian attitudes to violence against women‘, ABC News, 18 September 2014 Charts changes since 1995 in VicHealth’s poll of 17 500 people on the community’s knowledge, attitudes and responses to physical and other forms of violence,

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Clark, Ian D. et al, ed.: Indigenous and minority place names

Clark, Ian D, Luise Hercus & Laura Kostanski, ed., Indigenous and Minority Place Names: Australian and International Perspectives, Australian National University Press, Canberra, 2014; print and downloadable editions, including print on demand This book showcases current research into Indigenous and

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Paul, Erik: Violence in Australia

Paul, Erik ‘The political economy of violence in Australia‘, Journal of Political Economy, 63, Winter 2009, pp. 82-101 Considers the economic, cultural and political aspects of violence, in particular, its connections with the nature of capitalism. Specific issues addressed include

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Allam, Lorena, et al: 1973 Human Relationships Royal Commission

Allam, Lorena, et al ‘Public intimacies: The Royal Commission on Human Relationships‘, ABC Radio National, 28 April 2013 ABC program (audio only) discussing the work of a ground-breaking 1970s inquiry, presented by Lorena Allam, produced by Professor Michelle Arrow and

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Humphrys, Elizabeth: Birth of Australia

Humphrys, Elizabeth ‘The birth of Australia: non-capitalist social relations in a capitalist mode of production?‘ Journal of Political Economy, 70, Summer 2012-13, pp. 110-17 This article argues that, despite the early Australian colonies encompassing the extensive use of unfree convict

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Goldsworthy, Anna: Voices of the land

Goldsworthy, Anna ‘Voices of the land‘, The Monthly, September 2014 updated Update 18 November 2016: Jane Simpson on some practical issues with teaching Indigenous language. Links to other material also. About the efforts of University of Adelaide, Israel-born linguist, Professor

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Clements, Nicholas: Black War in Tasmania

Clements, Nicholas The Black War: Fear, Sex and Resistance in Tasmania, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, 2014 Between 1825 and 1831 close to 200 Britons and 1000 Aborigines died violently in Tasmania’s Black War. It was by far the

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BBC on Anzac centenary in Australia

BBC World Service journalist Judith Crosbie reports on Anzac centenary commemoration in Australia. The first part of the ten minute audio is another BBC journalist talking about our attitudes to asylum seekers. The tone of both segments is one of

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Daley, Paul: Renouncing Australia

Daley, Paul ‘The man who renounced Australia,’ Guardian Australia, 26 August 2014 The story of Murrumu Walubara Yidindji, formerly Jeremy Geia, who has ‘left’ Australia, while remaining within it, and who believes Yidindji laws, as the laws of the original

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Lord, John: Comics in Australia

Lord, John ‘The history of comics in Australia‘, Australian Independent Media Network, 29 August 2014 Brief article covering early comic strips in The Bulletin and elsewhere, imported comics and the first Australian produced comic in 1931. They provided artists like

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Stevenson, Chrys: Politics of Australian religion

Stevenson, Chrys ‘The politics of Australian religion‘, The King’s Tribune, 25 August 2014 Examines the reasons for the bipartisan support gathered by the school chaplaincy program, despite the constitutional difficulties it has faced and doubts about its efficacy and ethics.

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Starck, Nigel: Trollope and colonials

Starck, Nigel ‘Celebrity blows: Anthony Trollope and those touchy colonials‘, The Conversation, 1 September 2014 Describes the visits to Australia of Trollope, novelist and said to be our first celebrity blow-in. He ‘found Australian pride could be easily hurt’ but we

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McQueen, Humphrey: Review Other Side of Frontier

McQueen, Humphrey ‘Part III: Review of Reynolds The Other Side of the Frontier (1981)’, Honest History, 2 September 2014 Henry Reynolds’s The Other Side of the Frontier: An Interpretation of the Aboriginal Response to the Invasion and Settlement of Australia,

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McQueen, Humphrey: Preface to The Black Resistance

McQueen, Humphrey ‘Part II: Preface to The Black Resistance (1977)’, Honest History, 2 September 2014 The publication of the lecture in Part I stimulated a group of students to widen and deepen the sketch in the lecture. This became Fergus

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McQueen, Humphrey: Defending Australia from the Pink Peril

McQueen, Humphrey ‘Part I: Defending Australia from the Pink Peril (1973)’, Honest History, 2 September 2014 From a lecture given in Australian History III, Australian National University, July 1973. It was later printed in Woroni (ANU) 16 July 1973, then

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McQueen, Humphrey: Pioneering writing on Frontier Wars

McQueen, Humphrey ‘The real battle for Australia: pioneering writing on the Frontier Wars (Parts I-III)’, Honest History, 2 September 2014 Introduction by David Stephens With the co-operation of the author, we have collected here three pieces of writing by historian

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Honest History list: inequality by the dozen

You can now find our inequality resources linked from here. 14 November 2015

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Black Diggers and Frontier Wars

Honest History has a number of resources on these related issues. This article provoked by NAIDOC Week 2014 includes links to a number of articles discussing both the Frontier Wars and the rediscovered role of Indigenous servicemen. Peter Stanley gave

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Smith, Evan: Fascist view of Australia 1937

Smith, Evan ‘A fascist view of Australia (1937)‘, Hatful of History, 11 August 2014 Quotes at length from an article in Action by the British Fascist, A. Raven Thomson, who was the chief theoretician of the British Union of Fascists

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Foley, Gary & Elizabeth Muldoon: Indigenous curriculum

Foley, Gary & Elizabeth Muldoon ‘Pyning for Indigenous rights in the Australian curriculum‘, The Conversation, 15 August 2014 Argues that Indigenous history is under-represented or misrepresented in the current national history curriculum for secondary students. In particular, there is inadequate

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Masanauskas, John: Melbourne pictures

Masanauskas, John ‘Haunting images of the streets that were once home to Melbourne’s slums‘, Herald-Sun, 11 August 2014 Photo essay of slum streets 1936-83. The piece links to similar essays on other aspects of Melbourne life, including series for each

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Claven, Jim: Greek Anzac

Claven, Jim ‘From Asia Minor to Anzac Cove: the Odyssey of Peter Rados‘, Neos Kosmos, 11 August 2014 Story of an Anzac born in Ottoman Asia Minor, a member of Sydney’s Greek community. Landed at Gallipoli, 25 April 1915; killed

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Camping made us

[S]ome of our most widely held values, especially egalitarianism, tolerance and the premium we place on practicability, have been nurtured by the experience of camping. Bill Garner, author of Born in a Tent: How Camping Makes Us Australian, 2013.

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Mark Twain Down Under

‘Australian history’, according to Mark Twain, lecturing in Australia in 1895 to raise some much needed cash, is almost always picturesque; indeed, it is so curious and strange, that it is itself the chiefest novelty the country has to offer,

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Coining our history

Australian anthropologist Ian McIntosh at Indiana University is trying to work out whether five coins found in the Northern Territory during World War II are evidence that sailors from Africa reached Australia up to 900 years ago. The coins originated

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The land speaks

To understand our history, you need to understand the land. Individuals, cultures, persistent ideologies (substantiated or not) and the innate nature of humanity are major forces too. But the land itself is underestimated. Jackie French, Let the Land Speak: A

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Our martial tradition

Conflict, it seems, is part of the human condition, and we must always be ready for it… This exhibition … shows the continuity of our martial tradition and of our national character. Tony Abbott, as Opposition Leader, speaking at the

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Brutality at Swan River, 1837

It is a truth which is painful to relate, that in the 19th Century Englishmen and protestants, shall be so cruel and hunt after the aborigines like after a game, the innocent child is not spared; they are shot in

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Dressing – 1880s Melbourne

An English observer, Richard Twopeny, writes about female dress in 1880s Melbourne: I fancy that the French modistes manufacture a certain style of attire for the Australian market. It is a compound of the cocotte and the American. Nor when

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Primordial state

The early circumstances of New South Wales were against its rapid growth. Founded as a receptacle for convicts, a system akin to slavery soon took root. Such of the early settlers as were neither gentlemen nor convicts belonged to the

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Subversive suburbs

‘So – to sum up – you don’t have to be a mindless conformist to choose suburban life. Most of the best poets and painters and inventors and protesters choose it too.’ (Hugh Stretton, Ideas for Australian Cities (1970))

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A Gippsland massacre

They drove the abos in to a bend beside Warragal [sic] Creek homestead and killed all that were there. Then they loaded the bodies into bullock drays and took them up into the sandhills about half a mile away and

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Anzac spirit in Bali?

The release of Schapelle Corby led Paola Totaro in The Guardian Australia to reprise public attitudes to Corby’s case. She noted one journalist’s view from 2005 that Australians ‘seemed to “fancy they see something of the Gallipoli spirit in Corby”,

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Have we forgotten?

There is no doubt that during the latter half of last century [that is, the nineteenth century] the Australian people were acutely aware of their isolation, and were determined to turn to account the freedom it gave them by building

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Many Australias

Australians have always been over-concerned about what the BBC thinks about us but this BBC man may be onto something. ‘A common failing of these kinds of columns [about national identity, often around Australia Day] is that they insist on defining a singular

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Toning it down

Mr. Howe [of Kansas] declares that Australians’ tones contradict the sentiments expressed in their words. If Australians have a fault in their speech it is that they fail to intone. Questions, answers, and boasting (which we indulge in infrequently) are usually

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Gillard, Julia: Anzac Day 2013

Gillard, Julia Anzac Day address, Morning Service, Townsville, 25 April 2013 So often, war means saying goodbye. This city of Townsville understands that truth so well. No one better exemplifies the ANZAC story of duty and sacrifice than the uniformed

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Brent, Peter: Constitutional referenda

Brent, Peter ‘And the rest say “no”‘, Inside Story, 17 July 2014 The author examines the history of referenda in the run-up to a possible referendum on constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australian occupation of the country prior to European settlement.

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Leslie, Tim: Archibald Prize morphing

Leslie, Tim ‘The changing face of the Archibald‘, ABC News, 10 July 2014 and updated Update: 2014 Archibald Prize won by a woman (Fiona Lowry) for a portrait of a woman (Penelope Seidler). About half this year’s entrants were women

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Stanley, Peter: NAIDOC Week 2014 ADFA address

Stanley, Peter ‘NAIDOC Week 2014 address at Australian Defence Force Academy, 10 July 2014, Honest History, 10 July 2014 Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues. I’m honoured to have been asked to speak today and, in doing so, I acknowledge the traditional

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Richardson, David & Denniss, Richard: Income and wealth inequality

Richardson, David & Denniss, Richard Income and Wealth Inequality in Australia: Policy Brief No. 64, July 2014, The Australia Institute, Canberra Inequality between those with the most and those with the least is rising in Australia. Australia is one of

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Commemorating our warriors – all of them

NAIDOC Week sees two important articles about the need to comprehensively commemorate all who have shed blood for their country. Paul Daley writes in the Guardian Australia that it is ‘inconsistent to celebrate Indigenous Australians’ service in Imperial armies while

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Grosjean, Pauline & Rose Khattar: It’s raining men

Grosjean, Pauline & Rose Khattar It’s Raining Men! Hallelujah? (June 3, 2014). UNSW Australian School of Business Research Paper No. 2014-29 The paper links history, specifically male-female balance resulting from early convict days, with modern day attitudes in one field

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Patrick, Rhianna: Indigenous authors explore new genres

Patrick, Rhianna ‘Indigenous authors explore Twitter fiction and new literary genres,’ AWAYE! ABC Radio National, 27 June 2014 Audio and text about the changes in Indigenous literature in the last 30 years, from life story and memoir in the 1980s

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Highlights reel: HB Higgins on the yellow peril

‘Highlights reel: HB Higgins on the yellow peril’, Honest History, 2 July 2014 White staff, Ocean Island (Kanakas on the left), 1907 (source: National Archives of Australia, R32, 6425388) Our first highlights reel presented HB Higgins as a socialist; and

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Highlights reel: HB Higgins on political differences

‘Highlights reel: HB Higgins on political differences’, Honest History, 25 June 2014 The past is not always a strange country but looking backwards requires balance. It is easy to find superficially similar situations and opinions from decades ago and transplant

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Bottoms, Timothy: Myall Creek and beyond

Bottoms, Timothy ‘Myall Creek Memorial Talk, Sunday 8 June 2014’, Honest History, 23 June 2014, updated This item is relevant to the history of relations between Indigenous and White Australians but also to the way we have suppressed and distorted

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General Morrison speaks against sexual violence in war

Chief of Army LT GEN David Morrison was a featured speaker at the Global Summit to end Sexual Violence in Conflict. He noted that at the heart of the issue of sexual violence committed by men in uniform ‘stands the

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Hoskins, Ian: NSW coast

Hoskins, Ian Coast: a History of the New South Wales Edge, NewSouth, Sydney, 2013 From Eden to Byron Bay the New South Wales coast is more than 2000 kilometres long, with 130 estuaries, 100 coastal lakes and a rich history. 

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Douglas, Bob et al: Inequality in Australia

Douglas, Bob, Sharon Friel, Richard Denniss & David Morawetz Advance Australia Fair? What to do about Growing Inequality in Australia: Report following a Roundtable held at Parliament House Canberra in January 2014, Australia21 in collaboration with The Australia Institute, Canberra,

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Peacebus: Frontier Wars 2014

Peacebus ‘Lest we forget the Frontier Wars 2014: report of the fourth annual “Lest we forget the Frontier Wars” March @ the Australian War Memorial, 25 April 2014‘, Peacebus, 1 June 2014 Describes and illustrates demonstration held to commemorate the

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Brumby, John: Federation for the future

Brumby, John ‘An Australian federation for the future‘, The Conversation, 19 May 2014 Former Victorian Premier and chair of the COAG Reform Council writes about how to achieve a better balance between the Commonwealth and States and Territories. He refers

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Sharp, Nonie: Nugget Coombs and Judith Wright

Sharp, Nonie ‘For the well-beloved: Judith Wright and Nugget Coombs‘, Meanjin, 68, 2, June 2009 Tells of the relationship between one of Australia’s greatest public servants and one of its greatest poets, drawing upon the letters they wrote to each

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Routley, Nicholas: Mahabharata

Routley, Nicholas ‘The Mahabharata: the music and drama of war’, Honest History, 12 June 2014 The Anzac centenary will have a musical element. The Anzac Centenary Advisory Board’s March 2013 report to the federal government noted the long-running work on

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Review note: more Anzac miscellany 2014

‘Review note: more Anzac miscellany 2014’, Honest History, 24 May 2014 Honest History’s David Stephens has an article on Australian Independent Media Network, ‘Five arguments for downsizing Anzac‘, which reworks his speeches at the Canberra Peace Convergence and at a

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Review note: Battle of Indigenous warriors

‘Review note: the Battle of the Indigenous warriors’, Honest History, 24 May 2014 and updated A notable element of the Anzac centenary is the attention being paid to the stories of Indigenous soldiers wearing the King’s uniform in the two

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Ravenscroft, Alison: Strangeness of the dance

Ravenscroft, Alison ‘The strangeness of the dance: Kate Grenville, Rohan Wilson, Inga Clendinnen and Kim Scott’, Meanjin, 72, 4, Summer 2013, pp. 64-73 The author discusses three recent Australian novels and the way that they interact very specifically with the

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Rickard, John: Sentimental blokes

Rickard, John ‘Sentimental blokes’, Meanjin, 66, 1, Autumn 2007, pp. 38-46 The author examines the homoerotic elements to the myth of Australian mateship and the way that this plays out in various literary representations, as well as in terms of

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Wetherell, Rodney: Subtopia or sunnyside?

Wetherell, Rodney ‘Subtopia or sunnyside?’, Meanjin, 65, 2, Winter 2006, pp. 174-80 The author considers representations of Melbourne in literature throughout history, focusing on AL McCann’s novel Subtopia and Sunnyside by Joanna Murray-Smith. He also reflects upon the way that

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Sharp, Nonie: Three lost children

Sharp, Nonie ‘Three lost children: revisiting a heroic legend’, Meanjin, 69, 3, Spring 2010, pp. 132-41 In Australian literature and film, the figure of the ‘black tracker’ has a long and complicated history. In this essay, the author discusses the

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Broinowski, Alison: Fascism and Fraser

Broinowski, Alison ‘Silent conspirators: Fascism and Fraser’, Honest History, 22 May 2014 and updated All fascist regimes and organisations have used the power of nationalism and national security as a motivator, as Australia has increasingly done. But no other country

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Stanley, Peter: Anzac and our first war

Stanley, Peter ‘On Anzac Day, we remember the Great War but forget our first war‘, The Conversation, 25 April 2014 On Anzac Day, Australia remembers its war dead, with one tragic exception. Australia is apparently disinclined to acknowledge the fact or

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O’Lincoln, Tom: Neighbour from Hell: Two Centuries of Australian Imperialism

O’Lincoln, Tom The Neighbour from Hell: Two Centuries of Australian Imperialism, Interventions, Melbourne, 2014 Tom O’Lincoln is a long-standing contributor to Australian political and historical discussion from the Marxist and Trotskyist perspective. Here he considers Australia’s history of participation in

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Australia as Imperialist ‘Neighbour from Hell’

Richard Thwaites reviews Tom O’Lincoln’s book The Neighbour from Hell: Two Centuries of Australian Imperialism (Interventions, Melbourne, 2014) Tom O’Lincoln is a long-standing contributor to Australian political and historical discussion from the Marxist and Trotskyist perspective. This book is published

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Scanlon Foundation: social cohesion in Australia

Scanlon Foundation Mapping Social Cohesion Surveys [2007-date] Since 2007 the surveys have mapped ‘how Australia in the future can maintain the “immigration with social cohesion” success story of the last 5 decades’. In them, there is discussion of public opinion

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By appointment: a right royal Jauncey (22 May 2014)

The Jauncey pen this time passes to Sarah Brasch. That feisty Kiwi, Beatrice Jauncey, had plenty of opportunity to compare events in her native land with those in Australia. We don’t know what she thought about knights, dames and royal

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Diamadis, Panayiotis: Gallipoli before and beyond Anzac

Diamadis, Panayiotis ‘Gallipoli before and beyond Anzac’, Honest History, 22 May 2014 311 Gallipoli Before and Beyond Anzac Parts I-II This article originally appeared in To Vema, September-October 2013. To Vema is Australia’s largest circulation bilingual Hellenic-English newspaper. The article

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Review note: Anzac miscellany 2014

‘Review note: Anzac miscellany 2014’, Honest History, 30 April 2014 Anzac Day and the period surrounding it always produces reflective pieces, as well as colour supplements and, increasingly, promotional links to football games. In 2014, 99 years on, the number

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Australian National Film Board: Postcards from Perth

Australian National Film Board ‘Postcards from Perth‘, historypunk Jo Hawkins of historypunk resurrected this wonderful 10 minute promotional film of Perth and surrounds, complete with great photography, lush soundtrack and equally lush BBC style voice-over. Comes with insightful text from

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Cannon, Paul: Fascism characteristics and Australia

Cannon, Paul ‘The characteristics of Fascism and how we might note its presence today‘, Parallax (blog), 27 January 2014 Update 2015: there is a speech here, another 1937 snapshot here and a discussion here.   Compares the defining characteristics of

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Whiteford, Peter: Income and wealth inequality

Whiteford, Peter ‘Income and wealth inequality: how is Australia faring?‘ The Conversation, 5 March 2014 Australians like to think of themselves as egalitarian, and for much of our history we believed our income and wealth was spread around evenly. For

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Phillips, Janet: Asylum seekers facts

Phillips, Janet ‘Asylum seekers and refugees: what are the facts?‘ Australia. Parliamentary Library Social Policy Section: Background Note (updated 11 February 2013) Looks at differences between asylum seekers and refugees, whether asylum seekers are queue jumpers or illegals, how asylum

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Laugesen, Amanda: Convict words

Laugesen, Amanda Convict Words: Language in early Colonial Australia, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, 2002 This book explores the language of the Australian convict era, taking the form of a dictionary with supporting quotations from contemporary texts, including newspapers, government

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Leigh, Andrew: Battlers and billionaires

Leigh, Andrew Battlers and Billionaires: the Story of Inequality in Australia, Black Inc., Melbourne, 2013 From egalitarian beginnings, Australian inequality rose through the nineteenth century.  Then we became more equal again, with inequality falling markedly from the 1920s to the

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Campbell, Craig & Helen Proctor: Australian schooling

Campbell, Craig & Helen Proctor A History of Australian Schooling, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2014 A social history of school education in Australia, from dame schools and one teacher classrooms in the bush, to the growth of private

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Ross, Liz: The Left and gay liberation

Ross, Liz Revolution is For Us: The Left and Gay Liberation in Australia, Interventions, Brunswick, Vic., 2013 It was the Left which championed revolution, which had a theory and practice of revolution – Marxism. But when it comes to Gay

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Daley, Paul: Indigenous remains

Daley, Paul ‘Restless indigenous remains‘, Meanjin, 73, 1, March 2014 The author explores the storage facilities of the National Museum of Australia and writes about the implications for the way we treat the dead from our wars, overseas and at

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Smith, Peter: Stop the boats

Smith, Peter ‘Stop the boats. Infuriate the ABC‘, Quadrant Online, 13 January 2014 There is some legitimate room for debate about the extent and character of controlled immigration. People and politicians can have different views. But there should be no

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Tuckfield, Hugh: Asylum seeker policy

Tuckfield, Hugh ‘Australia’s troubling asylum seeker policy‘, The Diplomat, 18 February 2014 Considers the asylum seeker issue in the context of international refugee flows and international laws and conventions for the treatment of refugees. Australia is a nation fixated on

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Ackland, Richard: White Australia

Ackland, Richard ‘Welcome back to White Australia‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 28 February 2014 Places 2014 in a historical context and looks at possible policy alternatives for dealing with asylum seeker arrivals. There were more than 800 comments on the article.

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Hynd, Doug: Moral judgements, asylum seekers, historians

Hynd, Doug ‘Moral judgments, asylum seekers and why historians can be helpful in public policy-making’, Honest History, 12 March 2014 Taking a historical perspective can give depth and clarity to controversial policy issues. The current debate about who is morally

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Leigh, Andrew: Eureka Lecture 2013

Leigh, Andrew ‘“A victory won by a lost battle”: What Eureka means to Australians today: Eureka Lecture, Ballarat, Tuesday, 3 December 2013‘, Andrew Leigh Blog, 3 December 2013 Was Eureka a youth movement of an 1850s clash of generations? A revolt

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Butler, Ed: Manly men v wimps

Butler, Ed ‘Manly men v wimps: what’s behind the macho language in Australian politics?‘ Guardian Australia, 27 February 2014 Discusses ‘the masculinisation of political language in Australia’, including the conflation of manliness and competence. The use of particular language is

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Green, Michael: Once were warriors

Green, Michael ‘Once were warriors‘, The Age, 5 February 2014 Looks at moves in Melbourne to commemorate two Indigenous warriors, hung in 1842 for killing two white men. The City Council has agreed to a memorial but needs to decide

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Tatz, Simon: Nationalism wedge

Tatz, Simon ‘The nationalism wedge‘, Independent Australia, 3 February 2014 Argues that the Abbott Government is linking nationalism with a conservative political agenda. Quotes Benedict Anderson about nations as ‘imagined communities‘. ‘The Abbott Government’, the author claims, ‘is busy trying

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Museum Victoria: Immigration Museum

Museum Victoria Immigration Museum Portal to the resources held by the Museum containing ‘[m]oving stories of people from all over the world who have migrated to Australia’. Educational material, project suggestions and links to other sites.

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Rudd, Kevin: Apology to Stolen Generations

Rudd, Kevin Apology to Australia’s Indigenous Peoples, House of Representatives, Parliament House, Canberra, 13 February 2008 I move: That today we honour the Indigenous peoples of this land, the oldest continuing cultures in human history. We reflect on their past

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Rudd, Kevin: Apology to Forgotten Australians

Rudd, Kevin Address at the apology to the Forgotten Australians and former child migrants, Great Hall, Parliament House, 16 November 2009 The then Prime Minister apologised on behalf of the Australian people. ‘To apologise for the pain that has been

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Keating, PJ: Redfern speech

Keating, PJ Speech by the Hon Prime Minister, PJ Keating MP, Australian Launch of the International Year for the World’s Indigenous People, Redfern, 10 December 1992 The then Prime Minister placed the treatment of Indigenous Australians within a broader narrative,

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Garbutt, Rob: Social inclusion

Garbutt, Rob ‘Social inclusion and local practices of belonging‘, Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 1, 3, 2009 The paper argues for the importance of considering relational aspects (the connections between people and the wider society) when developing social inclusion

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Wadham, Ben: Militarisation and hate

Wadham, Ben ‘Yumi and Ben: the militarisation of Australia and the democratisation of hate‘, The Conversation, 6 March 2012 Analyses the sexist and racist reaction to the insulting remarks made by a television personality about a Victoria Cross winner. The

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Falzon, John: Colonisation

Falzon, John ‘The history of colonisation: “In the Absence of Treaty” book launch, Australian National University, 6th February 2014‘ Speech by CEO of St Vincent de Paul Society National Council launching a book on the Northern Territory intervention. There are

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Maley, Jacqueline: Debate about Australia Day

Maley, Jacqueline ‘Needless debate masks true meaning of Australia Day‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 18 January 2014 On Australia Day, we should, by all means, celebrate our good fortune, the hiccup of fate that means we get to live in Australia

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Grant, Corinne: Straya stayin dumb

Grant, Corinne ‘I’m strayan and I love stayin’ dumb‘, The Hoopla, 23 January 2014 Stand-up comic and writer critical at Australia Day of Australians’ alleged liking for trivia: ‘We want short slogans, simple solutions and lots and lots of drama’.

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Jauncey on the days (and years) of our lives (20 January 2014)

Happy New Year; 2014. Has anyone else noticed the significance of this year? Yes, of course, it is the centenary of the start of World War I and we won’t be allowed to forget that as the commemorative bandwagon rolls

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Daley, Paul: Black diggers

Daley, Paul ‘Black diggers: challenging Anzac myths‘, Guardian Australia, 14 January 2014 Looks at the stories of black servicemen during World War I, in the context of a new play ‘Black Diggers’. About 400 Indigenous Australians joined up. Notes that

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Daley, Paul: Anzac, the Australian flag, and Cronulla race riots

On the anniversary of the Cronulla riots between flag-draped anglo-australian and Lebanese youths, Paul Daley writes in the The Guardian online questioning the appropriation of the Australian flag and the Southern Cross motif, as well as the politicisation of race divisions

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Scott, Rosie & Tom Keneally, ed.: Country too far

Scott, Rosie & Tom Keneally, ed. A Country Too Far: Writings on Asylum Seekers, Viking, Melbourne, 2013 Short stories, book extracts, poems and essays on aspects of Australia’s current attitudes to asylum seekers, in some contributions set against the historical

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Daley, Paul: Frontier war

Daley, Paul ‘Why does the Australian War Memorial ignore the frontier war?‘ The Guardian Australia, 12 September 2013 Bordered with militarily precise shrubs including the herb of remembrance, rosemary, the outer walls are adorned with a series of elaborately carved

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Rawsthorne, Sally: Why does the world think Australia is racist?

Rawsthorne, Sally ‘Why does the world think Australia is racist?‘ The Guardian Australia, 25 October 2013 Canvasses evidence in Australia and internationally about alleged Australian attitudes, with links to sources and comment from over 800 people. Contrasts the acceptance of

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Piggott, Michael: Battle for Australia

Piggott, Michael ‘The Battle for Australia: Henry Reynolds’s “Forgotten War”’, Honest History e-Newsletter no. 5, September 2013 Michael Piggott reviews the most recent of Henry Reynolds’s series of books on the ‘frontier wars’ between Indigenous Australians and white settlers. The

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Ryan, Lyndall: Tasmanian Aborigines

Ryan, Lyndall Tasmanian Aborigines: A History since 1803, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2013 Tasmanian Aborigines were driven off their land so white settlers could produce fine wool for the English textile mills. By the time Truganini died in

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Neumann, Klaus & Gwenda Tavan, ed.: Does history matter?

Neumann, Klaus & Gwenda Tavan, ed. Does History Matter? Making and Debating Citizenship, Immigration and Refugee Policy in Australia and New Zealand, ANU E-Press & Australian and New Zealand School of Government, Canberra, 2009; free download format available Multiple authors

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Jones, Barry: Asylum a moral challenge

Jones, Barry ‘Asylum is the greatest moral challenge of our time‘, The Conversation, 29 July 2013 The fact that non-European migration has been so significant since the end of White Australia ought to make us sympathetic to refugees, but I

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Stanley, Peter: Black Saturday

Stanley, Peter Black Saturday at Steels Creek, Scribe, Brunswick, Vic., 2013 In-depth study of the impact, at the time and after, of the 2009 fires on a small community near Melbourne. Interesting for comparisons with the author’s previous work in

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Markus, Andrew: Mapping social cohesion

Markus, Andrew Mapping Social Cohesion: The Scanlon Foundation Surveys National Report 2013, Scanlon Foundation, Australian Multicultural Foundation & Monash University, Caulfield East, Vic., 2013 Most recent of six periodic surveys of attitudes to multiculturalism, immigration and asylum seekers, living standards,

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Whitlam Institute multiple authors: Whitlam Institute

Whitlam Institute multiple authors Whitlam Institute within the University of Western Sydney Website with collection of resources on the Labor Prime Minister and his era, including a permanent exhibition A Changing Australia: The Time of Gough Whitlam, Whitlam Prime Ministerial

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Stone, Caitlin & Jim Berryman: Menzies collection

Stone, Caitlin & Jim Berryman ‘The Robert Menzies Collection: A Living Library‘, e-Scholarship Research Centre, University of Melbourne, 2013 Comprehensive collection of resources associated with Menzies, classified A-Z under the headings of books, colleagues, friends and family, interests, events, organisations,

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White, Richard: Inventing Australia

White, Richard Inventing Australia: Images and Identity, 1688-1980, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 1981 Pioneering work in Australian cultural history, roughly chronological but also thematic. “To be Australian”: what can that mean? Inventing Australia sets out to find the

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White, Richard et al: On holidays

White, Richard with Sarah-Jane Ballard, Ingrid Bown, Meredith Lake, Patricia Leehy and Lila Oldmeadow On Holidays: A History of Getting Away in Australia, Pluto Press, North Melbourne, Vic., 2005 Describes chronologically from 1768 ‘the Australian experience of going on holidays

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Masters, Chris: Years that made us

Masters, Chris The Years That Made Us, ABC Video, 2013 (shown on ABC TV, June-July 2013) In Australian mythology nationhood was forged in the slaughter of Gallipoli in 1915. But in The Years That Made Us Chris Masters introduces a

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McKenna, Mark: Reconciled republic?

McKenna, Mark This Country: A Reconciled Republic? UNSW Press, Sydney, 2004 The author considers together what he sees as two key and related issues, reconciliation with Indigenous Australians and the republic. Reconciliation and the republic are not separate issues, they

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Wright, Clare: Forgotten rebels of Eureka

Wright, Clare The Forgotten Rebels of Eureka, Text Publishing, Melbourne, 2013 Tells the stories of the thousands of women on the Ballarat goldfields, the crucial role they played in the Eureka rebellion and the links between what they did and

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Beggs-Sunter, Anne: Eureka

Beggs-Sunter, Anne ‘Eureka: gathering “the oppressed of all nations”‘, Journal of Australian Cultural History, 10, 1, 2008 Over the last one hundred and fifty years, the meaning of the Eureka Stockade has been characterised in different ways. To some it

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McMullin, Ross: So monstrous a travesty

McMullin, Ross So Monstrous a Travesty: Chris Watson and the World’s First National Labour Government, Scribe, Carlton North, Vic., 2004 We were leading the world [the author said in a lecture about his book]. It might be hard to imagine

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La Nauze, JA: Deakin

La Nauze, JA Alfred Deakin: A Biography, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., 1965; later editions 1979, 2009 Early political history and social policy development from the perspective of three time Prime Minister. Basic facts about Deakin are here and a

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Darian-Smith, Kate, Patricia Grimshaw & Stuart Macintyre, ed.: Britishness

Darian-Smith, Kate, Patricia Grimshaw & Stuart Macintyre, ed. Britishness Abroad: Transnational Movements and Imperial Cultures, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., 2007 Britishness Abroad explores the cultural, economic and political aspects of Britishness in Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Canada and

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Walker, David: Anxious nation

Walker, David Anxious Nation: Australia and the Rise and Fall of Asia 1850-1939, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Qld, 1999 From the late nineteenth century the Asianisation of Australia has sparked anxious comment. The great catchcries of the day

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Australian National University: Noel Butlin Archives

Australian National University Noel Butlin Archives Centre The Noel Butlin Archives Centre (NBAC) collects business and labour records from Australian companies, trade unions, industry bodies and professional organisations. We are a national organisation interested in material from all states and

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University of Melbourne: Archives

University of Melbourne Archives The business collections include the records of wholesalers and retailers, factories and foundries, solicitors and architects, along with the records of some of Australia’s largest mining companies… [M]ore than one hundred trade unions are now represented

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Ward, Russel: Australian Legend

Ward, Russel The Australian Legend, Oxford University Press, Melbourne & New York, 1958; many later editions Origin of a particular myth of bronzed Australian bushmen, rural labourers of the 19th century, claimed by Ward and others to epitomise Australia, or

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Evans, MDR & Jonathan Kelley: Australian economy and society

Evans, MDR & Jonathan Kelley with Peter Dawkins, et al Australian Economy and Society 2001: Education, Work, Welfare, The Federation Press, Annandale, NSW, 2002 The book provides data for the later decades of the 2oth century on six broad areas,

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Austin, AG: Australian education

Austin, AG Australian Education, 1788-1900: Church, State, and Public Education in Colonial Australia, Pitman, Carlton, Vic., 1961; online version available Pioneering study of early education in Australia. Does not mention Aboriginal education. See also this on the Education Acts of

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Smyth, John: Educational policy

John Smyth ‘Speaking back to educational policy: why social inclusion will not work for disadvantaged Australian schools‘, Critical Studies in Education, 51, 2, 2010, pp. 113-28 The Labor government in Australia has recently embarked on an extremely ambitious program of

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te Riele, Kitty: Raising educational attainment

te Riele, Kitty ‘Raising educational attainment: how young people’s experiences speak back to the Compact with young Australians‘, Critical Studies in Education, 52, 1, 2011, pp. 93-107 In the context of international consensus that the knowledge economy requires more highly

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Wheelahan, Leesa: Educational pathways

Wheelahan, Leesa ‘Do educational pathways contribute to equity in tertiary education in Australia?‘ Critical Studies in Education, 50, 3, 2009, pp. 261-75 A key assumption of equity policies in Australia, as in many countries, is that pathways from lower-status, vocationally

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Gale, Trevor & Deborah Tranter: Social justice in higher education

Gale, Trevor & Deborah Tranter ‘Social justice in Australian higher education policy: an historical and conceptual account of student participation‘, Critical Studies in Education, 52, 1, 2011, pp, 29-46 This article provides a synoptic account of historically changing conceptions and

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Henry, Nicola & Karolina Kurzak: Religion in Australia

Henry, Nicola & Karolina Kurzak with Charles Sherlock ‘Religion in Australia‘, The Australian Collaboration: A Collaboration of National Community Organisations (October 2012) Factsheet on religious affiliations (including Australian Bureau of Statistics figures summarised), interfaith developments and the place of religion

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Jupp, James, et al, ed.: Social cohesion

Jupp, James, John Nieuwenhuysen & Emma Dawson, ed. Social Cohesion in Australia, Cambridge University Press, Port Melbourne, Vic., 2007 Australia’s reputation as a successful large scale immigrant-receiving nation is well formed. In the latest wave, not only have millions of

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Waterhouse, Richard: Private pleasures

Waterhouse, Richard Private Pleasures, Public Leisure: A History of Australian Popular Culture since 1788, Longman Australia, South Melbourne, Vic., 1995 How do we define culture? And how do we specify popular culture? Private Pleasures, Public Leisure, the first general history

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About People like us

Click here for all items related to: People like us How do we recognise what makes a person Australian? Some people have believed that Anzac gave us distinctive national qualities; these are looked at in the website section Anzac analysed.

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Warhurst, John: Religion in politics

Warhurst, John ‘Religion in 21st century Australian national politics’, Australia. Senate: Papers on Parliament, 46, December 2006 The religious factor generally means a number of things in politics. One is the political activity of the organised face of religion, the

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Garner, Bill: Born in a tent

Garner, Bill Born in a Tent: How Camping Makes Us Australian, New South, Sydney, 2013 The sub-title emphasises the multifarious influences on Australia and Australians. The author shows that the history of Australia can be told through a history of

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Davison, Graeme: Car wars

Graeme Davison with Sheryl Yelland Car Wars: How the Car Won Our Hearts and Conquered Our Cities, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2004 War snuffs out lives and begets dreams. For servicemen and civilians alike, World War II was

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Lack, John & Jacqueline Templeton, ed.: Australian immigration

Lack, John & Jacqueline Templeton, ed. Bold Experiment: A Documentary History of Australian Immigration since 1945, Oxford University Press, Melbourne & New York, 1995 Documents and commentary covering post-war policy development, refugees and displaced persons, the ideology of assimilation, ‘New

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Dyrenfurth, Nick, Mark Hearn & Harry Knowles, ed.: Fisher

Dyrenfurth, Nick, Mark Hearn & Harry Knowles, ed. ‘The Fisher Labor Government, 1910-13‘, Labour History, 102, May 2012 Collection of articles to mark the centenary of the first majority Labour government anywhere in the world. Hearn and Dyrenfurth set the

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Lake, Marilyn: This great America

Lake, Marilyn ‘“This great America”: HB Higgins and Transnational Progressivism‘, Historical Studies, 44, 2, June 2013, pp. 172-88 Australian history has not always been about our need to retain great and powerful friends. There have been times when the rest

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Maddison, Sarah & Marian Sawer, ed.: Women’s movement

Maddison, Sarah & Marian Sawer, ed. The Women’s Movement in Protest, Institutions and the Internet: Australia in Transnational Perspective, Routledge, Abingdon, UK & New York, 2013 Collection of articles on protest, policy, politics, advocacy, Roller Derby, blogging and Slut Walking.

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Martinez, Julia T.: Questioning White Australia

Martinez, Julia T. ‘Questioning “White Australia”: unionism and “coloured” labour, 1911-1937‘, Labour History, 76, pp. 1-19 The “White Australia” policy is associated with the Immigration Restriction Act in 1901 and the exclusion of “coloured” labour from Australia. After 1901, however,

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Murphy, Gabrielle: Reconsidering immigration reform

Murphy, Gabrielle ‘Reconsidering immigration reform – again‘, The Age, 8 August 2013 Revisits the pioneering lobbying of 1960 which helped end the White Australia policy. The original Control or Colour Bar? pamphlet is here. One of the members of the original

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Jordens, Ann-Mari: Hope

Jordens, Ann-Mari Hope: Refugees and Their Supporters in Australia since 1947, Halstead Press, Sydney, 2012 In-depth consideration of the resettlement experiences of refugees. The author notes that the outsourcing of resettlement services to specialist providers ‘conveys the impression that the

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Tavan, Gwenda: Long, slow death

Tavan, Gwenda The Long, Slow Death of White Australia, Scribe, Carlton North, Vic., 2005 The history of the racist immigration policy that was Australia’s guiding light for the majority of the 20th century is examined in this work. Beginning with

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Broome, Richard: Aboriginal Australians

Richard Broome Aboriginal Australians: A History since 1788, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 4th edition, 2010; first published 1982; 3rd edition 2002 had sub-title Black Responses to White Dominance Richard Broome tells the history of Australia from the standpoint

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Jupp, James: White Australia to Woomera

Jupp, James From White Australia to Woomera: The Story of Australian Immigration, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2nd edition, 2007; first published 2002 [S]urveys the changes in policy over the last thirty years since the seismic shift away from the

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Lake, Marilyn & Henry Reynolds: Global Colour Line

Lake, Marilyn & Henry Reynolds Drawing the Global Colour Line: White Men’s Countries and the International Challenge of Racial Equality, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2008; e-book and print on demand available Places Australia’s late 19th and early 20th century

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Lake, Marilyn: Getting equal

Lake, Marilyn Getting Equal: The History of Australian Feminism, Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, 1999 Getting Equal is the first full-length history of the movements – and their feisty, ebullient, determined leaders – who fought for women’s political and economic rights,

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Kociumbas, Jan: Australian childhood

Kociumbas, Jan Australian Childhood: A History, Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, 1997 ‘In Australian Childhood Jan Kociumbas explores the experience of growing up in Australia since white settlement. She acknowledges the resilience and adaptability of the young and re-evaluates

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Flood, Josephine: Original Australians

Flood, Josephine The Original Australians: Story of the Aboriginal People, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2007 The Original Australians tells the story of Australian Aboriginal history and society from its distant beginnings to the present day. From the wisdom

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Whiteford, Peter: Poverty

Whiteford, Peter ‘Poverty in a time of prosperity‘, Inside Story, 15 September 2013 Over the past forty years the economic fortunes of Australian households have fallen into two fairly distinct periods. In the “disappointing decades” of the 1970s and 1980s,

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Davidson, Alistair: Subject to citizen

Davidson, Alistair From Subject to Citizen: Australian Citizenship in the Twentieth Century, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997 ‘The central theme is that making proofs of belonging to the national culture a precondition of citizenship is inappropriate for a multicultural society

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Tsiolkas, Christos: Why Australia hates asylum seekers

Tsiolkas, Christos ‘Why Australia hates asylum seekers‘, The Monthly, September 2013 The article examines what the author describes as ‘a 15-year campaign that has bred fear, misconceptions and fury about asylum seekers’.

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Altman, Dennis: End of the homosexual

Altman, Dennis The End of the Homosexual, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Qld, 2013 The book ‘connects what has happened within the changing queer world over the past forty years to larger social, political and cultural trends. This is

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Ashenden, Dean: Neglected wars

Ashenden, Dean ‘The Australian wars that Anzac Day neglects‘, Eureka Street, 21 April 2013 Notes that the frontier wars are not recognised at the Australian War Memorial and other memorials and argues that ‘public and popular history should record the

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Manne, Robert: Sorry

Manne, Robert ‘Sorry business: the road to the apology‘, The Monthly, March 2008 Examines the history leading to the Rudd Government’s apology to the Stolen Generation in 2008, elements of the history of White Australia’s dealings with Indigenous Australians and

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Bongiorno, Frank: Sex

Bongiorno, Frank The Sex Lives of Australians, Black Inc., Melbourne, 2012 ‘Cross-dressing colonists, effeminate bushrangers and women-shortage woes – here is the first ever history of sex in Australia, from Botany Bay to the present-day. ‘ The book shows how

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Featherstone, Lisa: Sex

Featherstone, Lisa Let’s Talk about Sex: Histories of Sexuality in Australia from Federation to the Pill, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, 2011 Covering the period to 1961, the book ‘explores the ways sexuality has been constructed, understood and experienced in

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Lydon, Jane & Tracy Ireland, ed.: Object lessons

Lydon, Jane & Tracy Ireland, ed. Object Lessons: Archaeology and Heritage in Australia, Australian Scholarly Publishing, Melbourne, 2005 This book examines how we define ourselves through our concern with the past, and especially the idiosyncratic ways we engage with the

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McKenna, Mark: Blackfellas’ point

McKenna, Mark Looking for Blackfellas’ Point: An Australian History of Place, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, 2002 ‘A history for every Australian who is interested in the story of settler-Australia’s relations with Indigenous people—what happened between us, how

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Mulvaney, John & Johan Kamminga: Prehistory

Mulvaney, John & Johan Kamminga Prehistory of Australia, Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, revised edition, 1999; first published Thames and Hudson 1969 as The Prehistory of Australia; other editions Mulvaney has been Australia’s most distinguished prehistorian. ‘The obvious starting

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Sherratt, Tim, Tom Griffiths & Libby Robin, ed.: Change

Sherratt, Tim, Tom Griffiths & Libby Robin, ed. A Change in the Weather: Climate and Culture in Australia, NMA Press, Canberra, 2005 Collection of essays showing how climate and weather ‘can change lives, particularly in Australia, a continent of extreme,

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Blainey, Geoffrey: All horizons

Blainey, Geoffrey This Land is All Horizons: Australia’s Fears and Visions: Boyer Lectures, ABC Books, Sydney, 2001 This is a discussion of equality and equality of opportunity in Australian history, and of the changing way in which Australians see their

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Hughes, Robert: Fatal shore

Hughes, Robert The Fatal Shore, Vintage, New York, 1986; many later editions and electronic versions Tells the story of freemen (and women) and convicts and the Indigenous people to whose country they came. Covers the period 1787 to 1868. Many

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Summers, Anne: Damned whores and God’s police

Summers, Anne Damned Whores and God’s Police: The Colonization of Women in Australia, Penguin, Ringwood, Vic., 1975; later editions 1994, 2002 According to the author’s website, the book was in November 2003 voted one of the top ten books of

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Rolls, Eric: Citizens

Rolls, Eric Citizens: Flowers and the Wide Sea: Continuing the Epic Story of China’s Centuries-Old Relationship with Australia, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Qld, 1998 Sequel to Sojourners, dealing with how the Chinese pursued their aim after 1888 ‘to

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Rolls, Eric: Sojourners

Rolls, Eric Sojourners: The Epic Story of China’s Centuries-old Relationship with Australia: Flowers and the Wide Sea, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Qld, 1992 First volume in a detailed study of the relationship between the Chinese and Australia, taking

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Hancock, Keith: Discovering Monaro

Hancock, Keith Discovering Monaro: A Study of Man’s Impact on his Environment, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1972; republished 2009 Discusses the Aboriginal occupation of the Monaro region near Canberra, tribal territories, the population before white settlement, economic life, the use

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Gammage, Bill: Biggest estate

Gammage, Bill The Biggest Estate on Earth: How Aborigines made Australia, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2011 Bill Gammage’s The Biggest Estate on Earth argues that the Aboriginal people managed the land in a far more systematic and scientific

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Hirst, John: Oddity from the start

Hirst, John ‘An oddity from the start: convicts and national character‘, The Monthly, July 2008 Argues against the idea that our convict heritage made us an anti-authoritarian people. Includes criticism of the Russel Ward thesis in his The Australian Legend

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Megalogenis, George: Trivial pursuit

Megalogenis, George ‘Trivial pursuit: leadership and the end of the reform era‘, Quarterly Essay, 40, November 2010 Laments the lack of political vision or interest in policy reform as the nation enters the period of the ‘hung Parliament’. A number

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Mitchell, Natasha, Bruce Scates & Damien Williams: Anzac memories

Mitchell, Natasha, Bruce Scates & Damien Williams ‘Anzac memories‘, ABC Life Matters, 25 April 2013 (audio; no transcript) Natasha Mitchell talks with Monash academics, Bruce Scates and Damien Williams, who describe their work on ‘100 stories‘ and ‘Anzac remembered‘. There

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Pearson, Noel: Keating biography launch

Pearson, Noel ‘An address to the Launch: Don Watson “Recollections of a Bleeding Heart: A Portrait of Paul Keating PM”, Random House Australia 2002 [Sydney, 1 May 2002]‘ Uses the launch of the Keating biography to criticise some aspects of

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Watson, Don: Keating

Watson, Don Recollections of a Bleeding Heart: A Portrait of Paul Keating PM, Knopf, Milson’s Point, NSW, 2002; later editions A view of 13 years of Australian history from the perspective of a prime ministerial speech writer. It contains a

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Stilwell, Frank & Kirrily Jordan: Who gets what?

Stilwell, Frank & Kirrily Jordan Who Gets What? Analysing Economic Inequality in Australia, Cambridge University Press, Port Melbourne, Vic., 2007 Ranges widely over Australian history with an emphasis on the years since 1960. Why have the incomes of corporate executives

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Scarlett, Philippa: Indigenous histories

Scarlett, Philippa Indigenous Histories Website ‘[s]upporting Australian Indigenous history, art and culture’. Includes posts on Indigenous service men in both major wars from the Leane, Fell, Rigney, Punch, Stubbings and many other families. The site contains contact details for obtaining

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Lake, Marilyn: Unequal to the task

Lake, Marilyn ‘Unequal to the task‘, The Age, 22 March 2012 Notes that Australian egalitarian principles were strongly in evidence before World War I, as seen, for example, in the work of HB Higgins (see also here). It is timely

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Piggott, Michael: The Battle for Australia: Henry Reynolds’s ‘Forgotten War’

Michael Piggott* ‘The Battle for Australia: Henry Reynolds’s “Forgotten War”‘, Honest History Newsletter No. 5, September 2013 There is so much about Henry Reynolds’s latest book (Forgotten War, NewSouth Publishing, 2013) to admire, to think about and to endorse. What

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Reynolds, Henry: Forgotten War

Henry Reynolds Forgotten War, New South, Sydney, 2013 The book (winner of the Victorian Premier’s award for non-fiction) chronicles in relentless detail the frontier war between settlers and Indigenous Australians, which saw upwards of 30 000 Aborigines and at least

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Colmar Brunton: Phase II report

Colmar Brunton Department of Veterans’ Affairs: ‘A Century of Service’: Community Research Phase II: Report (August 2011) Report of focus group research on how Australia should commemorate the Anzac centenary. An issue raised in the report of the Anzac centenary

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Shanahan, Dennis: Migrants revived nation’s story

Dennis Shanahan ‘Migrants “revived nation’s story“‘, The Australian, 26 April 2012 Then Prime Minister Gillard, interviewed at Gallipoli, repeats the thoughts in her speech there that Gallipoli ‘marks the time when a fledgling nation got a real sense of itself’.

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Noone, Richard: Leaping to false idea on Anzacs

Richard Noone ‘Leaping to false idea on Anzacs‘, Daily Telegraph, 27 March 2012 Vox pop, including diverse comments from non-Anglo-Celtic Australians about the importance of Anzac Day. (The Colmar Brunton report suggested, among other things, that the Anzac Day centenary

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Morrison, David: UN speech on ADF sexism

David Morrison ‘United Nations International Women’s Day Conference: Address by the Chief of Army Lieutenant General David Morrison, AO at the United Nations International Women’s Day Conference, 8-9 March 2013‘ The speech contains some musing about the impact of the

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Summers, Anne: The Misogyny Factor

Anne Summers The Misogyny Factor, New South, Sydney, 2013 Provoked by attitudes towards Australia’s first female Prime Minister, the book raises questions about Australian attitudes to women’s participation in economic and political life. ‘Having our first woman Prime Minister’, the

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Palmer, Vance: The Legend of the Nineties

Vance Palmer The Legend of the Nineties, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., 1963; first published 1954; later editions Classic study of the contribution of the culture of the 1890s to the formation of an Australian national identity.

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Inglis, KS: The Australian Colonists

KS Inglis The Australian Colonists: An Exploration of Social History 1788-1870, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., 1974 While the subject matter is ostensibly people, war and peace, holidays and ‘the stuff of history’ in the years nominated, the book begins

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Hetherington, Michelle, ed.: Glorious Days: Australia 1913

Michelle Hetherington, ed. Glorious Days: Australia 1913, National Museum of Australia Press, Canberra, 2013 The book of the exhibition marking the centenary of Canberra. Chapters on ‘Australia in the world’ (Nicholas Brown), Mawson in Antarctica (Tom Griffiths), ‘Dreams of Empire’

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McLaren, John, ed.: Towards a New Australia

John McLaren, ed. Towards a New Australia: Under a Labor Government, Cheshire for the Victorian Fabian Society, Melbourne, 1972 Beyond its policies and plans for an imminent Labor Government (set out in chapters by Gough Whitlam and future Ministers) the

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Latham, Mark: From the Suburbs

Mark Latham From the Suburbs: Building a Nation from our Neighbourhoods, Pluto Press, Annandale, NSW, 2003 Written before the author became the Leader, then the former Leader of the Labor Party. Beyond its political prescriptions, it is an expression of

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Watson, Don: Caledonia Australis

Don Watson Caledonia Australis: Scottish Highlanders on the Frontier of Australia, Vintage, Milsons Point, NSW, 1997; first published 1984; later edition 2009 About the clash in Gippsland between immigrant Celts and Indigenous Australians. Shows how Scots dispossessed by the Highland

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Keneally,Thomas: Australia Vol. II

Thomas Keneally Australians Vol. II: Eureka to the Diggers, Crows Nest, NSW, 2012; first published 2011 Keneally’s second volume of three and continues in the style of the first, except that the cast of characters march more chronologically in chapters

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Brett, Judith: Forgotten people

Judith Brett Robert Menzies’ Forgotten People, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, new edition 2007; first published 1992 Explores the links between Menzies’ values and language and the people he represented and who voted for him in the years after the World

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Keneally, Thomas: Australia Vol I

Thomas Keneally Australia: Origins to Eureka: Volume 1, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2010; first published 2009 Novelist and historian Keneally ‘tells the stories of a number of Australians from the Pleistocene Age to 1860. The people whose tales

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Mares, Peter: Borderline

Peter Mares Borderline: Australia’s Treatment of Refugees and Asylum Seekers, UNSW Press, Sydney, 2001 Puts turn-of-the-century attitudes and policies towards asylum seekers in the context of Australians’ ‘deep-seated fears of invasion and the historical anxiety about the empty and defenceless

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Lawrence, Carmen: Fear and politics

Carmen Lawrence Fear and Politics, Scribe, Carlton North, Vic., 2006 The author was Premier of Western Australia and a federal Minister. She is now a professor of psychology. She explores the human experience of fear, looks at how xenophobia shapes

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Jordens, Ann-Mari: Alien to Citizen

Ann-Mari Jordens Alien to Citizen: Settling Migrants in Australia, 1945-75, Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, 1997 Administrative history describing the profound changes in Australia’s demography after World War II. Strong on the role of the Immigration Department and its

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Hirst, John: The Australians

John Hirst The Australians: Insiders and Outsiders on the National Character since 1770, Black Inc., Melbourne, 2007; later edition Penguin 2010 Hirst compiles and comments upon multiple assessments of the Australian character, from Charles Bean to Charles Dickens, Dorothea McKellar

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Davison, Graeme, et al, ed.: Australians 1888

Graeme Davison, JW McCarty & Ailsa McLeary, ed. Australians 1888, Fairfax, Syme & Weldon Associates, Broadway, NSW, 1987 One of the volumes in Australians: A Historical Library. The authors write about land and people, the regional mosaic, private lives and

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Curthoys, Ann, AW Martin & Tim Rowse, ed.: Australians from 1939

Ann Curthoys, AW Martin & Tim Rowse, ed. Australians from 1939, Fairfax, Syme & Weldon Associates, Broadway, NSW, 1987 One of the volumes in Australians: A Historical Library. Thirty historians, political scientists and citizens contribute to sections on Australians and

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Calwell, AA: Be just and fear not

AA Calwell Be Just and Fear Not, Lloyd O’Neil, Hawthorn, Vic, 1972 Autobiography of Australia’s first Minister for Immigration (1945-49), later Leader of the (Labor) Opposition (1960-67). Includes a personal view of the commencement of the post-World War II immigration

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Atkinson, Alan & Marian Aveling, ed.: Australians 1838

Alan Atkinson & Marian Aveling, ed. Australians 1838, Fairfax, Syme & Weldon Associates, Broadway, NSW, 1987 Twenty-five contributing authors describe Australia around 1838, looking at Aborigines, families, work, markets, government, justice and other topics. The diversity of Australian history –

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Argy, Fred: Where to From Here?

Fred Argy Where to From Here? Australian Egalitarianism under Threat, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2003 Looked at the effects of economic policy on Australia’s traditional ‘fair go’, the impact of globalisation, the attitudes of the community, politicians and

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Peters-Little, Frances, Ann Curthoys & John Docker, ed.: Passionate Histories

Frances Peters-Little, Ann Curthoys & John Docker, ed. Passionate Histories: Myth, Memory and Indigenous Australia, Aboriginal History Inc. & ANU E-press, Canberra, 2010; downloadable ‘This book examines the emotional engagements of both indigenous and non-indigenous people with indigenous history. The

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Jayasuriya, Laksiri, et al, ed.: Legacies of White Australia

Laksiri Jayasuriya, David Walker & Janice Gothard, ed. Legacies of White Australia: Race, Culture, and Nation, University of Western Australia Press, Crawley, WA, 2003 The authors assess whether controversies about asylum seekers have refuelled White Australia.

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Curthoys, Ann & John Docker, ed.: Genocide? Australian Aboriginal history in international perspective

Ann Curthoys & John Docker, ed. “Genocide”? Australian Aboriginal history in international perspective’, Aboriginal History, 25, 2001, special section (downloadable) Multiple contributors on aspects of genocide and aboriginality. There is a brief survey here of instances of genocide in world

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Carey, Jane & Claire McLisky, ed.: Creating White Australia

Jane Carey & Claire McLisky, ed. Creating White Australia: New Perspectives on Race, Whiteness and History, Sydney University Press, Sydney, 2009 Articles by Leigh Boucher, Jane Carey, Ann Curthoys and others ‘dealing with the question of whiteness in Australian history

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Altman, Dennis: Defying Gravity

Altman, Dennis Defying Gravity: A Political Life, Sydney, Allen & Unwin, 1997; Australian Public Intellectuals Network, Perth, 2004 Altman has been a gay activist and writer for more than four decades.

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Altman, Dennis: From a drowning to a celebration

Dennis Altman ‘From a drowning to a celebration’, Inside Story, 11 December 2012 Edited version of a Dunstan Lecture, describing forty years of gender politics in Australia.

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Arrow, Michelle: Friday on Our Minds

Michelle Arrow Friday on Our Minds: Popular Culture in Australia since 1945, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, 2009 Looks at popular culture since World War II through the lenses of consumerism, the impact of technological change and the

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Beaumont, Joan: Australian citizenship and the two world wars

Joan Beaumont ‘Australian citizenship and the two world wars’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, 53, 2, June 2007, pp. 171–82 This article surveys Australian citizenship: its distinctive characteristics in the first half of the twentieth century, and how these

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Beaumont, Joan: Gallipoli and Australian national identity

Joan Beaumont ‘Gallipoli and Australian national identity’, Neil Garnham & Keith Jeffery, ed., Culture, Place and Identity, University College Dublin Press, Dublin, 2005, pp. 138-51 The article notes ‘the degree to which a conservative state continues to see Anzac as

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Beaumont, Joan, et al, ed.: Citizenship and internment

Joan Beaumont, Ilma Martinuzzi O’Brien & Mathew Trinca, ed. Under Suspicion: Citizenship and Internment in Australia during the Second World War, National Museum of Australia Press, Canberra, 2008 Stories of internees, revealing ‘the sometimes disturbing nature of how the nation

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Boucher, Leigh et al, ed.: Historicising Whiteness

Leigh Boucher, Jane Carey & Katherine Ellinghaus, ed. Historicising Whiteness: Transnational Perspectives on the Construction of an Identity, RMIT Press, Melbourne, 2007 Around sixty articles originally conference papers on Australian and international cases. Subjects include whiteness before White Australia, race

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Brett, Judith: Australian Liberals and the Moral Middle Class

Judith Brett Australian Liberals and the Moral Middle Class: From Alfred Deakin to John Howard, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 2003 From middle-class liberal independence under Deakin to conservative populism under Howard, with lots of nuances in between.

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Brett, Judith & Anthony Moran: Ordinary People’s Politics

Judith Brett & Anthony Moran Ordinary People’s Politics: Australians Talk about Life, Politics and the Future of their Country, Pluto Press Australia, Melbourne, 2006 Ordinary Australians interviewed about politics and its place in their lives during the Depression, the post

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