Beaumont, Joan, et al.: ANU Archives annual lectures

Beaumont, Joan, et al.

ANU Archives Annual Lectures

The ANU Archives and the Friends of the Noel Butlin Archives Centre sponsor an annual lecture in Canberra and podcasts or vodcasts of recent ones are available. They include:

2014 Professor Joan Beaumont, ‘The Real War? Battles on the Australian home front 1914–19’ 23 September 2014

2013 Professor Jeannette A. Bastian, ‘Whose memories, Whose Records; When the archival legacy of a colonial past meets the cultural records of a post-colonial future’ 25 September 2013

2012 Emeritus Professor Marian Sawer AO, FASSA, ‘Feminism for the 21st century’ 7 September 2012

2011 Senator John Faulkner, ‘Proud past, bright future?’ 15 September 2011

2010 Dr Peter Stanley, ‘Smiths in Stasiland: Archival Reminders of an Uncomfortable Australian Past’, 14 September 2010

2009 Professor Graeme Davison, ‘Rethinking The Australian Legend’, 8 September 2009

2008 Michael Piggott, ‘Alchemist Magpies: Collecting Archivists and Their Critics’, 16 September 2008

2007 Professor Ann Curthoys, ‘Harry Potter and the Holocaust: Reflections on History and Fiction’, 18 September 2007

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