The Misogyny Factor, New South, Sydney, 2013
Provoked by attitudes towards Australia’s first female Prime Minister, the book raises questions about Australian attitudes to women’s participation in economic and political life. ‘Having our first woman Prime Minister’, the author claims, ‘has unleashed a veritable avalanche of sexism and misogyny. These attitudes pervade our culture.’ (p. 161)
The book touches on military attitudes to women (pp. 98-101) and these pages should be read in conjunction with other material on misogyny in the Australian Defence Force. (Two examples are here and here.) There seem to be links between the promotion – partly informal, partly formal – of macho behaviour in the ADF and misogyny among military males. The Anzac spirit or tradition is a pillar of ADF culture.
See also Summers’s 2013 speech on the politics of gender.