Phillips, Ben: living standard trends in Australia

Phillips, Ben

Living Standard Trends in Australia: Report for Anglicare Australia, NATSEM, University of Canberra, September 1915

The report compares the living standards of different household types across the country: how they have changed since 2004 and how they are projected to change in the next 10 years. It looks at income quintiles, family types, tenure, age, income source, and state by state.

Living Standard Trends in Australia shows that some of us have done much better out of the recent economic boom than others, and that Australia is on track to leave those people who are doing it tough even further behind. (abstract)

Yet another report on inequality and its growing dimensions in Australia. We have a collection here on inequality, which has long outgrown its original URL title. The conclusion of this latest report is as follows:

Overall, living standards in Australia have grown very strongly over the past 10 years. The gains have not been shared equally between all Australian households with those households already in the most advantaged position generally advancing more quickly than other households. Over the next 10 years will be particularly challenging for the Australian economy and it would seem unlikely that living standards will grow at the same rate as was observed last decade. Given an ageing society and fiscal policy set to reduce payments to low income families our projections suggest that a further widening of living standards could be expected in the years to come.

The ABC reported on the report which was also analysed by Greg Jericho in Guardian Australia.

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