White, Richard with Sarah-Jane Ballard, Ingrid Bown, Meredith Lake, Patricia Leehy and Lila Oldmeadow
On Holidays: A History of Getting Away in Australia, Pluto Press, North Melbourne, Vic., 2005
Describes chronologically from 1768 ‘the Australian experience of going on holidays [and] examines both the emergence of particular traditions and behaviours from the ‘summer station’, to staying with the rels on the farm or the beach shack by the sea to caravanning and package holidays. Examines relationship between leisure and work.’ (blurb) On page 1 it is suggested that Australia came about as ‘the result of a rich man’s holiday’, the gentleman concerned being Joseph Banks. A review of the book is at History Australia, 3, 1, 2006, accessible through Monash University e-press. The principal author talks about holidays here (with transcript).