Darian-Smith, Kate, Patricia Grimshaw & Stuart Macintyre, ed.
Britishness Abroad: Transnational Movements and Imperial Cultures, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., 2007
Britishness Abroad explores the cultural, economic and political aspects of Britishness in Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Canada and South Africa, as well as in the United States and within Britain itself. Leading scholars consider the movement of people, money, technology, identities, beliefs and attitudes around the British world and examine what happened to Britishness as the Empire declined. (blurb)
Includes chapters by Darian-Smith on gender and nationhood in Australia at the time of Federation, Stuart Ward on ‘new nationalism’ in Australia, Canada and New Zealand, Adele Perry and John Mackenzie on the notion of a ‘British world’ and other chapters on related phenomena as they played out in the British diaspora. This was the world in which the Anzacs fought. There is a review here.