Scanlon Foundation: social cohesion in Australia

Scanlon Foundation

Mapping Social Cohesion Surveys [2007-date]

Since 2007 the surveys have mapped ‘how Australia in the future can maintain the “immigration with social cohesion” success story of the last 5 decades’. In them, there is discussion of public opinion on social cohesion, trust, immigration, asylum seekers, and ethnic, cultural and religious diversity. Media comment, material from the 2013 report and discussion arising is here, here, here and here. On the 2014 report.

These media pieces come mostly from around September 2014, when there was much discussion of ‘Team Australia’ in cultural terms. James Arvanitakis and Christine Cunningham on teaching tolerance in the classroom. Michael Brull on media demonisation of Muslims. Shaun Crowe on how nationalism is framed in terms of external threats. John Hirst on the lessons to be learned from post-war migration. Klaus Neumann on how history can help determine our response to refugees.

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