Leigh, Andrew: Markets, monopolies and moguls: the relationship between inequality and competition

Leigh, Andrew ‘Markets, monopolies and moguls: the relationship between inequality and competition: John Freebairn Lecture in Public Policy, University of Melbourne, 19 May 2016‘, Andrew Leigh MP website, 20 May 2016 Like a large tree that overshadows the saplings around

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Jericho, Greg: Myths of the neoliberal economic model

Jericho, Greg ‘It’s time to expose the myths of the neoliberal economic model‘, Guardian Australia, 30 May 2016 Election commentary which takes a broad historical sweep. The writer looks at trend figures for GDP growth going back 20, 30 and

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Hillman, Nick: The ten commandments for influencing policymakers

Hillman, Nick ‘The ten commandments for influencing policymakers‘, Times Higher Education Supplement, 26 May 2016 Honest History has always been interested in how the discipline of history can be used for good or ill in government. Many of our resources

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Armstrong, Mick: The radicalisation of the (Australian) campuses 1967-74

Mick Armstrong ‘The radicalisation of the campuses 1967-74‘, Australian National University course material for ‘Marxist interventions’ course Based on a chapter from Armstrong’s (now hard to get) book, One, Two Three, What are We Fighting For? (Socialist Alternative, Melbourne 2001).

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Bright, Denis: The income divide in Australia: The return of class-based politics?

Bright, Denis ‘The income divide in Australia: the return of class-based politics?‘, Australian Independent Media Network, 19 May 2016 Gets beyond the politics of campaigning to look at some statistics – some of which have been used previously in the

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Muldoon, Paul & Adrian Little: Indigenous reconciliation opens old wounds

Muldoon, Paul & Adrian Little ‘Indigenous reconciliation is hard, it re-opens wounds to heal them‘, The Conversation, 11 May 2016 First of a series, linking from this article, about the issues surrounding reconciliation (or treaty), starting from the assumption that

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McLean, Ian: With secrecy and despatch (review of exhibition)

McLean, Ian ‘With secrecy and despatch‘, Artlink, April 2016 This is a review of an exhibition (With Secrecy and Despatch, 9 April-12 June) at the Campbelltown Arts Centre on Australian and Canadian contemporary Indigenous art. It also touches on When

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Bongiorno, Frank: lessons from history on election campaigning

Bongiorno, Frank ‘Lessons from history in how to run a good election campaign – or how to avoid a really bad one‘, The Conversation, 9 May 2016 Don’t make yourself a big target, don’t write a (policy) book – or

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The dogs of war at home and abroad: miscellany

(Australian Electoral Commission) As the election is announced, complete with warlike metaphors, it is timely to look at some other slices of our history, past and present, where war is rather more real or more possible. (Honest History will probably

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Daley, Paul: Australian patriotism: it’s not about war, it’s in our love of the land

Paul Daley ‘Australian patriotism: it’s not about war, it’s in our love of the land‘, Guardian Australia, 7 May 2016 updated Daley rejects violent metaphors for election campaigns and suggests patriotism, always evoked at such times, is more subtle and

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Commonwealth Budget 2016 and the size and direction of government

‘Commonwealth Budget 2016 and the size and direction of government’, Honest History, 5 May 2016 updated There has been lots of Budget analysis. Honest History wishes only to note the specifically commemorative elements and pick out some other aspects that

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Brown, AJ: Reforming the Federation requires strong bipartisan support

Brown, AJ ‘To really reform the federation, you must build strong bipartisan support‘, The Conversation, 26 April 2016 Includes results of a survey of politicians, state and federal. The survey found an issue that stood out. But where the most

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Henry, Adam Hughes: The Gatekeepers of Australian Foreign Policy 1950-1966

Henry, Adam Hughes The Gatekeepers of Australian Foreign Policy 1950-1966, Australian Scholarly Publishing, North Melbourne, 2015 Analyses the role of, and networks between, important individuals, elected and in the bureaucracy, as they influenced the direction of Australian foreign policy during

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Orthodoxy at the top (review of Henry’s The Gatekeepers)

‘Orthodoxy at the top’ (review of Henry’s The Gatekeepers), Honest History, 26 April 2016 Derek Abbott* reviews The Gatekeepers of Australian Foreign Policy 1950-1966 by Adam Hughes Henry Examinations of the ‘culture’ of institutions, industries and sectors of society are

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McAuley, Ian: How the deficit obsession is eroding the budget’s usefulness

McAuley, Ian ‘How the deficit obsession is eroding the budget’s usefulness‘, The Conversation, 21 April 2016 Over many years the budget has morphed from an economic statement explaining how the government allocates resources, to a fiscal statement. The emphasis has

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Kaine, Sarah: State of the union(s): perfect storm weakened workers’ voices

Kaine, Sarah ‘The state of the union(s): how a perfect storm weakened the workers’ voices‘, The Conversation, 21 April 2016 The author says that, given the current political focus on unions, an observer would think Australian unions were at the

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Twenty-five years since Deaths in Custody Royal Commission: Honest History miscellany

‘Twenty-five years since Deaths in Custody Royal Commission: Honest History miscellany’, Honest History, 15 April 2016 Taking a line through the dozen or so news reports and pieces of commentary below, we do not attempt any summing up other than

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Stephens, David: Bill Shorten’s Royal Commission proposal: Labor and banks go way, way back

Stephens, David ‘Bill Shorten’s Royal Commission proposal: Labor and the banks go way, way back‘, Pearls and Irritations, 9 April 2016 and updated Update of some earlier material on the Honest History site about the history of Labor’s relations with

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Marsh, Ian: What’s wrong with Australian politics (Parts 1-3)

Marsh, Ian ‘What’s wrong with Australia’s political system?‘; ‘Disaffected electorates? Dysfunctional political systems?‘; ‘What’s wrong with Australian politics?‘ Pearls and Irritations, 4, 5, 7 April 2016 updated People fail to recognise ‘that the political world is … a complex interdependent

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Labor call for banking Royal Commission has historical echoes aplenty

Update December 2017: a Royal Commission of a different feather is announced. Update June-September 2016: more from Humphrey McQueen and others. Update 9 April 2016: updated article on Pearls and Irritation website. ______________ Opposition Leader Shorten has called for a

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Daley, Paul: Lachlan Macquarie was no humanitarian

Daley, Paul ‘Lachlan Macquarie was no humanitarian: his own words show he was a terrorist‘, Guardian Australia, 5 April 2016 Discusses the strategy employed towards Indigenous Australians by New South Wales Governor (1810-22) Lachlan Macquarie. Macquarie is perhaps the most

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Daley, Paul: It’s not “politically correct” to say Australia was invaded, it’s history

Daley, Paul ‘It’s not “politically correct” to say Australia was invaded, it’s history‘, Guardian Australia, 30 March 2016 updated This article comments on the Daily Telegraph‘s comment on a diversity guide at the University of New South Wales, pointing out

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Review note: Certain Admissions by Gideon Haigh is a very Melbourne story

‘Review note: Certain Admissions by Gideon Haigh is a very Melbourne story’, Honest History, 24 March 2016 Update 30 August 2016: the book won the Ned Kelly award for 2016. This is a gripping ‘true crime’ story by a prolific

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Terrorism reprise in the wake of Belgian attacks and Lindt inquest: resources from the Honest History vault

We thought it would be useful today to bring out of the vault a collection we put together about a year ago on background to the then new anti-terrorism laws. It hangs off a review by Jeff Sparrow of a

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Wahlquist, Calla: how Australia embraced gun control after Port Arthur

Wahlquist, Calla ‘It took one massacre: how Australia embraced gun control after Port Arthur‘, Guardian Australia, 15 March 2016 Twenty years on from the Port Arthur massacre (35 dead, 23 wounded), the article traces how Prime Minister announced a package

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Liddle, Celeste: Looking past White Australia and white feminism

Liddle, Celeste ‘Looking past White Australia and white feminism‘, New Matilda, 9 March 2016 updated Update 17 March 2016: Liz Conor writes in New Matilda (excerpt from forthcoming book). Includes cringe-making cartoons and advertisements depicting Indigenous women. _______________ Arrernte woman

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Bentley, Tom & Jonathan West: Time for a new consensus

Bentley, Tom & Jonathan West ‘Time for a new consensus: fostering Australia’s comparative advantages‘, Griffith Review 51 supplement, March 2016; available as pdf and electronically Australia has emerged from a spectacular resources boom without any clear approach to achieving growth

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Defending the national tuckshop (again): Defence White Paper miscellany

Update 1 April 2016: four pieces on the South China Sea from former diplomats Broinowski, Miller and Woodward, published in Pearls and Irritations. ____________________   The title of this piece is pinched shamelessly from that of Michael Cathcart’s excellent book

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Cox, Eva: Feminism has failed and needs a rethink

Cox, Eva ‘Feminism has failed and needs a rethink‘, The Conversation, 8 March 2016 The author says women achieved formal legal equality ‘but moving past that into wider social equity changes seems definitely to have stalled’. Partly due to neo-liberalism,

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Review note: Remembering Ben Chifley by Suzanne Martin: well meant but flawed

‘Review note: Remembering Ben Chifley by Suzanne Martin: well meant but flawed’, Honest History, 5 March 2016 This is a well meant but flawed book about one of our most attractive prime ministers. The author is Chifley’s great-niece, her sisters

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Marshall, Daniel: Does Australia need a Queer History month?

Marshall, Daniel ‘Does Australia need a Queer History month?‘ The Conversation, 3 March 2016 In the wake of the Safe Schools controversy and just after the NSW Parliament and NSW Police apologise for the treatment of Gay and Lesbian marchers

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Abjorensen, Norman: The meaning of John Howard

Abjorensen, Norman ‘The meaning of John Howard‘, Inside Story, 1 March 2016 updated Written to mark the 20th anniversary of the coming to power of the Howard Government. Abjorensen is the doyen of the rise and fall of prime ministers,

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Murphy, Katharine: The politics we deserve

Murphy, Katharine ‘The politics we deserve‘, Meanjin, 74, 4, Summer 2015 The writer is deputy political editor of Guardian Australia. We are posting this link not much more than four months after the article was written – we had missed

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Wilkie, Douglas: La Trobe’s decision to postpone gold exploitation until after 1851

Wilkie, Douglas ‘Ten thousand fathoms deep: Charles Joseph La Trobe’s decision to postpone gold exploitation until after Separation from New South Wales in 1851‘, La Trobeana, 14, 1, March 2015, pp. 6-14 The beginning of the Victorian gold rushes and

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Venturini, VG (George): Towards an Australian republic

Venturini, VG (George) ‘Towards an Australian republic: parts 1-10’, Australian Independent Media Network, 2-11 February 2016 A series of essays from a veteran Australian commentator. The titles of all ten essays and links to them are set out below: Towards

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Daley, Paul: Peter FitzSimons gives republicanism a megaphone

Daley, Paul ‘Love him or hate him, Peter FitzSimons gives republicanism a megaphone‘, Guardian Australia, 24 February 2016 Looks at the rejuvenation of republicanism under Peter FitzSimons, including the support that has been extracted from most State premiers and chief

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Walter, James: can Turnbull manage the ultra-conservatives?

Walter, James ‘A liberal leading the Liberals: can Turnbull manage the ultra-conservatives?‘ The Conversation, 24 February 2016 Comments on the government decision to inquire into Safe Schools, an education program supporting gender-diverse children. Conservatives have claimed the program leads to

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Illogical two per centers still thrive in defence spend debate

Ahead of tomorrow’s release of the Defence White Paper we have this from the prime minister: Defence spending will reach 2% of Australia’s gross domestic product (GDP), the prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull has confirmed, sticking with a commitment made by his predecessor,

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Could Veterans’ Affairs portfolio changes follow departure of Minister?

Stuart Robert MP, the Minister for Human Services, Veterans’ Affairs and Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of Anzac is leaving the Ministry. While the departure of the Minister arises from matters unconnected with his current three jobs, it

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Online gem No. 6: Selected political records of the Commonwealth Parliament

Online gem No. 6: Selected political records of the Commonwealth Parliament (11 February 2016) Any week when the Australian Parliament is sitting brings a sharpened focus on the House on the Hill, even for those Australians who do not live

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It’s a system, dammit, not a horse-race (review of Griffith Review 51)

‘It’s a system, dammit, not a horse-race’ (review of Griffith Review 51), Honest History, 2 February 2016 David Stephens reviews Griffith Review 51, ‘Fixing the system’, edited by Julianne Schultz and Anne Tiernan  Once upon a time gentlemen who made

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Schultz, Julianne, Anne Tiernan, et al.: Fixing the system

Schultz, Julianne, Anne Tiernan, et al. ‘Fixing the system‘, Griffith Review, 51, January 2016, available online to subscribers Collection of nearly thirty essays on how to foster ‘a society that really works’. Authors include the editors, Carmen Lawrence, Chris Wallace,

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High Commissioner Fisher talks up the war, January 1916: highlights reel

‘High Commissioner Fisher talks up the war, January 1916: Honest History highlights reel’, Honest History, 2 February 2016 Andrew Fisher left the Australian prime ministership on 30 October 1915 and, with his family, travelled to London to take up the

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Headon, David & John Uhr, ed.: Eureka: Australia’s greatest story

David Headon & John Uhr, ed. Eureka: Australia’s Greatest Story, Federation Press, Sydney, 2015; electronic version available Papers from a conference held in Canberra, December 2014, plus some additional papers. The editors of this book boldly proclaim that Eureka is

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Melleuish, Gregory: Australian head of state but de facto monarchy

Melleuish, Gregory ‘An Australian head of state won’t save us from being a de facto monarchy‘, The Conversation, 27 January 2016 Prime ministers have become quasi-monarchs (despite their elected status) which is a particular worry given the poor quality of

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Organ, Michael K.: Governor Macquarie’s Aboriginal War of 1816

Organ, Michael K. ‘Secret service: Governor Macquarie’s Aboriginal War of 1816: Proceedings of the National Conference of the Royal Australian Historical Society, Mittagong, 25-26 October 2014‘, University of Wollongong Research Online Detailed analysis of Governor Lachlan Macquarie’s punitive actions against

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Patience, Allan: Can we afford Australia’s federal system?

Patience, Allan ‘Can we continue to afford Australia’s federal system?‘ Pearls and Irritations, 18 January 2016 The article looks at the issues facing Australia and anticipates the forthcoming White Paper on the reform of federalism. It is now more obvious

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Browne, Peter: Postwar boomer (RG Menzies 50 years on)

Browne, Peter ‘Postwar boomer‘, Inside Story, 18 January 2016 Long essay looking back from Sir Robert Menzies’ retirement 50 years ago to the events of his 16-year reign (and even glances at his earlier time in office in 1939-41). Menzies

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Latimore, Jack et al: New News 2015: From the ground up: New Media and Indigenous reporting

Latimore, Jack, Allan Clarke, Paul Daley, Amy McQuire, and Steve Hodder Watt ‘New News 2015: From the ground up: New Media and Indigenous reporting’, Wheeler Centre, 10 October 2015 One hour video of panel discussion, chaired by Latimore, who is

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Honest History Christmas miscellany 2015: lots to read and ponder

‘Honest History Christmas miscellany 2015: lots to read and ponder’, Honest History, 20 December 2015 Christmas often brings a reckoning and it is the same in our compact little enterprise. We would have loved to have afforded some of the

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World War I internment case rings ‘national security’ bells today

What happens in Marrickville today would have been of interest to the enforcers of the War Precautions Act 1914 had it happened a century ago. Sunday, 22 November 2015, saw the Gallipoli Centenary Peace Campaign (GCPC) and St Brigid’s Parish

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Eltham, Ben: for a new thing, innovation has been around for a while

Eltham, Ben ‘Malcolm “Boom Boom” Turnbull is an old ideas man‘, New Matilda, 10 December 2015 Anyone older than 40 should be able to remember at least three ‘innovation statements’ by Australian governments. They may also have a shelf of

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Appleby, Gabrielle: what say do our elected representatives have in going to war?

Appleby, Gabrielle ‘What say do our elected representatives have in going to war?‘ The Conversation, 10 December 2015 updated The authorisation of military force is one of the most serious and consequential powers that governments possess. This power should be

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Three essays on the Cronulla riots 10 years on

Update 14 December 2015: the World Socialist Web Site weighs in with some detailed analysis of the court decision on the proposed Cronulla commemorative barbecue by the Party for Freedom. WSWS has also sent us a link to its 2006

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Powell, Graeme with Stuart Macintyre: Land of opportunity (Post-War Reconstruction archives)

Powell, Graeme with Stuart Macintyre Land of Opportunity: Australia’s Post-War Reconstruction, National Archives of Australia, Canberra, 2015 This is 336 pages (30 chapters) of guidance to the files of the National Archives of Australia on a crucial decade of Australia’s

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Whiteford, Peter: is welfare sustainable?

Whiteford, Peter ‘Is welfare sustainable?‘ Inside Story, 22 November 2015 Looks at recent government statements about social services expenditure then moves on to detailed historical consideration of the issue. Most of the graphs go back to 1995 and cover, for

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Eureka 161 years on: Honest History miscellany

‘Eureka 161 years on: Honest History miscellany’, Honest History, 1 December 2015 Thursday this week, 3 December, is the 161st anniversary of Eureka. Honest History has collected resources on Eureka over the last couple of years and here are links

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Stephens, David: will the new Anzac centenary minister be too busy to bother?

Stephens, David ‘Will the new Anzac centenary minister be too busy to bother?‘ Honest History, 1 December 2015 Update 4 December 2015: the Minister has responded on Twitter. The article looks at the ministerial workload implications of the machinery of

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Bongiorno, Frank: The Eighties: Decade that Transformed Australia

Bongiorno, Frank The Eighties: The Decade that Transformed Australia, Black Inc, Collingwood, Vic, 2015; hardback and electronic It was the era of Hawke and Keating, Kylie and INXS, the America’s Cup and the Bicentenary. It was perhaps the most controversial

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Will the new Anzac centenary minister be too busy to bother?

David Stephens ‘Will the new Anzac centenary minister be too busy to bother?’ Honest History, 1 December 2015 updated [Note: earlier, edited versions of this article appear in the Public Servant Informant supplement of the Canberra Times for 1 December 2015,

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The eighties in nine chapters (review of Bongiorno)

‘The eighties in nine chapters’ (review of Bongiorno), Honest History, 1 December 2015 Janet Wilson* reviews The Eighties: The Decade that Transformed Australia by Frank Bongiorno __________________________ Among the words and phrases that entered the lexicon in the 1980s are

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Wilkie, Douglas: the convict ship Hashemy and historical error

Wilkie, Douglas ‘The convict ship “Hashemy” at Port Phillip: a case study in historical error‘, Victorian Historical Journal, 85, 1, June 2014, pp. 31-53 Received history is that the convict ship Hashemy was turned away from Melbourne in 1849 and

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Online gem No. 5: Medico-Legal Society of Victoria: experience of war

Online gem No. 5: Medico-Legal Society of Victoria: the experience of war (26 November 2015) Here are some more items from the extensive holdings of the Medico-Legal Society of Victoria (MLSV). Online gem No. 4 also included papers from the

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Woolombi Waters, Marcus: Australia is a nation of white privilege

Woolombi Waters, Marcus ‘Whether you’re listening or not, Australia is a nation of white privilege‘, The Conversation, 17 November 2015 The author is a Kamilaroi man who has recently returned from travelling overseas for work. This article received more than

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Cochrane, Peter: Keith Murdoch and the birth of a dynasty

Cochrane, Peter ‘Book review: Before Rupert: Keith Murdoch and the birth of a dynasty‘, The Conversation, 13 November 2015 Cochrane reviews this new book by Tom DC Roberts. The book starts with Murdoch’s ‘Gallipoli letter’ but goes much further. It is

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Smith, Evan: Australia and the fascist idea of Greater Britain

Smith, Evan ‘Australia and the fascist idea of Greater Britain‘, Imperial & Global Forum, 9 November 2015 Guest blog by an Australian scholar. Shows how important to Oswald Mosley’s 1930s British Union of Fascists (BUF) was to the maintenance of

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Jakubowicz, Andrew: we need a Multiculturalism Act

Jakubowicz, Andrew ‘How national multicultural legislation would strengthen Australian society‘, The Conversation, 5 November 2015 The author looks at 40 years of history of how governments, state and federal, have dealt with multiculturalism. He finds they have lacked ‘the courage

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Menadue, John: how Kerr saved Fraser in 1975

Menadue, John ‘The Dismissal: how John Kerr saved Malcolm Fraser forty years ago‘, Pearls and Irritations, 5 November 2015 John Menadue, close to the events of the Dismissal, recalls some key events and attitudes. Malcolm Fraser’s political life was saved

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Abjorensen, Norman: The manner of their going

Abjorensen, Norman The Manner of Their Going: Prime Ministerial Exits from Lyne to Abbott, Australian Scholarly Publishing, North Melbourne, 2015 A study of the departures of all our prime ministers, from the one who was commissioned but never served (Lyne)

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Parting not such sweet sorrow (review of Abjorensen)

‘Parting not such sweet sorrow’, Honest History, 4 November 2015 Michael Piggott reviews Norman Abjorensen’s The Manner of Their Going: Prime Ministerial Exits from Lyne to Abbott I was in a bus on a group tour in Turkey when the news

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Daley, Paul: Dismissal bastardry 40 years on

Daley, Paul ‘Gough Whitlam: 40 years on, the Dismissal’s bastardry still intrigues‘, Guardian Australia, 31 October 2015 Grows out of the author’s involvement in the ‘Live Tweeting the Dismissal‘ exercise run by the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament

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Kevin, Tony: Legislating for War Powers Reform

Kevin, Tony ‘Legislating for War Powers Reform: a report‘, Australians for War Powers Reform, 23 October 2015 and updated This is a report of a seminar held at the Australian National University on 23 October. It is reprinted here in

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Menadue, John: The Dismissal 40 years on

Menadue, John ‘The Dismissal – forty years on: a smoking gun‘, Pearls and Irritations, 29 October 2015 Menadue was the secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet at the time of The Dismissal. Here he comments on the

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Online gem No. 4: Medico-Legal Society of Victoria

Online gem No. 4: Medico-Legal Society of Victoria (26 October 2015) The Medico-Legal Society of Victoria, founded in Melbourne in 1931, was intended as a common meeting ground for the legal and medical professions and to promote discussion and understanding

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Lever, Susan: Lawrence’s Australian experiment

Lever, Susan ‘Lawrence’s Australian experiment‘, Inside Story, 22 October 2015 Almost a century on, there is still a nagging feeling that DH Lawrence, in some ways the archetypal ‘Pom passing through’ (he was here for just three months), still ‘got’

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Evershed, Nick & Michael Safi: timeline of national security changes since 2001

Evershed, Nick & Michael Safi ‘All of Australia’s national security changes since 9/11 in a timeline‘, Guardian Australia, 19 October 2015 (updated) In case you haven’t been keeping up surveillance on recent history, here is a useful guide to 2002-15,

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Menadue, John: Radicalism and terrorism

Menadue, John ‘Radicalism and terrorism‘, Pearls and Irritations, 15 October 2015 The author makes an important distinction, noting that radicalism and terrorism are not the same thing. Radical politics and radical religion are surely acceptable and widespread. But what is

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Wesley, Michael: Restless Continent

Wesley, Michael Restless Continent: Wealth, Rivalry, and Asia’s New Geopolitics, BlackInc, Melbourne, 2015; available electronically The world has never seen economic development as rapid or significant as Asia’s during recent decades. Home to three-fifths of humanity, this restless continent will

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Watching the neighbours (review of Wesley)

‘Watching the neighbours’ (review of Wesley), Honest History, 13 October 2015 Derek Abbott* reviews Michael Wesley’s Restless Continent: Wealth, Rivalry and Asia’s New Geopolitics Robert Burns enjoined us to see ourselves as others see us; Michael Wesley would also have

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Online gem No.3: Canberra’s 1940 air crash

Online gem No. 3: Canberra’s 1940 air crash (13 October 2015 updated) On the morning of 13 August 1940 a Hudson A16-97 aircraft flying from Melbourne to Canberra crashed on the eastern approaches to Canberra’s airport. All ten people on

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Hudson, Marc: 25 years of emissions cuts history

Hudson, Marc ‘25 years ago the Australian government promised deep emissions cuts, and yet here we still are‘, The Conversation, 9 October 2015 Looks at ‘the largely forgotten history’ of the 25 years since the then minister brought Australia’s first

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Bueskens, Petra: Malcolm Turnbull and small and big L liberals

Bueskens, Petra ‘Malcolm Turnbull, Immanuel Kant and the Conundrum of small and big L Liberals‘, New Matilda, 6 October 2015 updated The article is interesting because it juggles shades of meaning in Kant, strains of opinion in the Liberal Party

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Burnside, Julian: what sort of country are we?

Burnside, Julian ‘What sort of country are we?‘ The Conversation, 29 September 2015 Article based on the Hamer Oration, delivered 28 September. Examines incidents in Australia’s treatment of refugees over the last decade and a half, considering Tampa, the Pacific

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Triggs, Gillian, et al: Anzac spirit and human rights

Triggs, Gillian, et al War and Peace: the ANZAC Spirit and Human Rights, Australian Human Rights Commission, Sydney 2015 Papers from a conference held by the Commission in May 2014. There is an introduction from Professor Triggs and papers from

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Grudnoff, Matt & Dan Gilchrist: decline of Australian foreign aid

Grudnoff, Matt & Dan Gilchrist Charity Ends at Home: the Decline of Foreign Aid in Australia – Policy Brief, September 2015, Australia Institute & Jubilee Australia Research Centre, Canberra, 2015 A brief historical view of Australia’s foreign aid performance over

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Leslie, Tim, et al: Prime Ministers’ careers graphically presented

Leslie, Tim, Louis Stowasser, Ben Spraggon & Matthew Liddy ‘From Menzies to Malcolm: the careers of Australia’s prime ministers visualised‘, ABC News, 25 September 2015 Handy graphic version on one screen of the careers of 18 prime ministers, showing periods

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Nolan, Melanie: Coral Magnolia Lansbury 1929-1991

Nolan, Melanie ‘Coral Magnolia Lansbury, 1929-1991‘, Australian Dictionary of Biography, online edition, 2015 Coral Lansbury was a distinguished Australian radio scriptwriter, academic and novelist. Her son, Malcolm Bligh Turnbull, is Australia’s 29th prime minister. Nolan also presented a seminar on

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Arrow, Michelle: Damned Whores and God’s Police 40 years on

Arrow, Michelle ‘Damned Whores and God’s Police is still relevant to Australia 40 years on – more’s the pity‘, The Conversation, 21 September 2015 The article marks four decades since Anne Summers’ book. A conference is under way. Anne Summers’

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Jericho, Greg: poorest will go under as living standards ebb

Jericho, Greg ‘As the “rising tide” of living standards starts to ebb, the poorest will go under‘, Guardian Australia, 19 September 2015 Close summary analysis of the NATSEM report recently released. See also our collection of material on inequality, with

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Beams, Nick: PM Turnbull and China

Beams, Nick ‘Foreign policy dilemmas confront new Australian PM over China‘, World Socialist Web Site, 18 September 2015 Long article dissecting the new prime minister’s attitudes to China taking note of some key speeches. A useful addition to whatever analysis

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Phillips, Ben: living standard trends in Australia

Phillips, Ben Living Standard Trends in Australia: Report for Anglicare Australia, NATSEM, University of Canberra, September 1915 The report compares the living standards of different household types across the country: how they have changed since 2004 and how they are

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Brangwin, Nicole, et al: history of Australia’s defence white papers

Brangwin, Nicole, Nathan Church, Steve Dyer & David Watt Defending Australia: a History of Australia’s Defence White Papers: Parliamentary Library Research Paper 2015-16, 20 August 2015 This is a timely publication, given the recent extended commitment to Iraq-Syria, defence spending

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Abjorensen, Norman: uneasy lies the head

Abjorensen, Norman ‘Uneasy lies the head‘, Inside Story, 15 September 2015 Australia’s leading scholar of prime ministerial departures examines the latest one in its historical context, noting the difficulty that recent prime ministers (Hawke, Rudd, Gillard) have had in surviving

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Liddy, Matthew, et al: Australia’s political rollercoaster

Liddy, Matthew, Ben Spraggon, Lucy Fahey, Simon Elvery & Colin Gourlay ‘Australia’s political rollercoaster: 13 years, 66 changes‘, ABC News, 14 September 2015 Useful backgrounder on changes of leadership in all Australian jurisdictions over recent years. One more to add.

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Gorman, Sean, et al.: Griffith Review: Indigenous writing

Gorman, Sean, et al ‘Indigenous writing’, Griffith Review We apologise for not discovering this portal earlier. It links (at the time of posting, September 2015) to 54 articles from Griffith Review on Indigenous affairs and another 33 articles from the

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Inequality – six of the best from Andrew Leigh MP: highlights reel

‘Inequality – six of the best from Andrew Leigh, MP: highlights reel’, Honest History, 1 September 2015 updated Inequality has been a special interest of Honest History, as we have noted the procession of reporting organisations confirming Australia’s growing reputation

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Diamond, Marion: street names and naming conventions

Diamond, Marion ‘Street names and naming conventions‘, Historians are Past Caring, 20 August 2015 Whimsical but well-informed piece about how our capital city streets came to get the names they bear today. Street names say a lot about who and

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Review note: Stuart Macintyre’s Australia’s Boldest Experiment

‘Review note: Stuart Macintyre’s Australia’s Boldest Experiment‘, Honest History, 19 August 2015 updated World War I is far enough back for spruikers of a particular view of it to extract bits selectively from, say, the ambivalent Charles Bean and impress

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Pegram, Aaron: Australian politicians in WWI

Pegram, Aaron ‘Politicians at war: the experiences of Australian parliamentarians in the First World War‘, Parliament of Australia, 10 April 2015 A lunchtime lecture. The author summarises: 119 Australian MPs saw active service in the First World War: 72 were members

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Reid, Elizabeth: Maintaining the rage (Whitlam and women)

Reid, Elizabeth ‘Maintaining the rage: address to Vintage Reds, Canberra, 16 June 2015‘, Vintage Reds Elizabeth Reid was the first women’s adviser to an Australian prime minister, appointed by Gough Whitlam in 1973. There is more about her here and

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Rollison, Kay: Hugh Stretton remembered

Rollison, Kay ‘Book review: Ideas for Australian Cities, by Hugh Stretton‘, Australian Independent Media Network, 11 August 2015 Marks the death last month at 91 of Australian public intellectual, Hugh Stretton, author of the pioneering The Political Sciences (1969), Ideas

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Two Australians of the Year: highlights reel

‘Two Australians of the Year: highlights reel’, Honest History, 1 August 2015 Adam Goodes, AFL footballer and Indigenous activist, was Australian of the Year 2013. Rosie Batty, mother and domestic violence activist, was Australian of the Year 2014. Both have

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Ørsted-Jensen, Robert: Website of resources related to his book Frontier History Revisited

Robert Ørsted-Jensen Webpage of resources related to his book Frontier History Revisited Brings together a collection of resources related to the author’s 2011 book, Frontier History Revisited: Colonial Queensland and the History War. There are extracts from the book, as well

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Sparrow, Jeff: fascism not always an Australian freakshow

Sparrow, Jeff ‘If you oppose Reclaim Australia, remember fascism wasn’t always a freak show‘, Guardian Australia, 22 July 2015 Riffs off a minor ‘scandal’ over film of Queen Elizabeth as a seven-year-old essaying a Nazi salute (links to other articles

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Edgar, Bill: Western Australian convicts

Edgar, Bill ‘The Western Australian convicts: a crucial phase in the British convict transportation phenomenon‘, Honest History, 19 July 2015 Much has been handed down about the severity and iniquities of the Australian convict system, but much has been falsely

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Daley, Paul: aboriginal activist AM Fernando in London

Daley, Paul ‘Anthony Martin Fernando: the Aboriginal activist who took his people’s fight to London‘, Guardian Australia, 3 July 2015 [Fernando] is probably the first Indigenous Australian to dedicate his life to activism in Europe … His attempt to petition

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Taking liberties? five whizzbangs about testing the limits of power

Sometimes the connections within our monthly collections of Whizzbangs only become clear after they are posted and we look at them again on their way to our Choice Whizzbangs section. Some, indeed, have quite long fuses. Some are timeless; some

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“Whose side are you on?” (II): Honest History Factsheet

‘”Whose side are you on?” (II): Honest History Factsheet’, Honest History, 27 June 2015 Some recent askers of the question ‘Whose side are they on?’ may not have been aware of the distinguished pedigree of these words or words very

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Newton, Douglas: “Whose side are you on?”

Newton, Douglas ‘“Whose side are you on?”‘ Honest History, 27 June 2015 To cast doubt on the patriotism of those who do not participate in a hate-the-enemy auction has a long and ignoble history. Those who defend civil liberties, those

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“Whose side are you on?”

Douglas Newton ‘”Whose side are you on?”‘ Honest History, 27 June 2015 Saluting the flag, New York 1942 (Wikimedia Commons/Marie Winn) ‘Again, I say, the issue for the ABC, our national broadcaster, is “whose side are you on?” Because all too

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Bosler, Danae: Australian novels by radical women

Bosler, Danae ‘Labour in vain: the forgotten novels of Australia’s radical women‘, Overland, 16 June 2015 Brief survey of novels by Betty Collins, Jean Devanny, Dorothy Hewett, Amanda Lohrey and others. These novels are seminal Australian texts because of their

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Evans, Mark: Evidence-based policy making

Evans, Mark ‘Evidence-based policy making: what Westminster policy officers say they do and why‘, The Policy Space, 16 June 2015 This article appears in a blog from the Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis at the University of Canberra. It

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Oliver, Alex: Lowy Institute Poll 2015

Oliver, Alex ‘Lowy Institute Poll 2015‘, Lowy Institute, 16 June 2015 KEY FINDINGS:This year’s Poll has recorded the lowest feeling of safety among Australians, and the sharpest decline in optimism about the nation’s economic performance in the world, in our

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Curran, James: Whitlam and Nixon at war

Curran, James Unholy Fury: Whitlam and Nixon at War, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., 2015 (e-book available) In the early 1970s, two titans of Australian and American politics, Prime Minister Gough Whitlam and President Richard Nixon, clashed over the end

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No-go zones: review of James Curran’s Unholy Fury

‘No-go zones: review of James Curran’s Unholy Fury’, Honest History, 15 June 2015 Alison Broinowski reviews James Curran, Unholy Fury: Whitlam and Nixon at War Has anyone else noticed that the world has a growing number of places that are

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Magna Carta miscellany

‘Magna Carta miscellany’, Honest History, 9 June 2015 Update 8 July 2015: Malcolm Turnbull on Magna Carta and related issues. Update 15 June 2015: leader from the Guardian with the interesting title of ‘the magic of myth’. _________________________ Next Monday,

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Atkinson, Alan: Europeans in Australia Vol. 3: Nation

Atkinson, Alan The Europeans in Australia, Volume 3: Nation, NewSouth, Sydney, 2014 Follows Volume 1: The Beginning (1997)  and Volume 2: Democracy (2004). This is the third and final volume of the landmark, award-winning series The Europeans in Australia that gives an

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Pembroke, Michael: Arthur Phillip

Pembroke, Michael Arthur Phillip: Sailor, Mercenary, Governor, Spy, Hardie Grant, Melbourne & London, 2013 This is not just a book about wooden ships and big guns, although they certainly feature. It is a story of privation and ambition, of wealthy

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Ackland, Richard: Mass surveillance and servants of the state

Ackland, Richard ‘Mass surveillance makes us servants of the state: that’s chilling‘, Guardian Australia, 26 May 2015 Text of the PEN Free Voices lecture at the Sydney Writers Festival, 24 May 2015. There were more than 50 comments. Censorship, control

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OECD: In it together: why less inequality benefits all … in Australia

OECD In It Together: Why Less Inequality Benefits All … in Australia, OECD, 21 May 2015 This is the Australia-oriented summary takeout from a broader OECD project. The material at the link includes graphs on income inequality trends and a

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Stephens, David: ‘The Next War’: two speeches on Australia 2015

Stephens, David ‘”The Next War”: two speeches on Australia 2015’, Honest History, 23 May 2015 The first speech, ‘Anzac and the militarisation of Australian society‘, was given at Politics in the Pub, Glebe, on 9 April 2015. It discussed Anzac

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Militarism, fascism, Anzacism: Australian progress report 2015

David Stephens ‘Militarism, fascism, Anzacism: an Australian progress report 2015: speech to Solidarity Forum, University of Technology, Sydney, 9 May 2015’, Honest History, 23 May 2015 (For an associated speech.) I acknowledge the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation, the

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Anzac and the militarisation of Australian society

David Stephens ‘Anzac and the militarisation of Australian society: Politics in the Pub, Glebe, 9 April 2015’, Honest History, 23 May 2015 (A video of the speech is on the Politics in the Pub website. Q&A. An associated speech.) I

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Sparrow, Jeff: not entirely innocent (anti-terror laws resources)

Sparrow, Jeff ‘Not entirely innocent‘, Sydney Review of Books, 17 April 2015 updated This is a lengthy review article of Inside Australia’s Anti-Terrorism Laws and Trials by Andrew Lynch, Nicola McGarrity and George Williams, recently published by NewSouth. The blurb for

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Batt, Peter J. et al: pillars of the economy

Batt, Peter J. et al ‘Five pillar economy,’ The Conversation, 27 April-11 May 2015 The articles take up a 2013 theme of prime minister Abbott (‘the five pillar economy’) and look at agriculture (Batt), education (Michael Coelli), mining (Anne Garnett),

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CEDA: entrenched economic disadvantage in Australia

Committee for Economic Development of Australia Addressing Economic Disadvantage in Australia, CEDA, Melbourne, 2015 This report was released on 21 April 2015. It was described as ‘a policy perspective examining issues associated with the economics of disadvantage’. In other words,

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Keating, Michael & John Menadue, ed.: Fairness, opportunity and security

Keating, Michael & John Menadue, ed. ‘Fairness, opportunity and security: a policy series‘, Pearls and Irritations, 11 May 2015 (updated) Update 27 May 2015: There have been 20 or so papers already on democratic renewal, the role of government, foreign

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Tuck, John & Anthony Forsyth: social media misuse in workplace

Tuck, John & Anthony Forsyth ‘”Maybe I shouldn’t have tweeted that!” social media misuse in the workplace‘, Corrs Thinking Insights, 1 May 2015 Employers should take away three lessons from this [Scott McIntyre] incident. First, you must have a clear

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McAuley, Ian: Australia’s ‘big government’ myth

McAuley, Ian ‘Busting the myth that Australia has “big government”‘, The Conversation, 8 May 2015 The reality is that Australia’s public expenditure, as a percentage of GDP, has shown no discernible upward trend for the last 35 years, and that

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Bacon, Wendy: getting Scott McIntyre

Bacon, Wendy ‘Getting Scott McIntyre: lest we forget the role of pundits, politicians and a social media mob‘, New Matilda, 6 May 2015 (updated) The author exhaustively analyses Twitter streams leading up to the sacking of SBS journalist, Scott McIntyre,

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Freedom of speech in Burwood: Honest History Factsheet

Update 7 May 2015: further light shed Open letter by Socialist Equality Party to University of Sydney. Update 28 April 2015: meetings held The Socialist Equality Party meetings were held, with audiences of workers and youth. Update 2.30 pm 18

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Horner, David: The Spy Catchers: ASIO

Horner, David The Spy Catchers: the Official History of ASIO, 1949-1963, Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, 2014; available electronically David Horner’s book is the first of three volumes on ASIO. (The next two volumes are by John Blaxland.) ‘For

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Is David Horner’s official history of ASIO ‘honest history’?

‘Is David Horner’s official history of ASIO “honest history”? Was Colonel Spry a traitor?’, Honest History, 14 April 2015 Ernst Willheim discusses The Spy Catchers: the Official History of ASIO, 1949-1963, by David Horner . The article was originally an

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Fear, politics and what wins elections

‘There are three things that will guarantee votes in an election: favors, hope, and personal attachment. You must work to give these incentives to the right people.’ Cicero, How to Win an Election: an Ancient Guide for Modern Politicians (64 BC) translated Philip

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What is the state for?

‘A good society is one characterised by a collective concern with social justice and a capacity to act in pursuit of that objective. That this case even has to be made is symptomatic of the pervasive influence of neoliberalism during the

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Honest History list: resources on Malcolm Fraser

Australia’s 22nd prime minister, John Malcolm Fraser, has died at the age of 84. Robert Manne interviewed Fraser last year. Honest History committee member, Alison Broinowski, reviewed his book Dangerous Allies (other resources at this link also). Another review by

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Abjorensen, Norman: William Lyne, PM who never was

Abjorensen, Norman ‘The Prime Minister Who Never Was: Sir William Lyne and the politics of Federation‘ (Draft chapter of The Manner of Their Going: Prime Ministerial Exits in Australia, to be published later in 2015; draft provided by courtesy of

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Burgmann, Meredith, ed.: Dirty Secrets: our ASIO files

Burgmann, Meredith, ed. Dirty Secrets: our ASIO Files, NewSouth, Sydney, 2014; e-book available Well-known Australians – mavericks, activists, movers and shakers – reflect on their own ASIO files. In this moving, funny and sometimes chilling book, leading Australians open their

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Denniss, Richard: Economists and Manning Clark

Denniss, Richard ‘What economists can learn from Manning Clark: 2015 Manning Clark lecture, Australian National University, Canberra, 3 March 2015‘, Manning Clark House This is an audio of the lecture plus a separate audio of questions and answers. It may

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Gregory, Mark: Australian working songs and poems

Gregory, Mark Australian Working Songs and Poems: a Rebel Heritage, Ph. D. thesis, School of Humanities and Social Inquiry, University of Wollongong, 2014 The thesis analyses 150 poems and songs about work and working conditions, with an emphasis on rights,

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Hazlehurst, Cameron: ten journeys to Cameron’s Farm

Hazlehurst, Cameron Ten Journeys to Cameron’s Farm: an Australian Tragedy, ANU E-press, Canberra, 2013 A book on the 1940 Canberra air disaster and the lives leading up to it of its victims, including three Cabinet Ministers and the Chief of

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Gaita, Raimond: balancing security and liberty

Gaita, Raimond ‘Can Australia ever strike the “proper balance” between security and liberty?‘ Guardian Australia, 28 February 2015 Honest History had collected links to many articles written over the last few months about national security issues, triggered by fears of

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Robertson, Emily: Propaganda at home (Australia)

Robertson, Emily ‘Propaganda at home (Australia)‘, Ute Daniel et al., ed., 1914-1918 Online: International Encyclopedia of the First World War, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, 2015 Australian government propaganda was subordinate to state and federal recruiting bodies and thus was mainly tasked with maintaining

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Diamond, Marion: Hangman’s rope

Diamond, Marion ‘The hangman’s rope‘, Historians are Past Caring, 22 February 2015 Inspired by imminent executions in Indonesia, the article recalls the hanging of Ronald Ryan in Melbourne in 1967 and goes much further back to the history of hanging

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Harman, Kristyn & Elizabeth Grant: Restraining Aboriginal people

Harman, Kristyn & Elizabeth Grant ‘“Impossible to detain … without chains”? The use of restraints on Aboriginal people in policing and prisons‘, History Australia, 11, 3, 2014, pp. 157-176 The use of restraints on Australian Aboriginal people had its inception

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Plus ca change

‘We have budgeted for a surplus; nothing is more inflationary than for governments to live beyond their incomes and draw upon Central Bank Credit for the deficit. We have reviewed the Commonwealth Departments, and have effected a net reduction in

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Broinowski, Alison: Citizenfour reviewed

Broinowski, Alison ‘Surveillance is control: Citizenfour reviewed’, Honest History, 15 February 2015 Australia has form in surveillance. The Keepsakes exhibition at the National Library of Australia has the caption ‘A wartime police state’ on exhibits depicting the Hughes Government’s actions

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Wright, Clare: birth of Australian nation

Wright, Clare ‘”A splendid object lesson”: a transnational perspective on the birth of the Australian nation‘, Journal of Women’s History, 26, 4, Winter 2014, pp. 12-36 Author-supplied pdf (use Adobe Tools button >> to rotate pages!) Historians have attributed the

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Tiffen, Rodney: Strategic omissions: Howard on Menzies

Tiffen, Rodney ‘Strategic omissions‘, Inside Story, 29 January 2015 A review of John Howard’s The Menzies Era: the Years that Shaped Modern Australia. The greatest appeal of the book is that it is written from the perspective of an experienced

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Howard, John: Menzies era

Howard, John The Menzies Era: the Years that Shaped Modern Australia, Harper Collins, Sydney, 2014, e-book available Our longest-serving prime minister considered by our second longest-serving. There is a sample at the link above and here and reviews may be

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Direct Action, then and now

Direct Action a century ago was a newspaper published in Sydney by the International Workers of the World. Its first edition, dated November 1914, included a cartoon, ‘The advancing proletariat’, the words of ‘The Internationale’ and articles critical of the

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Court short?

[T]he effect of the [High Court’s] decisions on the life of the country and its relative freedom from direct control are too great for it to be insulated from vigorous discussion and criticism. But, although humility is not the appropriate

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Promises, promises

If you break a promise, the outcome is uncertain and the number of people affected is small. But if you refuse to make a promise, the result is certain and produces immediate anger in a larger number of voters. (Cicero,

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Lord, John: Politics and Christian faith

Lord, John ‘Politics and the future of the Christian faith in Australia‘, Australian Independent Media Network, 8 December 2014 Tracks trends in religious faith and church attendance, using census and polling data. He quotes Tom Frame in his book, Losing

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Abjorensen, Norman: Tiger by the tail

Abjorensen, Norman ‘Tiger by the tail‘, Inside Story, 18 November 2014 Examines the changing social base of the modern Liberal Party, focusing particularly on the increasing influence of the Radical Right. It was the mid 1990s. Howard and his colleagues

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McQueen, Humphrey: From Eureka stockades

McQueen, Humphrey ‘From Eureka stockades: Eureka Dinner, Adelaide, 15 November 2014‘, Chris White Online, 20 November 2014 Notes the development of conservative Legislative Councils after Eureka and parallels with modern politics. Also recalls that the miners’ objections in 1854 to

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Summers, Anne: Politics of gender

Summers, Anne ‘More in anger: the politics of gender in Australia in 2013 (Second Emily’s List Oration, Canberra, 19 June 2013)‘ Looks at the representation of women in federal politics, says more should be done and proposes reserving 50 per

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Moorhouse, Frank: Australia under surveillance

Moorhouse, Frank Australia under Surveillance, Random House, North Sydney, 2014; available as e-book This year ASIO has extended its surveillance powers, made the issuing of warrants easier and limited the freedom of journalists. At a time when the government has

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The new normal: Frank Moorhouse reviewed

‘The new normal’, Honest History, 2 December 2014 Alison Broinowski reviews Frank Moorhouse’s Australia under Surveillance I wish I still had that very old Disney comic that showed ducks in raincoats on a beach, hiding one behind the other under

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Knaap, Aden: internationalism in early 20th century Australia

Knaap, Aden ‘Family matters: internationalism in early 20th century Australia‘, Honest History, 2 December 2014 Examines the development and role of League of Nations Unions in Australia during the 1920s and 1930s and notes some parallel developments in Britain. Argues

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Internationalism in early 20th century Australia

Aden Knaap ‘Family matters: internationalism in early 20th century Australia’, Honest History, 2 December 2014 In mid-November this year Tony Abbott convened a Joint Sitting of Federal Parliament to welcome British Prime Minister David Cameron to Australia. The Australian Prime

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Stephens, David: Does the banker still hold all the cards?

Stephens, David ‘Does the banker still hold all the cards?‘ Honest History, 24 November 2014 and updated A historical view of some aspects of banking policy, inspired by a recent piece from The Australia Institute targeting the concentration of banking

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Does the banker still hold all the cards?

David Stephens ‘Does the banker still hold all the cards?’ Honest History, 24 November 2014 In the 1950s the then Bank of New South Wales, now Westpac, produced pamphlets on historical subjects for primary school children. On the back of

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Unhappy High Commissioner

If I stayed in Scotland … I should have been able to heckle my member on questions of Imperial policy and vote for or against him on that ground. I went to Australia. I have been Prime Minister. But all the time I have had

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American cousin

As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the

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Cahill, Rowan: Future of history

Cahill, Rowan ‘The future of history‘, Overland, 29 October 2014 Considers former prime minister John Howard’s book on former prime minister Robert Menzies (The Menzies Era) and moves on to remarks about current politics. Cahill says the book is ‘an

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Code, Bill: PMs’ childhood homes

Code, Bill ‘The childhood homes of Australia’s prime ministers – in pictures‘, Guardian Australia, 28 October 2014 The imminent (but then delayed) demolition of the home in Kew, Victoria, where Gough Whitlam was born (reputedly on the kitchen table) provoked

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Highlights reel: ACOSS Poverty Report 2014

‘Highlights reel: ACOSS Poverty Report 2014’, Honest History, 30 October 2014 We are told that one of the most notable aspects of recent Australian history has been unbroken economic prosperity. We are told about more than two decades of growth,

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Honest History list: about 98 resources on Gough Whitlam

Australia’s 21st prime minister, Edward Gough Whitlam, has died at the age of 98. This is a roundup of commentary. It may show something of how myths are created and nourished. Mark Latham wrote this in June 2014. There is

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Melleuish, Gregory: Restoring federalism

Melleuish, Gregory ‘To restore federalism, strengthen the states and make Australia more republican‘, The Conversation, 18 September 2014 Only by providing states with the capacity to raise the taxes they need to finance their operations can we restore them to

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(I) For some time to come, the delicate balance between freedom and security may have to shift … so that there can be more protection. (Prime Minister Abbott, 22 September 2014) (II) Those who would give up essential Liberty, to

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The Playbook

The formula for saving any dictatorship is universal: create an enemy, start a war. The state of war is the regime’s elixir of life. A nation in patriotic ecstasy becomes one with its “national leader”, while dissenters can be declared

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Jokes at the Front

One can joke with a badly-wounded man and congratulate him on being out of it. One can disregard a dead man. But even a miner can’t make a joke that sounds like a joke over a man who takes three

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Henry, Ken: Public policy and economic reform

Henry, Ken ‘Public policy resilience and the reform narrative‘, ANU News, 18 September 2014 A lecture delivered at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, 16 September 2014. The lecture focuses on two questions: how should one assess the wealth

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Australian Quarterly: 85 years in 85 days

Australian Quarterly 85 Years in 85 Days – AQ Celebrates Australian Quarterly, which claims to be Australia’s oldest current affairs magazine, temporarily lowered its paywall early in 2014 to give free access to articles published from 1929 to 1989 (which

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Holt, Stephen: An unlikely leftist

Holt, Stephen ‘An unlikely leftist: Douglas Berneville-Claye‘, Honest History, 7 October 2014 A case study in dishonest history at the personal level, which speaks to both the irresistible attraction of wartime fame and the inevitability of exposure by the forces

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Douglas Berneville-Claye: unlikely leftist

Holt, Stephen ‘An unlikely leftist: Douglas Berneville-Claye’, Honest History, 7 October 2014 Domestic opposition to Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War in the 1960s and early 1970s was a potent force. The opposition was a mass movement which attracted idiosyncratic

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ABC RN Saturday Extra: Arthur Phillip and the Eora

ABC Radio National ‘Arthur Phillip and the Eora‘, Saturday Extra, 13 September 2014 Geraldine Doogue interviews Grace Karskens (audio only, no transcript) on relations between Captain Arthur Phillip and Bennelong of the Eora Nation. Notes that the precise nature of

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Harris, Eleri: Utopian Canberra that wasn’t

Harris, Eleri ‘The utopian city that wasn’t: how two American architects won a competition to design Australia’s capital in 1912‘, Reform, 25 September 2014 Comicbook version of the story of Canberra from 1912 to now. Notes the impact of World

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Saunders, Cheryl: Making federalism work

Saunders, Cheryl ‘Federalism is a natural fit for Australia, but we need to make it work‘, The Conversation, 24 September 2014 The author concludes that ‘abandonment of federalism is not desirable … It is impossible to imagine democracy without federalism

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Muscular patriotism

Hitler, because in his own joyless mind he feels it with exceptional strength, knows that human beings don’t only want comfort, safety, short working-hours, hygiene, birth-control and, in general, common sense; they also, at least intermittently, want struggle and self-sacrifice,

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Fear sells

Politicians and media populists are expert at the manipulation of fears to exercise control and ratchet up their approval ratings. And we are conditioned to respond. Fear sells – and it gets governments elected. (Carmen Lawrence, 2006)

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ABC RN Bush Telegraph: Stitching the Eureka flag

ABC Radio National ‘The brave women who stitched Australia’s flag of unity and rebellion‘, Bush Telegraph, 10 September 2014 Podcast (23 minutes) discussion between Clare Wright, Val D’Angri, descendant, and Jane Smith, curator, about the history of the Eureka flag,

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Dowse, Sara: What are feminists to do?

Dowse, Sara ‘So what are feminists to do?‘ Inside Story, 14 August 2014 Text of 2014 Emily’s List Oration. The author was head of the federal government’s Office for the Status of Women in the 1970s. The 1970s could be

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Tilley, Cristen: Violence against women surveyed

Tilley, Cristen ‘10 charts that reveal Australian attitudes to violence against women‘, ABC News, 18 September 2014 Charts changes since 1995 in VicHealth’s poll of 17 500 people on the community’s knowledge, attitudes and responses to physical and other forms of violence,

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Cahill, Damien & Frank Stilwell. ed.: Australian economic boom

Cahill, Damien & Frank Stilwell, ed. ‘Special issue on the Australian economic boom: 1992-?‘ Journal of Political Economy, 61, June 2008 Sixteen articles on this period of the Australian economy. Multiple authors address Australian economic booms in historical perspective, Australian

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Paul, Erik: Violence in Australia

Paul, Erik ‘The political economy of violence in Australia‘, Journal of Political Economy, 63, Winter 2009, pp. 82-101 Considers the economic, cultural and political aspects of violence, in particular, its connections with the nature of capitalism. Specific issues addressed include

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Humphrys, Elizabeth: Birth of Australia

Humphrys, Elizabeth ‘The birth of Australia: non-capitalist social relations in a capitalist mode of production?‘ Journal of Political Economy, 70, Summer 2012-13, pp. 110-17 This article argues that, despite the early Australian colonies encompassing the extensive use of unfree convict

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Bridge, Carl et al, ed.: Australian High Commissioners, London

Bridge, Carl, Frank Bongiorno & David Lee, ed. The High Commissioners: Australia’s Representatives in the United Kingdom, 1910-2010, Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, 2010 Full text (340 pages) of collection of articles on the London connection, brought

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With respect to John Burton

Edwards, Clive T. ‘With respect to John Burton’, Honest History, 10 September 2014 Rob Foot’s article (‘The curious case of Dr John Burton’, Quadrant, November 2013) denigrates the character and contribution of John Burton by reference to incidents that were

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Edwards, Clive T.: With respect to John Burton

Edwards, Clive T. ‘With respect to John Burton‘, Honest History, 10 September 2014 At a time (2014) when governments are increasingly relying on advice from security services to help them formulate policy, the history of events which have attracted the

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Daley, Paul: Renouncing Australia

Daley, Paul ‘The man who renounced Australia,’ Guardian Australia, 26 August 2014 The story of Murrumu Walubara Yidindji, formerly Jeremy Geia, who has ‘left’ Australia, while remaining within it, and who believes Yidindji laws, as the laws of the original

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Stevenson, Chrys: Politics of Australian religion

Stevenson, Chrys ‘The politics of Australian religion‘, The King’s Tribune, 25 August 2014 Examines the reasons for the bipartisan support gathered by the school chaplaincy program, despite the constitutional difficulties it has faced and doubts about its efficacy and ethics.

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Cotton, James & David Lee, ed.: Australia and the UN

Cotton, James & David Lee Australia and the United Nations, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, 2012 Comprehensive and well-illustrated publication (available in hard copy as well as online) with chapters by the editors, academics Neville Meaney, Peter Carroll,

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Burton, Pamela: John Burton, undermined by dishonest history

Burton, Pamela ‘John Burton: undermined by dishonest history’, Honest History, 1 September 2014 The illustrated text of an Honest History lecture at Manning Clark House, Canberra, 18 August 2014. The author is a Canberra lawyer and writer and the daughter

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Noye, Larry: O’Malley MHR

Noye, Larry O’Malley MHR, Sid Harta Publishers, Glen Waverley, Vic., 2009; first published 1985 Detailed biography of O’Malley, with a foreword by Barry Jones. Focuses mainly on O’Malley’s years in federal politics, effectively ending with his defeat in 1917 –

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Honest History list: inequality by the dozen

You can now find our inequality resources linked from here. 14 November 2015

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Smith, Evan: Fascist view of Australia 1937

Smith, Evan ‘A fascist view of Australia (1937)‘, Hatful of History, 11 August 2014 Quotes at length from an article in Action by the British Fascist, A. Raven Thomson, who was the chief theoretician of the British Union of Fascists

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Support ineffective dissent

‘The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum …’ (Noam Chomsky, The Common Good, 2002). ‘We will tolerate dissent as long as

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Responsible Government NSW 1856

The mainstream media always gets excited by significant changes in government. This was particularly so at the beginning. This from the Sydney Morning Herald, 22 May 1856: The youth of the colony will cherish the memory of this day. They,

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December in Kabul, 1841

In December 1841, the British Envoy in Kabul, Sir William McNaghten, wrote to his superior, Lord Auckland, in these terms, as the British occupying force prepared to leave Afghanistan. ‘We shall part with the Afghans as friends, and I feel

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Anzac and the Australian republic

Does harping on Australia’s role in an imperial war 100 years ago slow our path to a republic? Here is the view of Sarah Brasch, national convenor of Women for an Australian Republic: The Anzac Centenary is due to take

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Paul Keating on Jack Lang on World War 1

Marilyn Lake’s essay ‘Fractured nation‘ brings to mind a remark made by the former Premier of New South Wales, JT Lang, to a young Paul Keating, later Prime Minister. Lang was around during the buoyant days of Australian nationalism, the

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Backpackers and Eureka

Eureka was a youth movement. The inhabitants of Ballarat, like the youth of a century later, believed that the times they were a’changing. And like today’s backpackers, the gold rush generation was transient, expansive, adventurous: in search of experience, questing

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Class War 1930

I … a member of the working class do hereby solemnly swear to protect the working class against armed and other aggression of our capitalist class enemy… should I betray the trust imposed upon me I will receive the scorn

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Political pledges

We are not free to break our word, abandon our principles, desert our party, betray our constituents. But the pledge cannot prevent us doing any one or all of those things if our inclination lies in that direction. (William Morris

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Primordial state

The early circumstances of New South Wales were against its rapid growth. Founded as a receptacle for convicts, a system akin to slavery soon took root. Such of the early settlers as were neither gentlemen nor convicts belonged to the

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If equality returns

Liberal democracy has allowed more and more of both the best and the worst to exploit the new superiority of minority attack against majority defence. Participation makes conflicts fairer, but it doesn’t resolve many of them: and an equal society

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Vicious voters, 1891

One-man-one-vote would mean the enfranchisement of whole armies of idle or vicious nomads … the lazy sundowner, the spieler, would all be enfranchised … it would place another weapon in the hands of the plutocracy. Western nomads, like all such

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Fear beats reason, since 1756

No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear. Edmund Burke, On the Sublime and the Beautiful (1756).

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History v. Economics

To put it bluntly, the discipline of economics has yet to get over its childish passion for mathematics and for purely theoretical and often highly ideological speculation, at the expense of historical research and collaboration with the other social sciences.

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Media profits

[P]eople value honest, fearless, and above all independent news coverage that challenges the consensus. There is an inescapable conclusion that we must reach if we are to have a better society. The only reliable, durable, and perpetual guarantor of independence

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Britain’s biggest error?

‘Britain entering first world war was “biggest error in modern history”” (English historian Niall Ferguson; attracting 800 comments) ‘If war breaks out, it will be the greatest catastrophe the world has ever seen’. (British Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey, 1914,

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Government and media – who should support whom?

The perennial question was raised again with the Prime Minister’s remarks about the ABC’s duty to support ‘Australian interests’. Previous protagonists include Abraham Lincoln, Josef Goebbels and John Curtin.

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In New South Wales the historical pattern of settlement and the development of the state’s economy have encouraged this concern with pork-barrel politics. Distance, isolation and a rural-metropolitan division have bred parochialism at the same time as encouraging dependency on

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Political heroism

‘Politics is a strong and slow boring of hard boards. It takes both passion and perspective. Certainly all historical experience confirms the truth that man would not have attained the possible unless time and again he had reached out for

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Bastian, Peter: Andrew Fisher

Bastian, Peter Andrew Fisher: an Underestimated Man, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, 2009 Hoping to set the record straight, this biography asks why one of Australia’s greatest reformers has sunk into obscurity. Calling for a reevaluation of Andew Fisher’s career,

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Green, Jonathan: Tabloid politics

Green, Jonathan ‘The slick world of tabloid politics‘, ABC The Drum, 31 July 2014 While not explicitly making historical comparisons, the article facilitates them by presenting a contestable version of today’s politics which might be set against other analyses of

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Labour and the Great War reviewed

‘Labour and the Great War from a dozen perspectives’, Honest History, 4 August 2014 Ernst Willheim* reviews Frank Bongiorno, Raelene Frances and Bruce Scates, ed., Labour and the Great War: The Australian Working Class and the Making of Anzac, Australian

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Bongiorno, Frank, et al, ed.: Labour and the Great War

Bongiorno, Frank, Rae Frances & Bruce Scates, ed., Labour and the Great War: The Australian Working Class and the Making of Anzac, Australian Society for the Study of Labour History, Special edition, Labour History, 106, May 2014 Examines the awkward

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Nethercote, JR: 1914 double dissolution

Nethercote, JR ‘Forgotten centenary: the 1914 double dissolution of parliament‘, Canberra Times, 9 July 2014 Succinct and clear explanation of Australia’s first double dissolution, although the rules and roles then were rather different from what would apply if a double

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Brent, Peter: Constitutional referenda

Brent, Peter ‘And the rest say “no”‘, Inside Story, 17 July 2014 The author examines the history of referenda in the run-up to a possible referendum on constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australian occupation of the country prior to European settlement.

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Harley, Hugh: Magna Carta turns 800

Harley, Hugh ‘Magna Carta turns 800: eight centuries of freedom is a big deal‘, The Spectator, 12 July 2014 A timely reminder that 1215 is also the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta. We all know that

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Taylor, Tony: Tony Abbott’s history

Taylor, Tony ‘Tony Abbott’s history‘, The Conversation, 15 July 2014 Relates recent comments by the prime minister to his formative years and a particular understanding of history. The author argues that ‘the ideological basis of Abbott’s grasp of history will

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Richardson, David & Denniss, Richard: Income and wealth inequality

Richardson, David & Denniss, Richard Income and Wealth Inequality in Australia: Policy Brief No. 64, July 2014, The Australia Institute, Canberra Inequality between those with the most and those with the least is rising in Australia. Australia is one of

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Grosjean, Pauline & Rose Khattar: It’s raining men

Grosjean, Pauline & Rose Khattar It’s Raining Men! Hallelujah? (June 3, 2014). UNSW Australian School of Business Research Paper No. 2014-29 The paper links history, specifically male-female balance resulting from early convict days, with modern day attitudes in one field

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Bongiorno, Frank: Labour and Anzac

Bongiorno, Frank ‘Labour and Anzac: historical reflections: Honest History lecture, Manning Clark House, Canberra, 15 June 2014’, Honest History, 8 July 2014 Associate Professor Bongiorno spoke to help launch his co-edited book (Labour and the Great War) on the same

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Jauncey’s mate King O’Malley writes about Canberra 1937 (3 July 2014)

Leslie Jauncey became very close to King O’Malley, following their initial meeting in Melbourne in mid 1932 during Jauncey’s first visit to his homeland since 1920. Frequent correspondence between the two continued until O’Malley’s death in 1953. O’Malley, American expatriate,

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McQueen, Humphrey: Anzac: a class struggle

McQueen, Humphrey ‘Anzac: a class struggle’, Honest History, 3 July 2014 ‘History wars’ are about how to control the future. They are not disputes over the past. Stories about the past are pressed into service to buttress the needs of

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Highlights reel: HB Higgins on political differences

‘Highlights reel: HB Higgins on political differences’, Honest History, 25 June 2014 The past is not always a strange country but looking backwards requires balance. It is easy to find superficially similar situations and opinions from decades ago and transplant

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Douglas, Bob et al: Inequality in Australia

Douglas, Bob, Sharon Friel, Richard Denniss & David Morawetz Advance Australia Fair? What to do about Growing Inequality in Australia: Report following a Roundtable held at Parliament House Canberra in January 2014, Australia21 in collaboration with The Australia Institute, Canberra,

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Brumby, John: Federation for the future

Brumby, John ‘An Australian federation for the future‘, The Conversation, 19 May 2014 Former Victorian Premier and chair of the COAG Reform Council writes about how to achieve a better balance between the Commonwealth and States and Territories. He refers

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Waterford, Jack: Australia’s McCarthy era

Waterford, Jack ‘Unravelling Australia’s own McCarthy era‘, Inside Story, 30 May 2014 While the article rejects the allegation that the Petrov espionage affair was deliberately engineered to electorally damage the Australian Labor Party and its Leader, Dr HV Evatt, it

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Frenette, Yves: Conscripting Canada’s past

Frenette, Yves ‘Conscripting Canada’s past: the Harper Government and the politics of memory’, Canadian Journal of History, 49, Spring-Summer, 2014, pp. 49-65 The author argues that the conservative Canadian government is reconstructing Canada’s past to serve a broader project of

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Rundle, Guy: Culturestate

Rundle, Guy ‘The Culturestate’, Meanjin, 69, 2, Winter 2010, pp. 56-63 The author examines the increasing and increasingly complex relationship between the state in Australia and cultural and artistic production. By examining the history of both Australian literary production and

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Cahill, Rowan: Enemy within

Cahill, Rowan ‘The enemy within‘, Overland, 24 April 2014 Short article on how Australia’s defence forces have been deployed domestically throughout our history, in the Frontier Wars, the Rum Corps era in early New South Wales, during strikes from the

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Clarke, Patricia: Australian propaganda in the 1950s

Clarke, Patricia ‘Bias for good or ill? Australian Government overseas propaganda in the 1950s‘, ISAA Articles The author was a journalist in the Australian News and Information Bureau (ANIB) in the 1950s, particularly writing news and features for publication in Asia.

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Broinowski, Alison: Fascism and Fraser

Broinowski, Alison ‘Silent conspirators: Fascism and Fraser’, Honest History, 22 May 2014 and updated All fascist regimes and organisations have used the power of nationalism and national security as a motivator, as Australia has increasingly done. But no other country

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O’Lincoln, Tom: Neighbour from Hell: Two Centuries of Australian Imperialism

O’Lincoln, Tom The Neighbour from Hell: Two Centuries of Australian Imperialism, Interventions, Melbourne, 2014 Tom O’Lincoln is a long-standing contributor to Australian political and historical discussion from the Marxist and Trotskyist perspective. Here he considers Australia’s history of participation in

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Australia as Imperialist ‘Neighbour from Hell’

Richard Thwaites reviews Tom O’Lincoln’s book The Neighbour from Hell: Two Centuries of Australian Imperialism (Interventions, Melbourne, 2014) Tom O’Lincoln is a long-standing contributor to Australian political and historical discussion from the Marxist and Trotskyist perspective. This book is published

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By appointment: a right royal Jauncey (22 May 2014)

The Jauncey pen this time passes to Sarah Brasch. That feisty Kiwi, Beatrice Jauncey, had plenty of opportunity to compare events in her native land with those in Australia. We don’t know what she thought about knights, dames and royal

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Cannon, Paul: Fascism characteristics and Australia

Cannon, Paul ‘The characteristics of Fascism and how we might note its presence today‘, Parallax (blog), 27 January 2014 Update 2015: there is a speech here, another 1937 snapshot here and a discussion here.   Compares the defining characteristics of

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Gourley, Paddy: Two-percenters and defence spending

Gourley, Paddy ‘Two-per centers and defence spending’, Honest History, 30 April 2014 293 Two per cent spending Shibboleths, sacred cows and knee-jerk reactions abound in government and politics. Paddy Gourley nails one that afflicts the nation’s defence as well as

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Lake, Marilyn: Minimum wage

Lake, Marilyn ‘Minimum wage is more than a safety net, it’s a symbol of Australian values‘, Age, 9 April 2014 updated Attacks a call by the Institute of Public Affairs to abolish the minimum wage. Traces the early history of

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Heriot, Geoff: Public broadcasting

Heriot, Geoff ‘The public interest in public broadcasting‘, Inside Story, 6 March 2014 A former ABC executive discusses the relationship between public broadcasters, governments and the public, in the light of 2014’s iteration of this perennial and noting past episodes.

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Oswald, Bruce & Waddell, Jim, ed.: Military lawyers

Oswald, Bruce & Waddell, Jim, ed. Justice in Arms: Military Lawyers in the Australian Army’s First Hundred Years, Big Sky, Newport, NSW, 2014 Describes the work of Army legal officers in Australia and in expeditionary operations from the Boer War

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Leigh, Andrew: Battlers and billionaires

Leigh, Andrew Battlers and Billionaires: the Story of Inequality in Australia, Black Inc., Melbourne, 2013 From egalitarian beginnings, Australian inequality rose through the nineteenth century.  Then we became more equal again, with inequality falling markedly from the 1920s to the

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ABC News: Flag debate

ABC News ‘Time for a new flag?‘ ABC News, 16 March 2014 Debate between John Blaxland, ANU academic, ex-Army officer and vexillologist, and Don Rowe, New South Wales President of the RSL, on whether Australia needs a new flag. One

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Young, Linda: Subversive jewellery

Young, Linda ‘Subversive jewellery: challenges to conservative power from the Victorian goldfields‘, reCollections, 7, 1, 2012, pp. 1-13 This [beatifully illustrated] paper analyses a small group of pieces of gold jewellery in order to explore the digger challenge to the

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Bongiorno, Frank: Dirty work

Bongiorno, Frank ‘Doing the dirty work‘, Inside Story, 19 February 2014 Places industrial relations policy choices in 2014 in historical context by recalling events in this field in the 1980s. Attempts to probe trade union governance have implications for the

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Hynd, Doug: Moral judgements, asylum seekers, historians

Hynd, Doug ‘Moral judgments, asylum seekers and why historians can be helpful in public policy-making’, Honest History, 12 March 2014 Taking a historical perspective can give depth and clarity to controversial policy issues. The current debate about who is morally

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Leigh, Andrew: Eureka Lecture 2013

Leigh, Andrew ‘“A victory won by a lost battle”: What Eureka means to Australians today: Eureka Lecture, Ballarat, Tuesday, 3 December 2013‘, Andrew Leigh Blog, 3 December 2013 Was Eureka a youth movement of an 1850s clash of generations? A revolt

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Williams, Clive: Terror threat real

Williams, Clive ‘Terror threat real, and no time to cut budgets‘, Canberra Times, 4 February 2014 National security issues, viewed from a particular perspective.

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Broinowski, Alison: Abbott’s dark state

Broinowski, Alison ‘Abbott’s dark state: war powers, invigilation and trust‘, Independent Australia, 4 December 2013 National security issues viewed from a particular perspective, with comments from readers.

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Cahill, Damien & Rowan Cahill: Bowral

Cahill, Damien & Rowan Cahill ‘The 1978 military occupation of Bowral‘, Illawarra Unity: Journal of the Illawarra Branch of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History, 6, 1, 2006, pp.24-37 Describes the response to the Sydney Hilton ‘terrorist’

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Murphy, DJ: TJ Ryan biography

Murphy, DJ TJ Ryan: a Political Biography, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, 1990; first published 1975 T.J. Ryan was … elected Labor Premier of Queensland against the turbulent background of World War I. His Labor government set the foundations

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Rudd, Kevin: Apology to Stolen Generations

Rudd, Kevin Apology to Australia’s Indigenous Peoples, House of Representatives, Parliament House, Canberra, 13 February 2008 I move: That today we honour the Indigenous peoples of this land, the oldest continuing cultures in human history. We reflect on their past

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Keating, PJ: Redfern speech

Keating, PJ Speech by the Hon Prime Minister, PJ Keating MP, Australian Launch of the International Year for the World’s Indigenous People, Redfern, 10 December 1992 The then Prime Minister placed the treatment of Indigenous Australians within a broader narrative,

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Stephens, David: Prime ministerial exits: an interview with Norman Abjorensen

Stephens, David ‘Prime ministerial exits: an interview with Norman Abjorensen’, Honest History, 24 February 2014 (updated) Norman Abjorensen is a Visiting Fellow in the Policy and Governance Program in the Crawford School at the Australian National University. He is a

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Abjorensen, Norman: Prime ministerial exits

Abjorensen, Norman ‘Prime ministerial exits’, Honest History, 24 February 2014 Norman Abjorensen talks to Honest History about the way Australian prime ministers leave their jobs and how they feel about the process. He discusses PMs Alfred Deakin (something of a

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Bramston, Troy, ed.: Whitlam legacy

Bramston, Troy, ed. The Whitlam Legacy, Federation Press, Annandale, NSW, 2013 Wide-ranging collection of essays under general headings the Whitlam ascendancy, the Whitlam years and political style, managing government, policy, the dismissal, reflections and assessments, true believers. Authors include historians,

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McQueen, Humphrey: Eureka Dinner 2013

Historian Humphrey McQueen addressed a Eureka commemorative dinner in Sydney, 29 November 2013, giving a lively and wide-ranging review of how the events at Eureka have been interpreted by radical and conservative voices over the past 159 years, including reference

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Brandstrom, Annika, Fredrik Bynander & Paul ‘t Hart: Looking back

Brandstrom, Annika, Fredrik Bynander & Paul t’ Hart ‘Governing by looking back: historical analogies and crisis management‘, [originally published] Public Administration, 82, 1, 2004, pp. 191-210 A common misunderstanding about crises – understood here as epochs of profound uncertainty and

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Markus, Andrew: Mapping social cohesion

Markus, Andrew Mapping Social Cohesion: The Scanlon Foundation Surveys National Report 2013, Scanlon Foundation, Australian Multicultural Foundation & Monash University, Caulfield East, Vic., 2013 Most recent of six periodic surveys of attitudes to multiculturalism, immigration and asylum seekers, living standards,

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Abbott, Tony: Legacy address 2013

Tony Abbott Address to Legacy Clubs of Australia 2013 National Conference, Brisbane, 18 October 2013 The new prime minister spoke about the Anzac tradition. Yes, as all of us know, Gallipoli was in a sense, the cauldron that helped to

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Piggott, Michael & David Stephens: Constitution Day

Piggott, Michael & David Stephens ‘Constitution Day: an old Queen and a new nation’, Honest History e-Newsletter no. 4, August 2013 Of all the notable days in the Australian calendar Constitution Day, 9 July, is the least known but one

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Whitlam Institute multiple authors: Whitlam Institute

Whitlam Institute multiple authors Whitlam Institute within the University of Western Sydney Website with collection of resources on the Labor Prime Minister and his era, including a permanent exhibition A Changing Australia: The Time of Gough Whitlam, Whitlam Prime Ministerial

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Stone, Caitlin & Jim Berryman: Menzies collection

Stone, Caitlin & Jim Berryman ‘The Robert Menzies Collection: A Living Library‘, e-Scholarship Research Centre, University of Melbourne, 2013 Comprehensive collection of resources associated with Menzies, classified A-Z under the headings of books, colleagues, friends and family, interests, events, organisations,

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Hillier, Ben & Tom O’Lincoln: Capitalism in Australia

Hillier, Ben & Tom O’Lincoln ‘Five hundred lashes and double irons: the origins of Australian capitalism‘, Marxist Left Review, 5, Summer 2013 Thoroughly researched and theoretically grounded view of the first 30 years of the colony of New South Wales.

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Armstrong, Mick: Riots in Australia

Armstrong, Mick ‘Disturbing the peace: riots and the working class‘, Marxist Left Review, 4, Winter 2012 In this article [Mick writes] I want to look at the long and proud history of riots in Australia and take on the arguments

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McKenna, Mark: Captive republic

McKenna, Mark The Captive Republic: A History of Republicanism in Australia 1788-1996, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, 1996 This first comprehensive history of republican thought and activity in Australia traces debate around an Australian republic from 1788 to

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McKenna, Mark & Wayne Hudson, ed.: Australian republicanism

McKenna, Mark & Wayne Hudson, ed. Australian Republicanism: A Reader, Melbourne University Publishing, Carlton, Vic., 2003 Collection of 114 mostly brief documents dating from 1788 with two-thirds of them since self-government for New South Wales in 1856. Some of the

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McKenna, Mark: Reconciled republic?

McKenna, Mark This Country: A Reconciled Republic? UNSW Press, Sydney, 2004 The author considers together what he sees as two key and related issues, reconciliation with Indigenous Australians and the republic. Reconciliation and the republic are not separate issues, they

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Holmes, Brenton: Tracking the republic

Holmes, Brenton ‘Tracking the push for an Australian republic‘, Australia. Parliamentary Library. Background Notes, 24 April 2013 Thorough and balanced description of events since the referendum of 1999 with voting statistics and analysis of key issues and models. Extensive notes.

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Warhurst, John: Republic idea

Warhurst, John ‘The republic idea: thinking big for the summit‘, Online Opinion, 18 April 2008 Surveys arguments pro and con the republic on the eve of a future-gazing summit.

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Sawer, Marian, Norman Abjorensen & Phil Larkin: State of democracy

Sawer, Marian, Norman Abjorensen & Phil Larkin Australia: The State of Democracy, Federation Press, Annandale, NSW, 2009 [T]he Democratic Audit of Australia, a major democracy assessment project, has been applying an internationally tested set of indicators to Australian political institutions

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Dyrenfurth, Nick & Frank Bongiorno: Labor Party

Dyrenfurth, Nick & Frank Bongiorno A Little History of the Australian Labor Party, UNSW Press, Sydney, 2011 Brief chronological study. Notes the rarity of labour parties – that is, parties organically linked with trade unions – world-wide and the resilience of

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Wright, Clare: Forgotten rebels of Eureka

Wright, Clare The Forgotten Rebels of Eureka, Text Publishing, Melbourne, 2013 Tells the stories of the thousands of women on the Ballarat goldfields, the crucial role they played in the Eureka rebellion and the links between what they did and

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Duncan, Macgregor, et al: Imagining Australia

Duncan, Macgregor, Andrew Leigh, David Madden & Peter Tynan Imagining Australia: Ideas for Our Future, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2004 Long chapters on national identity, democracy, nation-building, growth, social policy and global citizenship. Young authors; Leigh later entered

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Beggs-Sunter, Anne: Eureka

Beggs-Sunter, Anne ‘Eureka: gathering “the oppressed of all nations”‘, Journal of Australian Cultural History, 10, 1, 2008 Over the last one hundred and fifty years, the meaning of the Eureka Stockade has been characterised in different ways. To some it

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Mayne, Alan, ed.: Eureka

Mayne, Alan, ed. Eureka: Reappraising an Australian Legend, Network Books, Perth, 2006 Collection from a 2004 Eureka sesquicentary symposium with papers from multiple presenters including Clare Wright, Anne Beggs-Sunter, Chris Ryan, Fred Cahir and others.

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Macintyre, Stuart: The Reds

Macintyre, Stuart The Reds: The Communist Party of Australia from Origins to Illegality, Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, 1998 Takes the story up to the 1950s but written from the post-Communism perspective of the 1990s by a former member

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Faulkner, John & Stuart Macintyre, ed.: True believers

Faulkner, John & Stuart Macintyre, ed. True Believers: The Story of the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2001; electronic version available Frank Bongiorno on the origins of Caucus, Macintyre on the first Caucus, Ross McMullin

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McMullin, Ross: Light on the hill

McMullin, Ross The Light on the Hill: The Australian Labor Party 1891-1991, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, Vic., 2nd revised edition 1993; first published 1991; later editions Centenary history commissioned by the party and making use of party records. Looks

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McMullin, Ross: So monstrous a travesty

McMullin, Ross So Monstrous a Travesty: Chris Watson and the World’s First National Labour Government, Scribe, Carlton North, Vic., 2004 We were leading the world [the author said in a lecture about his book]. It might be hard to imagine

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Irving, Terry: Southern tree of liberty

Irving, Terry The Southern Tree of Liberty: The Democratic Movement in New South Wales before 1856, The Federation Press, Annandale, NSW, 2006 Publication marking the sesquicentary of responsible government in New South Wales. Describes Charles Harpur, poet of liberty, Johann

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Waghorne, James & Stuart Macintyre: Liberty

Waghorne, James & Stuart Macintyre Liberty: A History of Civil Liberties in Australia, UNSW Press, Sydney, 2011; electronic version available Civil liberties are central to the freedoms that Australians value. They affirm the rights of all to protection from arbitrary

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Isaac, Joe & Stuart Macintyre, ed.: New province

Isaac, Joe & Stuart Macintyre, ed. The New Province for Law and Order: 100 Years of Australian Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge & New York, 2004 Commemorating the centenary of the Australian system of settling industrial disputes –

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Kelly, Paul: March of patriots

Kelly, Paul The March of Patriots: The Struggle for Modern Australia, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., 2009 ‘[The book’s] focus is how Keating and Howard as Prime Ministers altered the nation’s direction, redefined their parties and struggled over Australia’s new

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Sherratt,Tim: Federation and meteorology

Sherratt, Tim Federation and Meteorology, University of Melbourne. Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre & Bureau of Meteorology (2001) Describes the weather around 1 January 1901, many aspects of meteorology around the time of Federation and in the decades since

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Fraser, Malcolm & Margaret Simons: Fraser

Fraser, Malcolm & Margaret Simons Malcolm Fraser: The Political Memoirs, Melbourne University Publishing, Carlton, Vic; 2009; paperback edition 2010; electronic version available Part memoir, part third person biography of a prime minister who has changed his allies, if not his

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Errington, Wayne & Peter Van Onselen: Howard

Errington, Wayne & Peter Van Onselen John Winston Howard: The Biography, Melbourne University Publishing, Carlton, Vic., 2007 Dominant political figure of the 1990s and early 21st century. Crucial in the revival of the Anzac legend as a central motif of

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Hocking, Jenny: Whitlam

Hocking, Jenny Gough Whitlam: A Moment in History; Gough Whitlam: His Time, Melbourne University Publishing & Miegunyah Press, Carlton, Vic. & Melbourne, 2009, 2012 Sympathetic portrait of the dominant political figure of the 1960s and 1970s. A review of Volume

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Martin, AW: Menzies

Martin, AW with Patsy Hardy Robert Menzies: A Life: Vol. 1: 1894-1943; Vol. 2: 1944-1978, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., 1993 and 1999; online edition Politically at sea during his first term (1939-41), colossus during his second (1949-66) where he

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Fitzhardinge, LF: Hughes

Fitzhardinge, LF William Morris Hughes: A Political Biography: Vol. 1: That Fiery Particle, 1862-1914; Vol. 2: The Little Digger, 1914-1952, Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1978, 1979; electronic version available Fifty years of history of Australia as a nation from the

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La Nauze, JA: Deakin

La Nauze, JA Alfred Deakin: A Biography, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., 1965; later editions 1979, 2009 Early political history and social policy development from the perspective of three time Prime Minister. Basic facts about Deakin are here and a

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Megalogenis, George: Australian moment

Megalogenis, George The Australian Moment: How We Were Made for These Times, Viking, Melbourne, Vic., 2013 [The author] examines how we developed from a closed economy racked by the oil shocks, toughed it out during the sometimes devastating growing pains

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Blainey, Geoffrey: Centenary of Federation

Blainey, Geoffrey ‘The centenary of Australia’s Federation: what should we celebrate?‘ Australia. Senate: Papers on Parliament, 37, November 2001 Touches on some early history, including Australia’s pioneering political and social reforms, then answers the question by reference to one hundred

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Nethercote, JR, ed.: Liberalism and federation

Nethercote, JR, ed. Liberalism and the Australian Federation, Federation Press, Annandale, NSW, 2001 ‘Recounts the story of Australia’s nationhood as the story of Australian Liberalism. This is the first book put together by the Liberal Party of Australia for many

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Strangio, Paul & Nick Dyrenfurth, ed.: Confusion

Strangio, Paul & Nick Dyrenfurth, ed. Confusion: The Making of the Australian Two-Party System, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., 2009; electronic version available Collection of articles examining ‘Fusion’, the coming together in 1909 of the anti-Labor parties in Australia, setting

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Irving, Helen: Constitute a nation

Irving, Helen To Constitute a Nation: A Cultural History of Australia’s Constitution, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge & New York, updated edition, 1999; first published 1997 The men who drafted the Australian Constitution in the 1890s may have thought that they

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Cane, Peter, ed.: High Court essays

Cane, Peter, ed. Centenary Essays for the High Court of Australia, LexisNexis Butterworths, Chatswood, NSW, 2004 ‘Covering the most significant High Court decisions across main legal areas and their subsequent impact on Australian life, this text also thoroughly considers and

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Galligan, Brian: Federal republic

Galligan, Brian A Federal Republic: Australia’s Constitutional System of Government, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge & New York, 1995 The book ‘argues that Australia is already a federal republic rather than a constitutional monarchy. It argues that by adopting a federal

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Cochrane, Peter: Colonial ambition

Cochrane, Peter Colonial Ambition: Foundations of Australian Democracy, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., 2006 Colonial Ambition tells the story of the politicians and would-be politicians of Sydney, who were driven by a determination to lift themselves and their new colony

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Woodward, Dennis, Andrew Parkin & John Summers. ed.: Government

Woodward, Dennis, Andrew Parkin & John Summers, ed. Government, Politics, Power and Policy in Australia, Pearson Education Australia, Melbourne, 9th edition 2009 University level textbook with multiple authors including the editors. Wide range of subjects relevant to politics.

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Galligan, Brian & Winsome Roberts, ed.: Australian politics

Galligan, Brian & Winsome Roberts, ed. The Oxford Companion to Australian Politics, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, Vic., 2007 Four hundred entries of varying lengths, covering all levels of politics, including historical material. Multiple authors including Judith Brett, Galligan, Ian

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Schreuder, Derek & Stuart Ward, ed: Australia’s empire

Schreuder, Derek & Stuart Ward, ed. Australia’s Empire: Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series, Oxford University Press, Oxford & New York, 2010; first published 2008 The volume examines the meaning and importance of empire in Australia across a

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Knox, Malcolm: Boom

Knox, Malcolm Boom: The Underground History of Australia, From Gold Rush to GFC, Viking, Melbourne, 2013 The author looks at how mining has shaped Australia, arguing, among other things, that the history of Queensland could be written in terms of

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Blainey, Geoffrey: Rush that never ended

Blainey, Geoffrey The Rush That Never Ended: A History of Australian Mining, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., 5th revised edition 2003; first published 1964 ‘This text tells the story of Australia’s mineral discoveries, describes the giants of its mining history

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Australian Council of Trade Unions: 75th anniversary

Australian Council of Trade Unions 75th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet, ACTU, Melbourne, 2002 Basic illustrated history of union activity from the viewpoint of the peak body.

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Australian National University: Noel Butlin Archives

Australian National University Noel Butlin Archives Centre The Noel Butlin Archives Centre (NBAC) collects business and labour records from Australian companies, trade unions, industry bodies and professional organisations. We are a national organisation interested in material from all states and

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University of Melbourne: Archives

University of Melbourne Archives The business collections include the records of wholesalers and retailers, factories and foundries, solicitors and architects, along with the records of some of Australia’s largest mining companies… [M]ore than one hundred trade unions are now represented

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ATUA multiple authors: Australian trade union archives

ATUA multiple authors Australian Trade Union Archives Portal to archival resources, published material and information about Australian industrial organisations, mainly including trade unions and also employer bodies.

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Gallop, Geoff & Greg Patmore, ed.: Social democracy and business

Gallop, Geoff & Greg Patmore, ed. ‘Social democratic parties and business: an historical analysis‘, Labour History, 98, May 2010 (special issue) Given their traditional links to trade unions and the ideological Left, social democratic parties frequently face questions concerning their

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Murray, Georgina & Jenny Chesters: Wealth and power

Murray, Georgina & Jenny Chesters ‘Economic wealth and political power in Australia, 1788-2010‘, Labour History, 103, November 2012 Although Australia is sometimes regarded as an egalitarian society, evidence shows that inequalities in the distribution of wealth are pronounced. We note

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Hearn, Mark & Greg Patmore, ed.: Working the nation

Hearn, Mark & Greg Patmore, ed. Working the Nation: Working Life and Federation, 1890-1914, Pluto Press, Annandale, NSW, 2001 The book explores the impact of Federation on working life in Australia 1890-1914 and how national policy development affected ‘the working

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Gollan, RA: Radical and working class politics

Gollan, RA Radical and Working Class Politics: A Study of Eastern Australia, 1850-1910, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., 1960; later editions Like Ward’s Australian Legend, a pioneering work which set up a particular image of Australian society and politics which

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Broinowski, Alison: Streaker’s defence: history and war powers

  The streaker’s defence: history and the war powers Alison Broinowski It takes a particular kind of courage for people in public life to admit that they got something wrong, even after their error is publicly obvious. All three leaders

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Australian Medical Association: More than just a union

Australian Medical Association More Than Just a Union: A History of the AMA, AMA, Canberra, 2012; downloadable A brief history, describing the development of the profession, changes in medicine and the role of the AMA in politics. 10 October 2013

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Inglis, KS: Whose ABC?

Inglis, KS Whose ABC? The Australian Broadcasting Corporation 1983–2006, Black Inc., Melbourne, 2006; e-book available Takes the story of the national broadcaster into the 21st century, interweaving institutional, cultural and political history. The author talks about the book here and

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Inglis, KS: This is the ABC

Inglis, KS This is the ABC: The Australian Broadcasting Commission 1932-1983, Black Inc., Melbourne, 2nd edition, 2006; first published Melbourne University Press, 1983 The development of the ABC parallels that of Australia over these years. ‘Inglis shows us the ABC’s

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About Ruling ourselves

Click here for all items related to: Ruling ourselves Australia has followed its own unique path toward nationhood and an unknown future, drawing on different traditions adapted to our own time and place. The themes here include political, constitutional, law

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Warhurst, John: Religion in politics

Warhurst, John ‘Religion in 21st century Australian national politics’, Australia. Senate: Papers on Parliament, 46, December 2006 The religious factor generally means a number of things in politics. One is the political activity of the organised face of religion, the

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Lack, John & Jacqueline Templeton, ed.: Australian immigration

Lack, John & Jacqueline Templeton, ed. Bold Experiment: A Documentary History of Australian Immigration since 1945, Oxford University Press, Melbourne & New York, 1995 Documents and commentary covering post-war policy development, refugees and displaced persons, the ideology of assimilation, ‘New

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Dyrenfurth, Nick, Mark Hearn & Harry Knowles, ed.: Fisher

Dyrenfurth, Nick, Mark Hearn & Harry Knowles, ed. ‘The Fisher Labor Government, 1910-13‘, Labour History, 102, May 2012 Collection of articles to mark the centenary of the first majority Labour government anywhere in the world. Hearn and Dyrenfurth set the

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Lake, Marilyn: This great America

Lake, Marilyn ‘“This great America”: HB Higgins and Transnational Progressivism‘, Historical Studies, 44, 2, June 2013, pp. 172-88 Australian history has not always been about our need to retain great and powerful friends. There have been times when the rest

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Maddison, Sarah & Marian Sawer, ed.: Women’s movement

Maddison, Sarah & Marian Sawer, ed. The Women’s Movement in Protest, Institutions and the Internet: Australia in Transnational Perspective, Routledge, Abingdon, UK & New York, 2013 Collection of articles on protest, policy, politics, advocacy, Roller Derby, blogging and Slut Walking.

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Murphy, Gabrielle: Reconsidering immigration reform

Murphy, Gabrielle ‘Reconsidering immigration reform – again‘, The Age, 8 August 2013 Revisits the pioneering lobbying of 1960 which helped end the White Australia policy. The original Control or Colour Bar? pamphlet is here. One of the members of the original

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Lake, Marilyn: Getting equal

Lake, Marilyn Getting Equal: The History of Australian Feminism, Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, 1999 Getting Equal is the first full-length history of the movements – and their feisty, ebullient, determined leaders – who fought for women’s political and economic rights,

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Howard, John: National Press Club address, Australia Day 2006

John Howard A sense of balance: the Australian achievement in 2006: address to the National Press Club, Great Hall, Parliament House, 25 January 2006 See also this; together the two references give a good insight into this Prime Minister’s views

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Howard, John: Menzies lecture 1996

Howard, John The 1996 Sir Robert Menzies Lecture: the beliefs and values which guide the Federal Government (18 November 1996) Criticises the ‘black armband’ view of history, amid a wide-ranging speech on aspects of Australia’s political history. May be compared

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Manne, Robert: Sorry

Manne, Robert ‘Sorry business: the road to the apology‘, The Monthly, March 2008 Examines the history leading to the Rudd Government’s apology to the Stolen Generation in 2008, elements of the history of White Australia’s dealings with Indigenous Australians and

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Megalogenis, George: Trivial pursuit

Megalogenis, George ‘Trivial pursuit: leadership and the end of the reform era‘, Quarterly Essay, 40, November 2010 Laments the lack of political vision or interest in policy reform as the nation enters the period of the ‘hung Parliament’. A number

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Manne, Robert: Murdoch’s Australian and the shaping of the nation

Robert Manne ‘Bad news: Murdoch’s Australian and the shaping of the nation’, Quarterly Essay, 43, September 2011 ‘The Australian sees itself’, the author believes, ‘not as a mere newspaper, but as a player in the game of national politics, calling

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John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library: Doing the best

 John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library “Doing the Best for the Country”: Behind the Scenes of Australia’s Wartime Decision-making 1939-45 Text and dozens of photographs under the headings ‘Australia’s wartime Prime Ministers’, ‘War Cabinet and Advisory War Council’, ‘Wartime discussions and

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Brett, Judith: Relaxed and comfortable

Brett, Judith ‘Relaxed and comfortable: the Liberal Party’s Australia‘, Quarterly Essay, 19, August 2005 Describes how John Howard as Prime Minister (ultimately for 11 years to 2007) kept his government attuned to ‘the moderate middle of national experience’. (p. 74)

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Pearson, Noel: Keating biography launch

Pearson, Noel ‘An address to the Launch: Don Watson “Recollections of a Bleeding Heart: A Portrait of Paul Keating PM”, Random House Australia 2002 [Sydney, 1 May 2002]‘ Uses the launch of the Keating biography to criticise some aspects of

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Watson, Don: Keating

Watson, Don Recollections of a Bleeding Heart: A Portrait of Paul Keating PM, Knopf, Milson’s Point, NSW, 2002; later editions A view of 13 years of Australian history from the perspective of a prime ministerial speech writer. It contains a

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Zines, Leslie: High Court

Zines, Leslie The High Court and the Constitution, The Federation Press, Annandale, NSW, 5th edition, 2008; first published Butterworths 1980 Tracks the Court’s interpretation of the Constitution during an important period.

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Rowse, Tim: Liberalism

Rowse, Tim Australian Liberalism and National Character, Kibble Books, Melbourne, 1978 Exploration of the development of liberalism as Australia’s dominant ideology, from the early 2oth century to the 1970s. Among other things, quotes (p. 177) CEW Bean in 1943 on

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Manne, Robert: War myth

Manne, Robert ‘The war myth that made us‘, The Age, 25 April 2007 Asks why Anzac Day has become our most important national day. Manne suggests, with John Hirst, that the Gallipoli landing helped Australians overcome a sense of colonial

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Keating, PJ: Unknown Soldier speech

Keating, PJ ‘Remembrance Day, 1993‘ He is all of them. And he is one of us … The Unknown Australian Soldier we inter today was one of those who by his deeds proved that real nobility and grandeur belongs not

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Gillard, Julia: Lone Pine ceremony 2012

Gillard, Julia Lone Pine ceremony, Gallipoli, 25 April 2012 Our federal bond was young when the Anzacs came to this place. The laws and institutions of our nation were laid down in 1901. But here, in 1915, its spirit and

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Gillard, Julia: Anzac Day 2012

Gillard, Julia Dawn Service, Gallipoli, 25 April 2012 We come back. As we will always come back. To give the best and only gift that can matter anymore – our remembrance. We remember what the Anzacs did in war. And

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Rudd, Kevin: Anzac Day 2008

Rudd, Kevin Anzac Day National Ceremony Address to the National War Memorial Canberra, 25 April 2008 So what would this brave company of men and women – these hundred thousand voices –  have to say to us today? What would

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Rudd, Kevin: Anzac Day 2010

Rudd, Kevin Prime Minister speech at the ANZAC Day national ceremony, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, on the commemoration of the centenary of ANZAC, 25 April 2010 The Prime Minister announced the formation of the commission to consider how to commemorate

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Hawke, RJ: Anzac Day 1990, Dawn Service

Hawke, Robert Speech by the Prime Minister, Dawn Service, Gallipoli, 25 April 1990 While the military objectives of the Australians at Gallipoli were not achieved ‘because of the courage with which they fought, because of their devotion to duty and

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Hawke, RJ: Anzac Day 1990, Lone Pine

Robert Hawke Speech for the Prime Minister, Lone Pine ceremony, Gallipoli, 25 April 1990 It is not in the waste of war that Australians find the meaning of Gallipoli then or now. I say “then or now” for a profound

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Howard, John: Anzac Day 2005, Gallipoli

John Howard Address at Anzac Day Dawn Service, Gallipoli, 25 April 2005 Those who fought here in places like Quinn’s Post, Pope’s Hill and the Nek changed forever the way we saw our world and ourselves. They bequeathed Australia a

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Howard, John: Anzac Day 2001, Canberra

John Howard Transcript of the Prime Minister, the Hon. John Howard MP, address at the Anzac Day parade, Canberra, 25 April 2001 The transcript is headed, ‘The Anzac tradition’ and the then Prime Minister noted that Australians are drawn together

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Gartrell, Adam: Rudd, Keating ‘at war’ over Gallipoli

Adam Gartrell ‘Rudd, Keating “at war” over Gallipoli‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 31 October 2008 The former Prime Minister, Paul Keating, had said it was ‘utter and complete nonsense’  that Australia was redeemed or born again at Gallipoli in 1915, that

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Ramsey, Alan: What you get for having a shot at Keating

Alan Ramsey ‘What you get for having a shot at Keating‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 1 November 2008 Text of the then former Prime Minister’s response to the remark of the then Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, that Keating was wrong to

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Londey, Peter: Managed memories

Peter Londey ‘Managed memories‘, H-net Book Review (27 May 2005); originally published H-war, January 2005 The book reviewed is Liz Reed, Bigger than Gallipoli: War, History and Memory in Australia, University of Western Australia Press, Perth, 2004. The reviewer worked

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Masters, Chris, et al: The great history war

Chris Masters ‘The great history war‘, ABC Four Corners, 10 November 2008 (transcript) Presenter Chris Masters talks to academics, war historians, military tourists and descendants of soldiers. The scenes are Gallipoli and the Western Front. Among the remarks: PROF. JOAN

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McKenna, Mark: Patriot act

Mark McKenna ‘Patriot act’, Australian, 6 June 2007 (also in the Australian Literary Review) Long (5000 words) article anticipating the author’s chapter in What’s Wrong with Anzac? Contains seminal critique of the Anzac myth as a political tool, wielded by

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Ross, Lloyd: Curtin

Lloyd Ross Curtin: A Biography, Macmillan, South Melbourne, Vic., 1977 Biography by a former Curtin associate. Took many years to write, drew upon dozens of interviews, but lacks spark. Still, a useful reference for labour history over forty years, as

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Honest History: When America looked to Australia

Honest History ‘When America looked to Australia’, Honest History e-Newsletter No. 3, August 2013 Australian history has not always been about our need to retain great and powerful friends. There have been times when the rest of the world looked

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Honest History: What was the federation dream?

Honest History ‘What was the dream, federationally speaking?’ Honest History e-Newsletter No. 3, August 2013 Chris Masters, in his recent ABC program, The Years That Made Us, said that World War I destroyed ‘the Federation dream’, which he described as

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Honest History: Eureka: have we found it?

Honest History ‘Eureka: have we found it?’ Honest History e-Newsletter No. 3, August 2013 The forces of law and order killed more white civilians at Eureka than in any other incident in our history. Perhaps that explains why the attention

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Simms, Marian: A Liberal Nation

Marian Simms A Liberal Nation: The Liberal Party & Australian Politics, Hale & Iremonger, Sydney, 1982 Traces the party’s development from its formation during World War II out of the wreckage of earlier parties of capital, its development as a

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Summers, Anne: The Misogyny Factor

Anne Summers The Misogyny Factor, New South, Sydney, 2013 Provoked by attitudes towards Australia’s first female Prime Minister, the book raises questions about Australian attitudes to women’s participation in economic and political life. ‘Having our first woman Prime Minister’, the

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Pember Reeves, William: State experiments in Australia and New Zealand

William Pember Reeves State Experiments in Australia & New Zealand, Two volumes, Macmillan, South Melbourne, Vic., 1969; first published 1902 Detailed study of initiatives before 1900 in the colonies regarding votes for women, federation, preferential voting, land reform, old age

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Robertson, John: J.H. Scullin

John Robertson J.H. Scullin: A Political Biography, University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands, WA, 1974 Life and times of Australia’s 1929-31 Prime Minister. Focuses mainly on manoeuvrings within government and party and on macro-economic issues. Social unrest is given much

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Pusey, Michael: Economic Rationalism in Canberra

Michael Pusey Economic Rationalism in Canberra: A Nation Building State Changes its Mind, Cambridge University Press, New York & Melbourne, 1991 Traces in the attitudes and policy preferences of Commonwealth bureaucrats ‘the end of the Australian Settlement’ detected by Paul

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Rawson, DW: Labor in vain

DW Rawson Labor in Vain? A Survey of the Australian Labor Party, Longmans, Melbourne, 1966 A snapshot of the ALP pre-Whitlam, arguing, among other things, for reduced links with trade unions.

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Megalogenis, George: The Longest Decade

George Megalogenis The Longest Decade, Scribe, Melbourne, 2006; revised and updated edition 2008 Economics and politics under Keating and Howard from 1991 to the mid noughties. Megalogenis describes them as ‘the twin architects of the revolution that has taken Australia

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Henderson, Gerard: Mr Santamaria and the Bishops

Gerard Henderson Mr Santamaria and the Bishops, Hale & Iremonger, Sydney, second revised edition, 1983; first published Studies in the Christian Movement 1982 The Labor Split of the 1950s and the proper role of religion in politics. The author had

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McKinlay, Brian, ed.: Australian Labor History in Documents

Brian McKinlay, ed. Australian Labor History in Documents: Volume 1 The Trade Union Movement; Volume 2 The Labor Party; Volume 3 The Radical Left, Collins Dove, Melbourne, 1990; first published Drummond 1979 Includes a poem from The Australian Worker, 12

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McLaren, John, ed.: Towards a New Australia

John McLaren, ed. Towards a New Australia: Under a Labor Government, Cheshire for the Victorian Fabian Society, Melbourne, 1972 Beyond its policies and plans for an imminent Labor Government (set out in chapters by Gough Whitlam and future Ministers) the

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Latham, Mark: From the Suburbs

Mark Latham From the Suburbs: Building a Nation from our Neighbourhoods, Pluto Press, Annandale, NSW, 2003 Written before the author became the Leader, then the former Leader of the Labor Party. Beyond its political prescriptions, it is an expression of

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Brett, Judith: Forgotten people

Judith Brett Robert Menzies’ Forgotten People, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, new edition 2007; first published 1992 Explores the links between Menzies’ values and language and the people he represented and who voted for him in the years after the World

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Bongiorno, Frank & Grant Mansfield: Whose war was it anyway?

Frank Bongiorno & Grant Mansfield ‘Whose war was it anyway? Some Australian historians and the Great War’, History Compass, 6, 1, January 2008, pp. 62-90 Examining the debate over the Australian response to the outbreak of war in Europe in

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Keneally, Thomas: Australia Vol I

Thomas Keneally Australia: Origins to Eureka: Volume 1, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2010; first published 2009 Novelist and historian Keneally ‘tells the stories of a number of Australians from the Pleistocene Age to 1860. The people whose tales

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Lloyd, Clem & Richard Hall, ed.: Backroom Briefings: John Curtin’s war

Clem Lloyd & Richard Hall, ed. Backroom Briefings: John Curtin’s War, National Library of Australia, Canberra, 1997 Based on contemporaneous notes by journalist, Fred Smith, the book gives an insight into Curtin’s regular briefings to journalists and thus into the

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Weller, Patrick: Malcolm Fraser PM

Patrick Weller Malcolm Fraser PM: A Study in Prime Ministerial Power in Australia, Penguin, Ringwood, Vic., 1989 A political scientist’s perspective on Fraser’s period as PM (1975-83), trying to explain ‘the multiple roles that prime ministers must play’ and the

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Murray, Robert: The Split

Robert Murray The Split: Australian Labor in the Fifties, Cheshire, Melbourne, 1970; later editions A relatively early account of these events. Very detailed but has been criticised for alleged bias towards the Democratic Labor Party. The author’s much later remarks

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Loveday, P. et al, ed.: The Emergence of the Australian Party System

P. Loveday, AW Martin & RS Parker, ed. The Emergence of the Australian Party System, Hale & Iremonger, Sydney, 1977 Traces the emergence of political parties, in all States and federally, from before 1890 to 1910. Early party development followed

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Lawrence, Carmen: Fear and politics

Carmen Lawrence Fear and Politics, Scribe, Carlton North, Vic., 2006 The author was Premier of Western Australia and a federal Minister. She is now a professor of psychology. She explores the human experience of fear, looks at how xenophobia shapes

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Kelly, Paul: The End of Certainty

Paul Kelly The End of Certainty: The Story of the 1980s, Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, 1992; second edition, subtitled Power, Politics and Business in Australia, 2008 Influential book describing a decade of politics and economics. Kelly’s broader theme

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Jordens, Ann-Mari: Alien to Citizen

Ann-Mari Jordens Alien to Citizen: Settling Migrants in Australia, 1945-75, Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, 1997 Administrative history describing the profound changes in Australia’s demography after World War II. Strong on the role of the Immigration Department and its

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Jauncey, LC: The Story of Conscription in Australia

LC Jauncey The Story of Conscription in Australia, Macmillan of Australia, South Melbourne, Vic., 1968; first published 1935 There has not been as detailed an account of the World War I conscription battles since this book was written. This edition

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Henderson, Heather, ed.: Letters to My Daughter: Menzies letters

Heather Henderson, ed. Letters to My Daughter: Robert Menzies, Letters, 1955-1975, Pier 9, Millers Point, NSW, 2011; e-book available Fairly intimate views of Sir Robert Menzies, the dominant politician of the early post World War II decades. Useful to read

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Freudenberg, Graham: A Certain Grandeur: Gough Whitlam in Politics

Graham Freudenberg A Certain Grandeur: Gough Whitlam in Politics, Macmillan, South Melbourne, Vic., 1977; updated Penguin paperback edition 2009 as A Certain Grandeur: Gough Whitlam’s Life in Politics Biography of Whitlam by his long-time speechwriter and adviser. Glosses over some

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Day, David: John Curtin

David Day John Curtin: A Life, Harper Collins, Pymble, NSW, 1998; paperback edition 2006 Curtin played a part on the home front in World War I as an anti-conscription agitator, then led the nation as a war prime minister in

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Day, David: Ben Chifley

David Day Ben Chifley, Harper Collins, Pymble, NSW, 2001; paperback edition 2007 as Chifley: A Life Draws upon 40 years of research and writing since Crisp’s Ben Chifley but still produces a largely favourable portrait. Essential reading regarding the political

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Day, David: Andrew Fisher

David Day Andrew Fisher: Prime Minister of Australia, Fourth Estate/Harper Collins, Pymble, NSW, 2008 Fisher seems to personify the fracture that the Great War wrought in the Labor Party and in Australia: from presiding over significant nation-building and social reforms

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Davison, Graeme, et al, ed.: Australians 1888

Graeme Davison, JW McCarty & Ailsa McLeary, ed. Australians 1888, Fairfax, Syme & Weldon Associates, Broadway, NSW, 1987 One of the volumes in Australians: A Historical Library. The authors write about land and people, the regional mosaic, private lives and

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Crisp, LF: Ben Chifley

LF Crisp Ben Chifley: A Biography, Longmans, Croydon, Vic, 1963; first published 1961 Classic Australian political biography, though criticised by some as hagiography. Particularly useful on the period after World War II, when Chifley as Prime Minister and Treasurer dealt

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Crisp, LF: Federal Labor Party

LF Crisp The Australian Federal Labour Party 1901-1951, Hale & Iremonger, Sydney, 1978; first published 1955 Classic account of Labor’s first half century, written by a man who headed a Commonwealth public service department at the age of 32, was

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Coper, Michael: Encounters with the Australian Constitution

Michael Coper Encounters with the Australian Constitution, CCH Australia, North Ryde, NSW, 1988 Essays by a constitutional law academic on the role of the High Court, aspects of constitutional interpretation, whether there should be a Bill of Rights in the

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Cathcart, Michael: Defending the National Tuckshop

Michael Cathcart Defending the National Tuckshop: Australia’s Secret Army Intrigue of 1931, McPhee Gribble/Penguin, Melbourne, 1988 Describes the anti-socialist vigilantism during the Great Depression, activities which were backed by secret armies with thousands of members. Ex-servicemen were deeply involved as

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Calwell, AA: Be just and fear not

AA Calwell Be Just and Fear Not, Lloyd O’Neil, Hawthorn, Vic, 1972 Autobiography of Australia’s first Minister for Immigration (1945-49), later Leader of the (Labor) Opposition (1960-67). Includes a personal view of the commencement of the post-World War II immigration

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Butlin, NG, et al: Government and Capitalism

NG Butlin, A Barnard & JJ Pincus Government and Capitalism: Public and Private Choice in Twentieth Century Australia, Allen & Unwin, North Sydney, 1982 Traces Australian economic and social history up to the 1970s in chapters addressing the ‘decline of

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Atkinson, Alan & Marian Aveling, ed.: Australians 1838

Alan Atkinson & Marian Aveling, ed. Australians 1838, Fairfax, Syme & Weldon Associates, Broadway, NSW, 1987 Twenty-five contributing authors describe Australia around 1838, looking at Aborigines, families, work, markets, government, justice and other topics. The diversity of Australian history –

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Argy, Fred: Australia at the Crossroads

Fred Argy Australia at the Crossroads: Radical Free Market or a Progressive Liberalism? Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, 1998 An adviser to governments of both sides expressed concern about the effects of economic liberalism, freeing up trade and investment

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Lake, Marilyn, Henry Reynolds et al: What’s wrong with Anzac?

Marilyn Lake & Henry Reynolds with Mark McKenna and Joy Damousi What’s Wrong with Anzac? The Militarisation of Australian History, New South, Sydney, 2010 The book caused considerable controversy on its release and since, although many of the themes in

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Gare, Deborah & David Ritter, ed.: Making Australian history

Deborah Gare  & David Ritter, ed. Making Australian History: Perspectives on the Past since 1788, Thomson Learning, South Melbourne, 2008 Includes an introduction on ‘making history and the politics of the past’ and articles by Mark McKenna on ‘values and

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Dickenson, Dyrenfurth & Scalmer, ed.: Rebirth of political history

Jacqueline Dickenson, Nick Dyrenfurth & Sean Scalmer, ed. ‘The rebirth of political history’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, 56, 1, March, 2010 (special edition) The essays consider how political history has been written and how it ought to be

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Beaumont, Joan: Gallipoli and Australian national identity

Joan Beaumont ‘Gallipoli and Australian national identity’, Neil Garnham & Keith Jeffery, ed., Culture, Place and Identity, University College Dublin Press, Dublin, 2005, pp. 138-51 The article notes ‘the degree to which a conservative state continues to see Anzac as

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Brett, Judith: Australian Liberals and the Moral Middle Class

Judith Brett Australian Liberals and the Moral Middle Class: From Alfred Deakin to John Howard, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 2003 From middle-class liberal independence under Deakin to conservative populism under Howard, with lots of nuances in between.

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Brett, Judith & Anthony Moran: Ordinary People’s Politics

Judith Brett & Anthony Moran Ordinary People’s Politics: Australians Talk about Life, Politics and the Future of their Country, Pluto Press Australia, Melbourne, 2006 Ordinary Australians interviewed about politics and its place in their lives during the Depression, the post

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Piggott, Michael & David Stephens: Constitution Day: an old Queen and a new nation

Michael Piggott and David Stephens* ‘Constitution Day: an old Queen and a new nation’, Honest History Newsletter No. 4, August 2013 Of all the notable days in the Australian calendar Constitution Day, 9 July, is the least known but one

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