Hudson, Marc: 25 years of emissions cuts history

Hudson, Marc

25 years ago the Australian government promised deep emissions cuts, and yet here we still are‘, The Conversation, 9 October 2015

Looks at ‘the largely forgotten history’ of the 25 years since the then minister brought Australia’s first emissions target to Cabinet.

Australia is not the only nation to have dragged its feet on climate policy in the decades since the issue became a major concern, but its ups and downs have been perhaps steeper than most …

Australia’s vexed history … shows that setting a climate target is only the beginning of the effort required. Targets are clearly needed – how else will we know if we are “on target”? But they can also allow politicians to say, “Look, we are aware of the problem, we’ve set challenging goals. Yes, progress isn’t quite as quick as we’d like, but we all need to be patient…”

There is also a related book by Maria Taylor.

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