‘The Dismissal – forty years on: a smoking gun‘, Pearls and Irritations, 29 October 2015
Menadue was the secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet at the time of The Dismissal. Here he comments on the new book by Jenny Hocking, The Dismissal Dossier: Everything You Were Never Meant to Know about November 1975. He believes Hocking reinforces views he put in his own book Things You Learn Along the Way (1999).
In light of Jenny Hocking’s revelations, I stand even more in support of my account that John Kerr conveyed to Malcolm Fraser that he had in mind to dismiss the Whitlam Government. That is an outrageous thing for a Governor-General to do. It was quite contrary to convention developed over centuries that the Head of State acts on the advice of his or her Prime Minister. It also highlights personal deceit by the Governor-General.
Menadue also discusses the role of Rupert Murdoch and recounts other relevant conversations with players in the events of 1975. Comprehensive resources on Whitlam are here. John Menadue is one of Honest History’s distinguished supporters. More from Menadue on this event.
40 years on: Live Tweeting The Dismissal at MOADOPH
(till 11 November 2015)