Bible House, Constantinople: The Orient, 2 June 1915

Bible House, Constantinople

The Orient, 2 June 1915

Our final insight into expatriate missionary life in the Ottoman Empire of 1915. Previous editions: 28 April, 5 May 1915, 12 May 1915, 19 May 1915, 26 May 1915. Again, thanks to Vicken Babkenian for unearthing this material.

In this edition there were reports from the Dardanelles of the sinking of the British ships Triumph and Majestic and, further afield, fighting around Ypres and on the Eastern and Italo-Austrian fronts. On shore, there were sports days at International College and Robert College and a Red Cross fete or bazaar held the previous month, where sellers were carefully identified by religious affiliation.

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