Bible House, Constantinople: The Orient, 26 May 1915

Bible House, Constantinople

The Orient, 26 May 1915

More insights into expatriate missionary life in the Ottoman Empire of 1915. Previous editions: 28 April, 5 May 1915, 12 May 1915, 19 May 1915.

In this edition:

[Translated from Ikdam:] While the English papers were writing on the one hand of Lord Kitchener as about to gather millions of men, on the other hand they could not help writing about the way their young men are debilitated by games and drink, the working-men are going on strike, the Irish are showing ominous signs, uprisings are breaking out in India, and the inhabitants of Canada and Australia are beginning to complain against England. Coming to the French, they are in worse shape than their allies; they are sharpening their teeth in deep indignation against the English; they have a hundred thousand times repented ever having gone into the war; indeed the public mind has been so wearied that now everyone in France thinks not of success and victory but of peace being made as soon as possible.

And in other news:

The 49 survivors of the famous German cruiser “Emden” arrived in Constantinople last Sunday, and were received at the Haidar Pasha railroad station by Admiral Suchon Pasha, and on their arrival at the Seraglio Point by the first aide-de-camp of His Majesty the Sultan, several of the Ministers, the German ambassador, the prefect of the city, and other notables, and escorted in triumph to the Ministry of Marine at Kassim Pasha.

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