Honest History list: 10 useful Web portals

Web portals abound and we are trying to include useful ones on the Honest History site. Here are ten that are worth opening and exploring:

  • Dance: Australian Dance portal site with brief history and many links to relevant sites and material
  • Education, health and welfare: University of Wollongong Library portal site leading to journal and media articles, books, statistics and photographs
  • Film: Film in Australia portal site with brief history and many links to relevant sites and material
  • Immigration: Museum Victoria Immigration Museum with educational material, project suggestions and links to other sites
  • Inventions: Australian Inventions portal site linking to many resources about the history of Australian inventing
  • Medicine: History of Medicine Library of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians
  • Multimodal resources: referencing the Australian Curriculum and linking to a wide range of resources for classroom production
  • Music: lyrics, audio and video of 100 Australian songs that ‘have captured our history’
  • Science and technology: Science and Technology Web portal to the National Library’s list of science and technology sites, the CSIRO, Questacon, defence science, and more
  • Trade Unions: Australian Trade Union Archives Portal to archival resources, published material and information.

There are other portals and similar resources linked from our site; please use the Search function. Please let us know about other portals.




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