Click here for all items related to: Expressing ourselves
Here there are references covering a wide field associated with the expression of talents or preferences. In most cases, the authors attempt to draw some connections between the particular strand that interests them and broader themes in Australian history. First, there is some general coverage of popular culture, including leisure (Arrow, Waterhouse, White) and of how we express ourselves about ourselves (White again).

Four child musicians at Wilcannia Show, NSW, 1914 (source: Flickr Commons/State Library of South Australia PRG 280/1/10/85; Searcy Collection)
Then there are items on architecture (Crowther & Osborne), art (here, here), asylum seekers (Scott & Keneally), broadcasting (Given, Inglis, Inglis), camping (Garner), dance (here), film (here, Winter), food (Bannerman, Costantino & Supski), the Great Barrier Reef (McCalman), literature (Hooton & Andrews, Palmer, Rolls, Serle), motoring (Davison), museums (Chynoweth), music (here, here), photography (Davies, Ennis), religion (Henry & Kurzak, Warhurst), sex (Altman, Bongiorno, Featherstone) and sport (here, Rosenwater, Throsby & Cashman). All of them are either expressions of human capability or they provoke such expression.
There are also references which indicate how various cultural aspects intersect with war: Bongiorno et al (intellectual endeavour); Broadbent, Gerster, (journalism); Daley, Whimpress (sport); Elias (photography); Hillman (film); Hynd, McKernan (religion); McMullin (cartooning); O’Neill & Seymour (drama). Finally, there are items which illustrate the overlap between politics and aspects of culture (Henderson, Irving & Scalmer, Rowse).