War Memorial is overdue answering a Senator’s question about the Frontier Wars – and 21 other questions

Questions on Notice put to Senate Estimates Committees are an overlooked source of information – provided they are eventually answered. Here below is one such question, currently unanswered and overdue for providing to the Senate Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade Committee.

It was lodged by Senator Dorinda Cox (Greens, WA), who is the Greens spokesperson for First Nations. Some of the information the Senator is looking for can be found in these recent posts on Honest History: here; here. (Summarised in our media release. Taken up by the Canberra Times.)

Altogether, there are 22 questions from Supplementary Estimates in February awaiting an answer from the Memorial, and all of them are overdue. Senator Cox’s question is among the best of them and we look forward to an answer to it from the Memorial.

Our recent posts on Frontier Wars at the Memorial.

Senator Cox’s question

  • Hearing Date 15/02/2023
  • Overdue Yes
  • Asked Of Australian War Memorial
  • Proof Hansard Page/Written Written
  • Portfolio Question Number SQ23-000059
  • Question
    Regarding the Frontier Wars being added to the War Memorial. I note and welcome the strong commitment from Kim Beazley to ensure there is proper recognition of the frontier wars.
    1. How much floor space will be dedicated to this display?
    2. How will this display cross over and complement the displays at the National Museum and other key institutions about the frontier wars?
    3. What conversations is the Australian War Memorial having with the States and Territories to assist state based truth telling about the frontier wars?
    4. How is the War Memorial gathering information, stories, and objects that will be displayed to tell the story of the frontier wars?
    a. Who will own this information?
    b. Will First Nations communities, families, or individuals that share their stories still own the IP of them? Or will this be transferred to the War Memorial?
    5. What are the terms of reference for the Aboriginal Reference group in relation to this project?
    a. Who are the members of this group?
    6. Does this project have bi-partisan support?
    a. If not, what has the War Memorial done to try obtain bi-partisan support?

David Stephens

12 April 2023

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