Stephens, David: Public Works Committee’s paddle in Monash museum

Stephens, David

Public Works Committee’s paddle in Monash museum‘, Honest History, 19 August 2015

Our third article on the Sir John Monash Interpretive Centre proposed for Villers-Bretonneux in France. It briefly analyses the Public Works Committee report, tabled in the Senate on 18 August.

The first article was about the Department of Veterans’ Affairs submission to the Public Works Committee hearing on the project. It noted the large number of adjectives used to describe the project, including the obscure term ‘immersive’.

The second article was about the PWC hearing itself and it commenced thus: ‘We find it difficult to treat this project as anything other than a massively self-indulgent and boastful boondoggle, replete with meaningless puffery and rash assumptions’. That article also looked in detail at the strange arrangement where the capital cost of the Monash centre ($93 million) is being met by Defence Department money normally used to build big sheds.

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