Stanley, Peter: Gallipoli burning?

Stanley, Peter

Is Gallipoli burning‘, Honest History, 2 October 2014 and updated

Thousands of Australians and New Zealanders are expected at Gallipoli for next year’s Anzac commemoration. Professor Peter Stanley recently visited Gallipoli on a research trip. He was shocked. ‘It seemed to me that the landscape of Anzac is waiting for a bushfire to happen. Like Victoria in 2009 it seems a matter of “when”, not “whether”’, Professor Stanley said.

Professor Stanley is President of Honest History and a social and military historian, who has written 27 books, including Black Saturday at Steels Creek, about the disastrous Victorian fires in which 173 people died. He has visited Gallipoli many times. Considering how the area has become overgrown in recent years, he says ‘the fire would come not just because of Gallipoli’s hot summers and high winds, but, it seems, because the land management practices of those responsible for the landscape of the Gallipoli Military Park seem almost calculated to make fires more likely’.

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Report in Guardian Australia.

Honest History has received a reply from the Minister following representations to the Shadow Minister.


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