Spark, Seumas: Ken Inglis and the Dunera: a seventy-year history

Seumas Spark

Ken Inglis and the Dunera: a seventy-year history‘, Inside Story, 12 December 2016

Discusses the work of Inglis and the American historian, Jay Winter, on the Dunera boys, mostly Jewish internees from Britain, who made such a contribution to Australia. ‘In ways big and small, grand and humble, they helped build postwar Australian society.’ Based on a speech at a recent conference at Monash University, the article traces Inglis’s long involvement with the Dunera story.

To this project he [Inglis] brings all that he knows about the social and cultural history of war, the University of Melbourne, the politics and tenor of postwar Australian society, art and the visual image as historical source, and many other subjects that are part of the Dunera story.

Dunera News, October 2015; Dunera News, June 2016.

Also from Inside Story, more recent arrivals in Australia, making a contribution to Bordertown, SA: an article by Peter Mares.


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