Honest History is always ready to publicise material from the feisty Pearls and Irritations blog wrangled by former senior public servant and diplomat, John Menadue. Pearls and Irritations has guest blogs from many former senior players in government and academia and often goes into depth that cannot be managed by the struggling and stretched mainstream media, including organs that once rejoiced in the title of ‘newspapers of record‘ (widely read, professional, authoritative).
Posted today on Pearls and Irritations are a number of articles under the heading ‘We can say “No” to the Americans’. They come from Brian Toohey, Geoff Miller, Ramesh Thakur, Joseph Camilleri, Andrew Farran, James Curran, Garry Woodard, Richard Woolcott, Richard Butler, Cavan Hogue and Mark Beeson.
Many of these authors were also signatories on a recent submission to the Foreign Minister on the need for a transformational Australian foreign policy, for which the contact person was Honest History vice-president Alison Broinowski. Pearls and Irritations includes the text of Paul Barratt’s ABC interview on this subject.
John Menadue, Richard Butler and Alison Broinowski are among Honest History’s distinguished supporters. Alison Broinowski has a chapter on foreign policy options in The Honest History Book.
15 December 2016
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