Recently on the Honest History site (21 March 2017)

Even as we work up towards the launch (actually launches) of The Honest History Book – very time-consuming – we continue to feed our voracious website with items we have gleaned from other sources and with commissioned (and sometimes unsolicited) material, as well. We manage a new post or two most days.

After a while under Latest Posts these new posts get poked under our thumbnails, ‘Top recent posts’, and sometimes ‘First Peoples’ or ‘Inequality’. (The latter two have been ‘special subjects’ for us and they are addressed in five of the 20 chapters of The Honest History Book.) In case you missed some recent item of interest, here is a taste. We have:

  • veteran academic John Moses on German war aims 1914, an article from Foreign Policy on the reliability of the United States as an ally, an analysis of Australia’s role in the Iraq War from 2003, and Stephen FitzGerald on what to do about – and with – China;
  • ‘political correctness’ as a sword that can cut both ways and video games as a way of normalising war;
  • Robert Manne and Rebecca Hamilton on Australian policy on asylum seekers and refugees – plus Riaz Hassan on a survey about Australians’ Islamophobia;
  • a collection of charts and some thoughts on corporate consultants in government;
  • reviews of books about Crown Street Women’s Hospital and an incident in Rabaul 1942;
  • some pieces on water politics in the Murray-Darling and climate change everywhere; and
  • Jung, feminism, shorter working hours and unionism, civilising capitalism, the Petrov Case, the February 1917 in Russia, and manipulating the conscription referendum of 1916.

As we at Honest History say, ‘Australia is more than Anzac – and always has been’.

You will find that, after slipping down ‘Top recent posts’, items go to relevant tagged lists under ‘Themes‘, with the most recent items first. There are also separate listings of ‘Reviews‘, and ‘Features‘, and ‘References by author A-Z‘. Finally, we have a Search engine. If you would like a ‘daily feed’ of our latest posts, you can sign up for it right here.

21 March 2017

