We continue to move posts quickly through the site, mainly because we have become information-brokers (linking to useful resources within our areas of interest) as well as creators of original material. Readers can catch up with recent additions under our thumbnails: Top Recent Posts; Our First Peoples; Inequality; Talking Turkey.
Notable recently have been:
- the definitive story on how Canberra’s Anzac Parade gained a memorial to a Turkish statesman (two parts accessible from here);
- recent arguments for a Treaty with Indigenous Australians plus news of important archaelogical discoveries illuminating our 40 000 years of history in this place (here);
- a steady flow of reports on how inequality is increasing in Australia and internationally; and
- on Top Recent Posts, everything from lithium to silk roads and asylum seekers to vice-regals.
As well, our two-part analysis of the speeches of Dr Brendan Nelson (accessible from here) is a contribution to the literature of commemoration in Australia as, indeed, are the speeches.