John Menadue’s blog, Pearls and Irritations, has the following: Allan Patience on the failure of neo-liberalism; Wayne Swan MP on the need to spread prosperity more widely; Andrew Farran on foreign policy implications; John Menadue and Mungo McCallum on general implications for Australia; plus others going back to the day after the election. Among them, Ian McAuley has this to say:
Trump claims, correctly, to be part of “an incredible and great movement”. There is indeed a “great movement”. As in the 1930s countries are turning to what may be loosely described as far-right populism, a movement embracing notions of national or racial exceptionalism, a rejection of globalization, and identification of a supposed conspiracy of internal enemies with a corrosive influence on public ideas.
We have already collected a number of links on the advent of Trump, particularly those with an Australian angle. Plus there is Raimond Gaita’s philosophical view (in The Conversation) of the nature of Trump’s America and a 2011 piece from the now late Earl Shorris in Harper’s Magazine. It moves from a reverie about personal illness to thoughts about the ailments of American society. It concludes:
I have wished for many years to be a physician to my beloved country. The means to care for it is clear. I was revived by love and ethics. And I am not unique: no man, no woman is a metaphor; that is the place of gods. I do not know who will take America in their arms to revive her.
No nation is forever.
We may still have a way to go, however:
Behold, I shew you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. (1 Corinthians 15: 51-53; King James Version; emphasis added)
John Menadue is one of Honest History’s distinguished supporters.
More in similar vein from Pearls and Irritations.
17 November 2016 updated