This advice is directed to the 167 people and organisations who provided comments to the Australian War Memorial on heritage aspects of its $498m redevelopment. It argues that you should ensure your comment is publicly available on the Memorial’s website. You should have received an email from the Memorial to allow this to happen.
Option 4 is the way to go
We are nearing the end of a complex consultation process on the redevelopment. In normal circumstances for the current stage, only a summary of comments received would appear on the website of the project proponent (the Memorial, in this case). This time it is different, however, as the Memorial says, ‘given the high profile nature of this project and in the interest of transparency we are seeking permission from commenters to share their views with the broader community’.
Option 4 is the way to go
Publication of comments was not in prospect at the time comments were sought, so the Memorial (with the encouragement of the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, responsible for heritage matters under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act) has given commenters four options as to how their comment will be treated.
Option 4 is the way to go
Heritage Guardians believes most commenters would have no difficulty with their comment being given the maximum exposure, so we urge commenters to go for Option 4 and advise the Memorial accordingly.
Option 4: Public disclosure
Your submission will be published with only your contact details redacted, your name will be made public.
Other options allow for less disclosure.
Option 4 is the way to go
Note, however, that there were a couple of mix-ups with the emails sent out by the Memorial. Some emails did not include Option 4. If you have not received an email including Option 4 and would like to choose Option 4, please urgently contact or phone 02 6243 4211.
There is a nominal deadline of 22 September for responses but the Memorial has advised that it will accept responses at any time and publish them on its website as they come in and according to the disclosure option chosen.
The Memorial will soon also publish its summary of the comments received, along with any changes to its project plans made as a result of the comments received.
Option 4 is the way to go
David Stephens for Heritage Guardians
17 September
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