McMullin, Ross: Farewell Dear People

McMullin, Ross

Farewell, Dear People: Biographies of Australia’s Lost Generation, Scribe, Melbourne, 2012

Collective biography of 10 Australians killed in World War I, emphasising the perennial outcome of major wars, the loss of many of the best people of a generation.

There is so much to admire and to praise in this book. The research is prodigious, the storytelling hypnotic, the confidence and clarity of the writer remarkable. Do not for a second think of this book as military history only or mostly… It is a wonderful tribute to the 10 men whose lives we discover for the first time, an extraordinary account of Australia from about the 1870s and into the 1930s, and deeply moving. (Michael McKernan review)

The author talks about the book here and here (transcript).

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