Khaki reshuffle follows Joycean kerfuffle: Chester becomes Veterans’ Affairs Minister

One Nat minister jumped right over another Nat minister’s back … *

Victorian MP Darren Chester is to become Minister for Veterans’ Affairs in a small reshuffle announced this evening. In Guardian Australia, another report says Mr Chester will also be Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of Anzac – which means a trip to the Western Front battlefield in April – and Minister for Defence Personnel. Ministerial list soon. (Mr Chester’s presser doesn’t mention Centenary of Anzac or commemoration. PM’s presser confirms that Chester is Minister Assisting for Centenary of Anzac.)

Earlier material; just for a couple of days, the Deputy Prime Minister had quite a clutch of jobs.

1 March 2018 updated

* To misuse Oh! What a Lovely War

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