‘How far must Trump “unravel” before the 25th Amendment kicks in?‘ Foreign Policy, 23 October 2017
A detailed and sober assessment of the possibilities of using the 25th Amendment (presidential disability) to the United States Constitution to remove President Trump. This is the ‘other way’ (other constitutional way, that is) besides impeachment, and is allegedly a method that Trump himself had not heard of, although others seem to have been considering its pros and cons. Not for the faint-hearted, however, and could have massive repercussions, even in the still (fairly unlikely) event that it is pursued.
There is a lot of interesting history in the piece. For another historically precedented – but not legal or constitutional method of controlling an incumbent president – see this piece on the James Schlesinger ploy of 1974. We hope to explore more in this field: there is another precedent of sorts. (This is, of course, nothing directly to do with Australian history but it could be very important – to all of us.)