The Pearls and Irritations blog is always worth following for thoughtful explications of current issues, ones which the mainstream media mostly no longer has the resources or patience to run. Today, P&I publishes nine articles (introduction plus eight) by economist Ian McAuley on the topic ‘Brexit, Trump and the Lucky Country’. There is an overall introduction from P&I wrangler, John Menadue. (John Menadue is one of Honest History’s distinguished supporters.)
I don’t come to any grand theory [warns McAuley, an adjunct academic at the University of Canberra]. Rather my intention is to put forward various tentative explanations for what has happened, and to dispel any notion that there is one great movement. As in all situations of public policy it’s all more complex – and interesting. And I want to dispel what is called “the trap of fatalism” – the idea that the rejection of liberalism is so strong and overwhelming that it’s futile to go against it.
9 January 2017