Daley, Paul: Morrison says troops died “for a great cause” in Afghanistan. To quote a grieving father, that’s bullshit

Paul Daley

Morrison says troops died “for a great cause” in Afghanistan. To quote a grieving father, that’s bullshit‘, Guardian Australia, 16 August 2021

Scott Morrison is shamelessly audacious to claim Australian service personnel died for “a great cause” in this country’s foremost 21st century moral-military failure – Afghanistan.

As Afghanistan reverts to a real-life Gilead with the Taliban victory (thanks to America cutting and running and its allies, not least Australia, pre-emptively, cowardly, scurrying out unannounced, on its coattails) Morrison, in a round of broken-record media calls, [link added by HH] evoked all the Anzac military myth this country has ever used to justify involvement in too many pointless imperial wars …

But the prime ministerial line and the contorted sentiment behind it, that is Olympic for its tone-deaf, insensitive audacity, was this one, spoken to the ABC’s Lisa Millar on Monday morning: “No Australian who has ever fallen in our uniform has ever died in vain – ever.”

Quotes the father of Robert Poate, dead in Afghanistan: ‘bullshit’.

Again, this is just some way of trying to justify the loss of 41 lives in Afghanistan, the ruining of 261 [through serious injury] and some 500 who’ve since taken their own lives … these are lies. This is political spin.

Related: Veterans’ Affairs Minister, Andrew Gee, put out a media release directed to the welfare of Afghanistan veterans.

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