‘Reading Room: Fighting with America‘, Australian Outlook, 8 May 2017
This is a review note of James Curran’s book, Fighting with America: Why Saying No to the US Wouldn’t Rupture the Alliance. Honest History previously linked to an extract from the book.
‘Curran occupies the middle ground between Australians who fear abandonment by the US and those who call for independent foreign policy’, says Dr Broinowski. ‘Australia, he admits, has become “too reliable” and a fresh assessment of the alliance is needed.’
Alison Broinowski is vice president of the Honest History association and has a chapter in The Honest History Book. The chapter is called ‘Australia’s tug of war: Militarism versus independence’ and in it Dr Broinowski says this:
Since 2001, when John Howard unilaterally extended the scope of ANZUS to cover any threat in the world, both major parties have been less prepared than ever to question the value or reliability of the American alliance …Independence in foreign policy has been a very frayed strand in Australian history. Times change, however. In 2017 the Trump presidency presents an unprecedented opportunity for Australia to reassess its foreign and defence policies.