JM Talkback: Anzac Day under PC attack March-April 2012

JM Talkback

Anzac Day under PC attack‘, 979 FM Community Radio, Melton, Vic., 29 March, 4 April 2012

Comments on the reaction to the Colmar Brunton report on public opinion about how the Anzac centenary should be commemorated. (Prime Minister Gillard had already rejected the findings of the report that the centenary might be divisive.)

As I said on the program people who might be offended by ANZAC day are people we probably don’t want in this country anyway but then I have never met anyone who was offended by Australians honouring our war dead.

And of course that’s what ANZAC Day is really about, honouring the brave souls who made the ultimate sacrifice for this country, not glorifying our military conquests. If we were to celebrate our military achievements then it would be to thank those who gave their lives so that people in this country have the freedom to be a squealing minority.

Leave ANZAC Day alone I say because the moment we sink to the level of altering something as integral to Australian culture and history as ANZAC Day to appease a handful of bitchy whingers then we really have lost the battle.

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