The War Memorial has referred its expansion plan to the Department of Environment and Energy for consideration under the heritage provisions of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. Comments are due in by 3 December, so people wishing to contribute to the process are urged to be quick. The crucial thing is to establish that the project is a controlled action.
The referral documentation can be found here (2019/8574); note that the Attachments are at separate links from that URL. A DEE departmental spokesperson has provided this helpful summary of the process:
The Australian War Memorial has submitted all necessary referral documentation in order to initiate the Department’s assessment process. Based on the information provided, the Minister (or delegate) will decide whether or not the project is a controlled action for significant impacts on any matters protected under national environmental law (EPBC Act). If it is a controlled action, the project will require further assessment (which may involve a request for further information) and approval under the EPBC Act before it can proceed.
22 November 2019