Two recent journal numbers have thought-provoking content – and one is open access!

While current events billow around our ears with Afghanistan and Covid in the van and climate change lurking, the quiet business of academic publishing goes on, with some free access and (regrettably many) behind pay-walls.

July saw a special edition of Public History Review published by UTS.  The issue investigated the 2020 statue wars and their aftermath in the context of the Black Lives Matter movement. It is open access with articles downloadable as pdf or html and work by Kiera Lindsey, Mariko Smith, Jenny Gregory, Bruce Scates, Paul Daley, Anna Clark and others. Daley’s ‘Assorted bastards of Australian history’ was a particularly arresting title.

Earlier, there was Australian Historical Studies, with an issue published online from November last year marking the centenary of the end of the Great War. You can get bits of it free but much of it is pay per view/download. Notable among the offerings were Joan Beaumont on employment preference for returned soldiers, Erik Eklund on the influenza epidemic in Gippsland, Carolyn Holbrook on Imperial Federation, Margaret Hutchison on aged care for war nurses, Katti Williams on memorial architecture, and others.

David Stephens

1 September 2021

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