Sunday 26 September 2021, 4pm to 5.30pm
This is a Zoom event due to the COVID-19 lockdown
Bernard Collaery is a former ACT Attorney-General and a prominent Canberra lawyer. He was lawyer for Witness K, the former ASIS officer turned whistleblower over the illegal bugging by the Australian Government of the cabinet offices of Timor-Leste. He is now being prosecuted and is appealing the national security orders that would see significant parts of his trial being held in secret.
Bernard will talk about whistleblowers currently being prosecuted in Australia and the rule of law.
Booking essential: all tickets $5
TryBooking will send the Zoom link with your booking confirmation and Manning Clark House will send it again closer to the day
To help Bernard with his significant legal costs you can donate to his
GoFundMe account: