Stanley, Peter: Anzac’s Long Shadow highlights a national obsession

Stanley, Peter

Anzac’s Long Shadow highlights a national obsession’

Honest History President, Professor Peter Stanley, reviews James Brown’s book (published 11 February 2014) and finds parallels with the attitudes of Honest History to the way in which Australia is approaching the Anzac centenary. ‘Anzac’s Long Shadow demonstrates’, says Stanley, ‘that it is not just left-liberal peacenik rat-bag mouthy academics who worry that Anzackery is getting out of hand. Here is an intelligent, thoughtful veteran of overseas wars who shares that concern and who argues that the sentimentality and untruthfulness surrounding Anzac needs to be replaced by honesty and clarity.’ Read more…

Media coverage of the book has been extensive: Tony Wright in The Age; ABC PM; ABC Radio National Breakfast; News Limited; Wheeler Centre lunchtime, forthcoming 27 March; the author in The Monthly; ABC 7.30; Nine MSN; Jo Hawkins and thoughtful comments from readers in The Conversation; the author in The Age; the author in conversation on ABC with Richard Fidler. (Research by volunteer researcher, Gerry Schulz.)

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