Julianne Schultz & Patrick Allington, ed.
State of Hope: Griffith Review 55, January 2017
As the industrial model that shaped twentieth-century South Australia is replaced by an uncertain future, now more than ever the state needs to draw on the strengths of its past in order to move ahead. South Australia has always demonstrated a willingness to challenge prevailing sentiments, experiment, boldly innovate and take a national lead – and as a result has produced a disproportionate number of leaders in business, science, the arts and public policy. Now, on the cusp of change, the state needs to draw on its talent for experiment and innovation in order to thrive in an increasingly competitive world. State of Hope explores the economic, social, environmental and cultural challenges facing South Australia, and the possibilities of renewal and revitalisation. It celebrates the unselfconscious willingness that hope enables. (blurb)
Authors include Robyn Archer, John Spoehr, Peter Stanley, Angela Woollacott, Kerryn Goldsworthy, Chris Wallace, Dennis Atkins, Nicholas Jose, and Ali Cobby Eckermann. (Peter Stanley is Past President of Honest History and Angela Woollacott is one of Honest History’s distinguished supporters.)
State of Hope is reviewed for Honest History by Marian Quartly, Professor Emerita of Australian History at Monash University. Another review by Lisa Hill in ANZ LitLovers blog. A comprehensive and well illustrated timeline of South Australian history to 1901. Honest History has reviewed a number of editions of Griffith Review (use our Search facility).