Rose, James: From Tampa to now: how reporting on asylum seekers has been a triumph of spin over substance

Rose, James

From Tampa to now: how reporting on asylum seekers has been a triumph of spin over substance‘, The Conversation, 14 October 2016

Considers three media management tactics deployed in 2001 and refined since: closing down news channels; depriving asylum seekers of their humanity; ensuring a government monopoly on the dissemination of news.

Fifteen years ago [Rose concludes], public relations began to overtake policy in relation to asylum seekers. Since 2001, both of Australia’s major political parties have shifted to harsher stances on asylum seekers. A sizeable portion of the electorate wants something harder still, driven by the PR-over-policy narrative we have been obliged to endure.

James Rose’s articles on the Australian War Memorial, the policy there on the Honour Roll, and Anzac branding.

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