Rees, Peter: Bearing witness (CEW Bean)

Peter Rees

Bearing Witness: the Remarkable Life of CEW Bean, Australia’s Greatest War Correspondent, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2015

A full biography of the man known as CEW Bean – war correspondent and official historian of World War I – that for the first time captures and portrays the essence of the man, his work, his influence on Australian history, and how Australians have seen themselves in the century since the Great War. (blurb)

Reviewed in The Saturday Paper, the Sydney Morning Herald (by Peter FitzSimons, along with Coulthart’s book, below), The Spectator, the Australian Financial Review, and The Australian. Another review from Kristen Alexander in the Australian Defence Journal (pp. 94-95) which concludes the book ‘is a well-rounded, revealing biography of Bean the man, reporter, historian and passionate advocate of Australian nationhood’.

Another book on Bean is by Ross Coulthart. An article by Sarah Midford mainly on The Anzac Book. Bean’s role as embedded journalist and propagandist is considered in this collection and linked items. Bearing Witness was awarded the Nib Anzac Centenary Literary Prize for 2015.

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