Recently on the Honest History site (2 May 2017)

We at Honest History are very much aware that posts rumble through our site fairly rapidly. This note is to help you catch up with recent posts you might have missed. You can also go to the tagged lists under ‘Themes‘ and ‘Resources‘, which have the most recent items first. Go first, though, to ‘Top Recent Posts‘, where we have items on:

  • international relations, especially North Korea and Turkey – and the Russian Revolution;
  • the Great Barrier Reef and the history of floods in Northern New South Wales;
  • departed humourists (and Bill Leak), the ABC’s This Day Tonight, and the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ typical Australian; and, of course,
  • lots on Anzac Day and associated tarradiddles 2017. (No disrespect intended; read chapter 9 of The Honest History Book.) Oh, and something on multiculturalism and ‘Australian values’. G’day.

2 May 2017


