‘Confecting a new China hysteria‘, Pearls and Irritations, 12 December 2017
Australia’s diplomacy with its Asian neighbours and contenders has always been awkward. In a similar manner to Britain’s awkward partnering with Europe, so Australia is Asia’s awkward partner. In the past we could calm our fears by relying on great and powerful friends. Those days are over. Australia needs urgently to plan for an independent future while integrating itself knowledgeably and sensitively into its region. First and foremost, that means learning how to relate intelligently to China, the emerging regional hegemon …
The Australian public is being subjected to a China scare campaign reminiscent of the Cold War madness of the 1960s when Australians were being warned that there was a Chinese “red menace” looming just over the horizon. Dastyari is a fool, for sure, but he is not a threat to Australia’s national security interest.
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