Those Wild Rabbits: How They Shaped Australia, Wakefield Press, Adelaide, 2017
Those Wild Rabbits highlights not only the damage done but also Australia’s missed opportunities for real rabbit control. It recognises the bush’s paradoxical love affair with an animal that was at one time a significant rural industry and is still recalled with nostalgia. More importantly, it offers hope for a brighter future, making the case for continued research to drive the next rabbit-control miracle, because rabbit plagues of the past will become the future unless we capture the history and embrace the lessons. (blurb)
The book is reviewed for Honest History by John Myrtle. Reviewed also on South Australian History and Queensland Reviewers Collective. And by Lisa Hill on ANZ Litlovers blog. A podcast with the book author. The works of Eric Rolls, referred to in the review, are noted on the Honest History site; use our Search engine.