Medical Association for Prevention of War, Act for Peace & History Teachers’ Association of Victoria
The Enduring Effects of War: Introduction, MAPW, Act for Peace and HTAV, Melbourne, 2014
Comprehensive (125 pages) and realistic lesson materials (pdf with links) prepared for Year 9 and 10 students and covering biological and chemical weapons, the changing nature of war in 2oth century Australia, death from above and below, diseases of conflict, the first casualty of war is truth, international diplomacy, the militarisation of Australian history, the peace movement and resistance to war, returning home from war, technology and war, and who is my enemy?
There are videos, comprehensive links, lesson plans and activities. Set alongside the output of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, the Australian War Memorial and other official proselytisers, this is an essential resource. The materials commence with a succinct summary of the issues facing teachers and, indeed, all of us when we deal with war.
History teachers often struggle with lessons about war. Conflicts have shaped the ancient and modern world and it is important that students are aware of the role of conflicts in the history of civilisation. In addition to developing a world view, teachers hope that understanding the history of war will help future generations learn from the actions of their ancestors. However, many teachers are concerned that unless approached sensitively, the focus on war in the classroom can have the opposite effect, causing students to glorify it.
This unique set of resources has been developed from the perspectives of medical practitioners, many of them also war veterans. It helps students focus on the physical and mental costs of war, aspects of conflict often marginalised by larger themes of mateship and national pride. Students will learn about the often silent effects of war: injury, mental illness and disease.
Here is an outline of what is in the package:
This resource contains ten lesson plans that can be used by teachers. The plans employ a range
of elements for teaching and learning about war. These include:
• Talking head videos
• Classroom activities
• Assessment tasks
• Web links to primary and secondary sources
• Rubrics
• A unit planner
• A lesson templateCURRICULUM LINKS
The MAPW resources are aligned with the Australian History Curriculum and are targeted
primarily at Year 9 and 10 students. The key conflicts covered are World War I (WWII) (Year 9),
WWII (Year 10) and the Vietnam War (Year 10). The content is appropriate for students studying
VCE History: Units 1 & 2 (Twentieth Century). The resources are arranged thematically and are
effective in helping students understand change and continuity across conflicts, particularly in
the areas of health, the impact on civilians and changes in military technology.