Macintyre, Stuart, ed.
The Historian’s Conscience: Australian Historians on the Ethics of History, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., 2004
The editor posed six questions to the contributors. Summarised: how do historians choose their histories? what balance do they strike between history as objective knowledge and as a form of empathetic understanding? how do they deal with versions of the past that are powerful markers of present identities? how are their investigations constrained, for example, by sponsors or records holders? how do they deal with unpalatable discoveries? are their standards maintained by peer review?
Answering the questions are historians Alan Atkinson, David Christian, Joy Damousi, Graeme Davison, Greg Dening, John Hirst, Rhys Isaac, Beverley Kingston, Marilyn Lake, Iain McCalman, Fiona Paisley, Penny Russell and Glenda Sluga. There is a review here and another one here.