Late Night Live kicks off media discussion of The Honest History Book

Update 29 March 2017: a recording of the broadcast.

Late Night Live on Radio National tomorrow night (Tuesday, 28 March) will feature contributors to The Honest History Book, Alison Broinowski and Joy Damousi, talking to Phillip Adams about aspects of the book and their chapters in it. Alison Broinowski, Honest History vice-president, was a co-editor of the book with David Stephens, co-author of the introduction and conclusion, and author of chapter 19, entitled ‘Australia’s tug of war: Militarism versus independence’.  Joy Damousi from the University of Melbourne wrote chapter 15, headed ‘Hidden by the myth: Women’s leadership in war and peace’.

The LNL segment gets under way after 10 pm. To judge by early media response to the book, the LNL segment will be the first of a number in the broadcast and print media to look at The Honest History Book and the evidence it presents in support of the argument that Australia is more than Anzac – and always has been.

27 March 2017 updated

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