Inglis, Ken: Gallipoli 1965

Inglis, Ken

Letters from a pilgrimage‘, Inside Story, 23 April 2015

Ken Inglis introduces reprints of his seven articles for the Canberra Times reporting the Gallipoli visit of 1965 by veterans and descendants. Two are printed here and the others are available as an e-book free. Some of the articles are linked from elsewhere on the Honest History site also (search under ‘Inglis’).

Inglis’ article dated 24 April 1965 commences as follows:

As the sun rises tomorrow over the Dardanelles, some of the men who landed at Gallipoli fifty years ago will go ashore again, and for two days they will walk among the graves of men who landed beside them.

Further down in the same piece, Inglis quotes AG Keys, national secretary of the RSL, which organised the trip:

We believe the events at Gallipoli should be impressed on the imaginations of young Australians so that they will know the sacrifices others have made to keep our country free and independent.

Some things do not change.



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