How does Australia go to war? Book launch

How does Australia Go to War? is a new publication by Australians for War Powers Reform and it will be launched in Canberra on 24 June by Senator Scott Ludlam, Melissa Parke MP and Andrew Wilkie MP. The details of the launch are here. (Names need to be lodged by 21 June.)

The authors are Richard Broinowski, Douglas Newton, David Stephens, Michael McKinley, Alison Broinowski, Paul Barratt, Jeff Waters, Tony Kevin, Alan Patience, Richard Tanter, John Menadue and Pera Wells. The editor is Alison Broinowski and there is a foreword from the late Malcolm Fraser. The book argues that Parliament (not solely the Executive) should decide when we go to war and it presents relevant background and discussion.

10 June 2015
