Update 16 June 2020: National Archives continues to delay.
Update 3 June 2020: Chris Knaus in Guardian Australia on Archives’ disappointing first reaction.
Update 2 June 2020: Daniel Sleiman in Eureka Street.
Update 1 June 2020: Jenny Hocking in Pearls and Irritations.
Much in today’s press about the High Court decision. The decision in full.
A particularly useful short piece from Professor Anne Twomey in The Conversation. Professor Twomey reminds us that the National Archives still has a role to play.
The director-general of the National Archives responded to the High Court’s decision by stating the “National Archives is a pro-disclosure organisation” that operates on the basis of making records publicly available “unless there is a specific and compelling need to withhold it”.
It will be interesting to see what “compelling” needs it might identify.
Congratulations to Professor Jenny Hocking of Monash University for getting the struggle to this stage. Some earlier articles by Professor Hocking: Griffith Review 2020; Pearls and Irritations 2017; Pearls and Irritations 2016.
30 May 2020