Henley, Ben & Nerilie Abram: The three-minute story of 800,000 years of climate change with a sting in the tail

Ben Henley & Nerilie Abram

The three-minute story of 800,000 years of climate change with a sting in the tail‘, The Conversation, 13 June 2017

Includes a short video which puts recent climate change and carbon dioxide emissions into the context of the past 800 000 years. The article then succinctly presents evidence about the temperature-carbon dioxide link. It concludes:

The fundamental science is very well understood. The evidence that climate change is happening is abundant and clear. The difficult part is: what do we do next? More than ever, we need strong, cooperative and accountable leadership from politicians of all nations. Only then will we avoid the worst of climate change and adapt to the impacts we can’t halt.

And if you ask why we are running a world history item on an Australian history site, all we can say is ‘remember John Donne’.

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