‘U.S. allies are learning that Trump’s America is not the “indispensable nation”‘, Foreign Policy, 27 February 2017
U.S. allies are resigning themselves to the likelihood that Trump’s administration will remain unpredictable and often incoherent, if not downright hostile, in its foreign policy. And they are beginning to draw up contingency plans to protect their interests on trade and security, as they adapt to a world where strong American leadership is no longer assured.
The article commences by surveying attitudes in Europe – and reactions in Russia to attitudes in Europe – but then moves on to Asian opinion and international trade. The South China Sea gets a mention and a few paragraphs on Australia round out the article. The authors suggest some Australians feel ‘Canberra can no longer count on the United States for economic engagement or security in the Asia-Pacific’. The forthcoming Australian foreign policy White Paper is mentioned and there is a hint that Australia may look to regional partners, particularly Singapore, as it tries to carve out more of a role in an Asia where it sees China as its main economic partner. China’s decisions about its future security role in the region are also crucial.
The Honest History Book (forthcoming, April from NewSouth) includes a chapter by Alison Broinowski: ‘Australia’s tug of war: Militarism versus independence’. The chapter concludes that in the Trump era it is more necessary than ever for Australia to look to its own interests.