Daley, Paul: How do we settle the “statue wars”? Let’s start by telling the truth about our past

Paul Daley

How do we settle the “statue wars”? Let’s start by telling the truth about our past‘, Guardian Australia, 29 June 2018

The author says colonial-era statues, properly considered, can lead us towards an honest history. The article riffs off an Australian Heritage Council report on how to protect our historic places and monuments. Daley concludes about the degree to which ‘Australia’s commemorative landscape needs to change to reflect the diversity of who we are and, not least, the truth about our history. And after almost 120 years of post-colonial we should expect and encourage ever more “contested narratives”.’ For more on these issues, search the Honest History site, using search terms ‘Cook’, ‘Daley’, ‘monument’ and ‘statue’.

Paul Daley is among Honest History’s distinguished supporters. He also has a chapter in The Honest History Book; the chapter is called ‘Our most important war: The legacy of frontier conflict’.

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