Canberra’s Demos is a newish and feisty online voice with wide-ranging content

Honest History is always on the lookout for media outlets which take a punt and launch into new territory, particularly if the venture looks professional and takes – or facilitates – firm, evidence-based positions. (We try to do a bit of all of these things ourselves.)

the-ocean-is-at-its-best-today-2-e1441066052720-1024x907Reef in Thailand showing signs of bleaching (Lucienne Shenfield)

A newish website publishing material since September last year, Demos is based around ANU and run and written by a collective of students, mostly women. The best way into it is to go here and work backwards from May this year to September last. There are dozens of articles on subjects as diverse as paternalistic Australian policies, war poems by Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky, climate change, Kurds, universities, Palestine, queer history, feminism, Anzac, peace of mind, patriotism and Greece, plus poetry, photography and an interview with Senator Scott Ludlam.

Demos Journal set out to create something new: a community committed to deconstructing the key issues that define democracy today … Demos Journal is a project born from a space of collaboration between different activist groups in our local community. We found that in attempting to start a conversation together rather than working in isolation we could further our own social justice causes.

So said the initial blurb. Sounds good. Demos contains plenty of meaty content and it looks great. (As a plain vanilla site looks-wise HH is particularly envious about the latter.) We wish Demos every success and look forward to new material appearing.

20 June 2016

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